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Everything posted by casper

  1. Susan, what a great video, Chloe is beautiful! I also love your ropes and toys for her. Mmm might have to look into something like that for mine. Thanks for sharing.
  2. What beautiful pictures. Thankyou for sharing those with us
  3. Hi Jamricka and welcome to the forum. Do you have any pictures of Layla? We would love to see some. I have two greys, Charlie is 15 months and Keeko is about 7 months now. Cant wait to hear more about your grey. Caroline:)
  4. Pat, thanks for the great update on Tyco. All I can say is thank goodness there are people like you out there. Imagine if you had never rescued Tyco what kind of life she would have had! She sounds like she has come such a long way since you rescued her. It must be so rewarding for you to see such a change and its all down to you I am proud of my boys and they are not rescues so I can only imagine what it feels like to see the progress you have made! Keep us updated and Karma to you for your kind heart. Caroline:)
  5. My eldest grey Charlie is like this near his cage. Take him away from it and he is fine. Like Suzzique said, they can be very territorial about there cages. Is this the first time he has done this though? Have there been any other changes with him? How long have you had the other grey for? Is the other grey new? Could it be to do with your other grey?
  6. Hi Tony and welcome to the forum. Look forward to hearing about both of your greys. How long have you had the older one for? Do they both get along together? Post some pics when you get chance. Caroline:)
  7. Beautiful pictures of your birds and your Granddaughter.
  8. That is the sweetest picture ever! How could he get mad for that?
  9. casper

    Indy talks!

    How clever, a phrase as well! There will be no stopping Indy now! Best buy some ear plugs:)
  10. Hello Streetrida and welcome to the forum. Good for you doing lots of research as there is so much to learn about these wonderful birds. When are you planning on buying your first grey? Caroline
  11. Thaks for the update Haggis. Glad the babies are doing well. Make sure you keep posting and letting us know about their progress. Caroline
  12. Thankyou Dave. These are things that every bird owner should be aware of. Karma to you. It could help to save a birds life. Caroline:)
  13. Great news about the plucking, lets keep our fingers crossed things are going to be just fine. Caroline:)
  14. Charlie the eldest grey goes in when you tell him. But the youngest Keeko usually gives me the run around for five minutes then I have to pick him up to put him in. Have you tried to coax him in with a favourite treat? Find out what he likes best and only save this if its time to go back in his cage.
  15. Julie, Charlie is beautiful! You did well posting your first pic, it nearly took me a year LOL. Thanks for sharing Charlie with us. Caroline:)
  16. I am so sorry, I cant find any words to comfort you or make you feel any better at this moment. Remember time is a great healer. My thoughts are with you. Caroline.
  17. Great work Detective Judy {Characters-0002005F}
  18. Hi everyone, Just a quick question to people with older greys. Charlie is 15 months now. He went through his first molt at the start of the year which seemed to go on for a few months. The last couple of days I have found quite a few grey feathers on the bottom of his cage and he has just shook now and a larger one has fallen out. Could this be another molt or is it to early? Not noticed any plucking or change in any other way. Thanks Caroline:)
  19. I always get these wrong and Judy will be laughing at me again:laugh: I say MALE!
  20. Julie, I am so pleased for you. I can tell in your post how happy you are. Its great that he has come out of his cage, never mind play with you as well!Also the step up is a really good thing as he is getting used to you touching him and may need to be used in case of an emergency. Keep up the good work, you are doing great with Charlie. Caroline:)
  21. Siobhan, that picture is one of the best! Cant wait to catch my two like that. Its lovely when they cuddle together
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