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Everything posted by casper

  1. I cant believe its survived this long, especially with our british weather. I have had a stray cat living in the garden since october and has survived the winter but for this little thing thats different. I hope its ok
  2. Tari, maybe not a cutie story but my 12 week old baby slept for the first time on her perch last night and it was so sweet to see. She is the most loving thing ever. She is full of cuddles, kisses and flys straight to me when she is out. I am all loved up. Only you grey lovers understand, I feel like a new mum with no one else to share all the sweet stories with {Love-0002011E}
  3. casper

    Re Voting

    Voted again:)
  4. I normally have inr piss on weekdays ending with y {Feel-good-0002006E} Hope you enjoyed yours Dave.
  5. More beautiful pictures and humour to go with them, you are a pick me up! Thankyou:) Caroline
  6. casper


    Just a quick update. Been to the vets with Keeko for a general check up and everything was fine. I got the vet to pluck the chest feathers out for me as I have a dna kit to send them off. I didnt fancy doing it myself and she didn't like it at all poor thing. Well, I think I have a little girl lets see in a week or so........
  7. Might have a sneaky look then without anyone knowing. By the way, what is the price of gold in China? Lol{Feel-good-0002006E}
  8. Judy, he will be showing most of his body and I am a married lady!
  9. Thats another box of kleenex I have gone through Graehstone! That is a wonderful story, thanks for sharing. Caroline:)
  10. casper


    I am going to try I promise, but you know me and technology they just dont seem to go together! Lol Poor Charlie and Keeko will be old birds by the time I get pics on. I will get some on my profile page if she stops flying round for two seconds!
  11. Great pics, thanks for sharing. Caroline
  12. Okay we will share them between us, what do you reckon Judy,Tracy, maybe six each?
  13. What can I say? A beautiful story and a beautiful bird. Karma to you. Caroline
  14. Happy hatch day Alcazar. Time goes so quickly, Charlie will turn 1 in a few weeks as well. He has started talking and sounds like Mr Bean! lol Caroline
  15. casper


    That was the saddest thing Ive seen in a long time, I am sat in tears. I hope people will learn from this and it never happens to anyone else.
  16. casper


    Hello everyone, I am bringing a new baby to our family who we have called Keeko. We dont know if she is a girl or not yet but she is so sweet natured and until we get a dna test she will be known as a girl. I brought her home yesterday and was told she was 14 weeks, just been in touch with the breeder and her hatch date was Feb 14th, how sweet a valentines baby, so she is a bit younger than I thought. I am totally in love. It feels like having your second child. I feel so blessed to have her and with the experience gained from Charlie and this forum look forward to life with this baby. My birdie family now feels complete!
  17. Its my turn everyone, its struck another one of us!!! I am now the proud owner of a 14 week old baby who is adorable, I am in love for a second time. I only brought her home this evening and she is a bit nervous as to be expected but has eaten more than Charlie and let all of us have a big cuddle. Im not over popular with the hubby at the moment, I think he was thinking of what motorbike bits he could have bought with the money but grey lovers how could I resist? Caroline
  18. You beat me to it Mark. Just checked out what Judy said, Make sure they are home grown or organic these are fine.
  19. Happy birthday to Sammy. Great picture Tracy, I want a birthday card like that!
  20. Hello and welcome to the forum Joel, I am sure you will enjoy it here and will have lots of grey owners to talk to about Gizmo. Great name, my 2 year old chinchilla shares the same name. Look forward to hearing more from you. Caroline
  21. Hi Tmeilicke and welcome here at the forum. I have a cag who is also 11 months old, I also keep chinchillas like yourself. Look forward to hearing more from you, hope you enjoy it here. Caroline
  22. Carol, this is great news, I am so pleased for you all. Have a good weekend with Bobby and update us on Monday to let us know how his checkup has gone. Love to Bobby. Caroline x
  23. Congratulations Amanda, you must be really excited about your two babies! Cant wait to see pictures and find out what you will be calling them. Caroline;)
  24. You could feed your grey red palm oil, this can improve the condition of feathers. I feed mine 1/2 teaspoon mixed in with his food daily. There are threads on here about the palm oil, when you get chance Carol try and have a read. Caroline.
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