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Everything posted by casper

  1. Hi Ryann and welcome to the forum. I only have pet Greys so cant help with the breeding but other members on here have experience and can hopefully give you some advice. Caroline.
  2. Hi Steve, I am pleased that Alfie is enjoying his food. Caroline.
  3. Karma to you Dave. What a difference, I cant believe its the same bird. I think you are all such great people with big hearts for taking in a rescue bird. It is something I will consider in the future.
  4. Cant wait to see the little baby pictures! {Love-0002011D}
  5. My youngest Keeko I feel was weaned to young. He was such a fussy eater. He has only just started to eat his meals properly and he is 7 months. Just keep trying. He now loves different fruits in the morning and his favourites on an evening are, mashed sweet potatoes, pulses, brown rice selection of veggies mixed in with these goes down a treat. Lovemygreys has done some recipes on here if you find the thread, she has also done lists of what to feed your grey, these really helped me with Keeko. They also love sugarsnap peas and pomegranate seeds. Keep us posted and let us know how you get on. Caroline.
  6. I wish I could do that job. Why cant it be in the UK
  7. Julie, most greys do this. Does it look like shivering? They can do this when they are nervous or when they are excited. Is it just the chest area?
  8. Have you even tried sweet potatoes? I mash these and it always goes down a treat! Mine dont like baby food either How old is your grey? What food does he like?
  9. Thankyou for getting back to us! I will stick with the good old newspaper, might play that game as well!
  10. At least I have managed to get a picture on at last! About time lol!
  11. Hello and welcome to you both. Look forward to hearing more about your grey.
  12. Lol Dan :laugh: That looks just like my door casing at the moment! Cheeky Keeko has taken a liking to home furnishings and wallpaper!:evil:
  13. They are great pictures! I wish I could get my two in the shower its bad enough giving them a good old misting!
  14. I wonder why he hated the ex girlfriend? Did she do something to upset him? Some people believe that greys bond to the opposite sex but this is not true in all cases. Other members have greys of the same sex and dont have any problems. A month is still early days,spend time sitting next to his cage and just talking to him, offer him treats and just try to build up some trust. You have got to remember, even though he may have been neglected that was his home and what he was used to. The plucking issue, has he plucked since he has been with you? Have you taken him for a check at the vets? It could have been due to stress or boredom if he had been neglected, get him registered with a good avian vet and maybe give them a ring for some advice on taking him for a check up. I hope things will work out fine for you both, others will offer more advice and read through all the threads on here that may help you.
  15. Hi Julie, How long have you had charlie? Has he been Dna'd a male? just a couple of questions that will help everyone give you some advice. Do you know about his past? Was he mistreated in anyway? Caroline.
  16. casper

    Preening me!

  17. Fairymyst they are great pictures, I love the baby noises on the videos. Keep posting so we can see the changes every week. Like the names as well.
  18. My greys always have pellets and seeds available all day, they get there fresh fruit in the morning and their veg, pulses etc in the evening normally when we have our meal.
  19. This is all very interesting as I have always used newspaper as well without any worries! She, could you let me know what your vet says about it please? Caroline:S
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