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Everything posted by casper

  1. Wishing you a speedy recovery Toni. Im glad you are making good progress. Cant wait for the cart wheel video!
  2. You have read my mind Carolyn! I was only thinking about this the other day. Last year I only had Charlie, he was fine with the tree but Christmas day morning he freaked with the presents and wrapping paper when my kids opened their presents. This year now I have Keeko, I am also short on space with having two cages in the room. I think we will be decorating a tree in the garden lol! My husband is a scrooge and when I mentioned this he said we can just do without! It wouldnt be the same though would it? Will have to get my thinking cap on. Caroline.
  3. Hi Shelly and welcome to the forum. Wow, lots of bird experience, thats great, Im sure you will be a great member with lots of good advice for us all. Caroline:)
  4. Hello Andrew and welcome to the forum. Sam sounds quite a character! My eldest grey will laugh with us as well if the telly is on! They are funny! Hope you enjoy it here. Caroline:)
  5. Just phoned and spoke to the owner of Captain, the Grey found the other day has been claimed by someone else. It wasnt Captain:( He is absolutely heartbroken at the loss of his bird which has been missing for 10 days now. I have told him as a forum we will do all we can to help. Will need all of you in Essex to look out for any posters or any adds in papers which may give us a lead. Also just a thought we could try and keep this thread running for a bit to keep it on the screen in case anyone finds a Grey and maybe looks on here. I pray his Grey is found, he was really shocked I had rung him from so many miles away and that people were trying to help and had an interest in finding his baby. Lets hope Captain is well and in safe hands. My thoughts and prayers will be with them! If anyone hears anything could you please let me know. Caroline.
  6. Welcome to the forum bluekkiwi, I hope you find your dream grey.
  7. He is so sweet! Thankyou for sharing that video with us:)
  8. How old is Gizmo? Did he have access to food before 12.30? Even though we sometimes dont go to bed until later, we cover the birds at the normal time and dim the lights, there is usually just the light from the laptop. My birds wake up early every morning and this is normally when a bird will be at its most hungriest. Gizmo may have been fed up for this reason.
  9. My youngest grey Keeko does this. I have not trained him to do so but he dosent like pooping in his cage! Ive read that some greys dont. As soon as you let him out you know what is coming! Thing is he always wants to cuddle me as soon as he is out. Luckily ive not had the big bomb on the head, YET!:sick:
  10. Hi OlBenny and welcome to the forum. How long have you had your grey and how old is she? Look forward to reading more about her. Caroline:)
  11. Tigger is such a beautiful colour! He sounds like he has settled in really well. Thanks for sharing.
  12. No fear! My eldest grey Charlie is known to bite, when he does I hold my finger still and dont pull away as this makes it worse! Like nims said, dont show any reaction. After tell them no bite in a firm voice! Remember they can sense any fear and will bite more!
  13. Hey! Nothing wrong with the name Casper for a girl! Ive had the nickname for years and last time I looked I was all woman!:laugh: Seriously the name suits both Male and Female. Love the picture;)
  14. I was wrong again! Congratulations, look after your beautiful little girl! She is lovely:)
  15. Thanks for ringing Steve, lets hope we have some good news 2moz!
  16. The grey is now being looked after, I have the details and just need Steve to come online now! Hurry up Steve! A Big thankyou to Michelle who found the grey, I will keep you updated if I hear anything else. She has asked me to phone her if we find the owners to let her know the outcome.
  17. Just to let everone know, Michelle has contacted the RSPCA to look after the grey until the owners can be found. I hope Steve gets in touch on here soon and we may be able to reunite the grey with its owners. Lets hope we can! If anyone sees him online will they get him to check his private messages and give me a ring!
  18. Steve, I have sent you a private message with my phone number, could you ring me regarding this found grey please so I can give the details to John! Caroline
  19. Lets hope there is a good ending to this story everyone.
  20. Michelle update us After you have phoned John if you can. My name is Caroline, I am the lady who phoned you.
  21. casper


    I have had the same problem over the last couple of weeks. I have still fed them in the cages but cleaned them down as soon as possible and removed the bowls and paper as soon as. They seem to have gone now though.
  22. Hi Di, hope you and Monty are both fine. They are great pictures of Monty, he looks like he is enjoying himself there. Great idea! Alot cheaper than playstands as well! Caroline:)
  23. Hello Bren and welcome to the Forum. Cant wait to hear more about Dakota and the rest of your flock. Caroline
  24. Tony, I use a mister with my two, it just gives off a fine mist. I do this a few times a week then let them dry off naturally. My youngest Keeko will go into a dish of water as well for a splash around, but Charlie is not that keen! Try different things and see what yours prefer. Other members buy shower perches and take them in the shower with them. Good luck, keep us updated. Caroline:)
  25. Thanks Talon for the new rooms, this is a great idea and will be really useful for all of us.
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