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Everything posted by casper

  1. casper


    Could you give anymore details about the greys. How old are they? Are they both in the same cage or seperate ones? How long have you had them etc. This would help eveyone to give you some advice. Caroline.
  2. casper


    Di, I got the same toy from there but Charlie never really played with it so I took it out anyway. I have not had any other problems with chains so far, and hopefully wont but I would take them out when you go to work just to be on the safe side, if you still want Monty to play with it just make sure he is supervised.
  3. Hello and welcome to the forum. Are you from Leeds UK? If so I am as well. Look forward to hearing about your two greys, double the trouble! Caroline
  4. Great pictures again Tracy. She looks like she is having fun there. Your brave leaving your laptop there,Keeko has chewed half my keys off now!
  5. I dont think you are doing anything wrong. Remember they are like children and will go through different phases! My one year old is a completely different grey to my youngest, he likes his independence where as the other one is still going through the cuddly stage. Maybe it is the terrible twos starting and hopefully this stage will pass! You have tried everthing I would have suggested, covering them up, ignoring them when they scream, I know how loud they can be when they start and it can be really noisy! Try to carry on as normal, maybe introduce new activities to gain their interest. Keep us updated and I hope someone can advise you more on greys of a similar age. Caroline:)
  6. Sorry I wish I could help. It must drive you mad! I also have two greys but they are younger than yours. One is just over a year and the other is 5 months. I do find if one starts screaming, the other one will join in! I hope this isnt what ive got to look forward to :ohmy: Some of the other members have more than one grey who are about the same age as yours, I hope they can give you some good advice and hopefully give your ears a rest. Good luck.
  7. I have two greys, one of them I am quite happy to have on my shoulder and trust him not to bite, but the other one can give a nasty bite! Each bird is different and only you will know your birds personality and what they are capable of. Also it depends if you have had a bad bite or not as this puts you on your guard as its only then that you realise the damage they can do.
  8. Great picture Tracy She is getting soooo big!!!
  9. I also cover my greys but this still happens, just not as often, it is usually in the middle of the night and he has damaged his flight feathers a couple of times. I remember reading it can be common with some greys, I will read up again and get back to you, see if there is anything else that can help. Do you have any other pets that could be waking your grey?
  10. Hi tarnold, my eldest grey Charlie suffers with night frights, we use a night light near his cage one of the plug in types you use for children. This has helped a little bit but he does still get the odd one for no obvious reason. Try one if you dont already, hopefully it might help a little.
  11. I dont think this is a good idea at all! What if a noise startles him and he has an accident? I believe all greys should be supervised when they have out time of there cage, unless of course you have a bird room which is completely safe.
  12. Both of mine go mad when they see the bag of pine nuts! These are a great treat while training.
  13. A couple of other things to consider, the hours you work, is your bird going to be left for long periods of time alone? Vacations/Holidays, do you know anyone experienced enough to look after a grey as there are many things someone would need to know and some greys are not good around strangers. Spend time reading through the different threads on here about owning a grey, its always best to do your research or speak to someone who owns one. Good luck. Caroline.
  14. I paid £800.00 for my first and £750.00 for the youngest. The price depends on where you buy your bird from, either pet shop,breeder or private sale. Also on the age of the bird.
  15. What a cutie! Every reason for you to stay with us and share your stories about Chloe;)
  16. Mel, my youngest grey is about 5 months old now and he also does the same thing! He has done this for the last month or so. Its like he gulps to much water down to quickly then brings it back up! My grey is healthy and I have no other problems with him hopefully yours is just taking in far to much water! I would just keep a close eye for any other changes and if you are concerned at all consult your vet. Caroline
  17. casper

    good bye

    I hope you decide to stay on the forum. I would love to hear more about Chloe as Im sure the other members would as well. Even though most of us on here only have Grey's we are always interested in other birds and we would love to still have you as a member.
  18. Hi Mark and Yogi and welcome. What a lovely picture of Yogi He sounds a real character. Look forward to hearing more about him. Caroline;)
  19. I agree with the DNA testing. I was convinced my youngest grey was female but after having the test done the result came back HE is a male! My vet plucked out the feathers for me and Keeko seemed fine with no problems afterwards.
  20. Siobhan, I have seen they do different sizes, what size did you get?
  21. Will get price Mark at Northern parrots first then give you a pm and let you know. Thanks for offer though. I hope it works well with Max.
  22. Hi Mark, where did you get it and what size did you get? I have seen them in Northern parrots. I am going to get one for Keeko as he lets me do just about anything. Let us know how you get on with Max,hopefully it will be better than the feather tether.
  23. Bedroom perches mmmmmmmm!!!
  24. Thats all well and good Tracy but what do you have in the birdroom? {Feel-good-0002006E}
  25. Hiya Di welcome back and I hope you had a great holiday. I think we are all excited and cant wait to see pictures of your new baby. With all the research you have done you are going to be a great bird mom so dont be worrying about anything, you know where we are if you need to ask questions. Counting down the days...... Caroline:)
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