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Everything posted by casper

  1. Siobhan, you are not leaving the forum are you? I hope not, you have been a great asset here and you would be missed.
  2. Tracy, I feel really sad about this announcement. You have helped many members on this forum (especially me) and I for one will miss you and your posts. Your knowledge of greys has been such a big contribution on here. You will missed by many people, I hope you will still be staying on the forum. Caroline:
  3. casper


  4. I love this sleep hut. What a great idea! I can just imagine two of mine though if I tried to put one in their cages the big softies. I hope Darcy enjoys his new bed.
  5. Hi everyone, Just wanted to know about other people who have a few birds like me and are joined on with their neighbours. Have you had any complaints from them, if so what happened? Now I have three greys, they have their moments a few times a day when they all start schreeching! Wow, what a racket they can make! Each time I have gone to buy a new bird I have always gone to see them first, they have always said they dont mind a bit and even come to visit the birds sometimes. I try to uncover them a bit later on a weekend so it gives the neighbours a lay in and when I am home the birds are out and they are normally quieter then. I hope they dont complain and I dont know where I would stand with the noise! I need to win the lottery and buy a big detatched house! But until I do, should I ask if everything is ok instead of worrying and maybe soundproof the walls! Caroline;)
  6. They are great pictures! He looks like he was having a great time!
  7. They are great pictures! How did you get him to stay still for his photo shoot?
  8. Thanks for sharing those with us Pat. With your love and care he will be on top form in no time. I think he is lovely.
  9. Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos of Ceasar. They are beautiful pictures!
  10. Tiff, Im so glad that Aries fully recovered. My poor Charlie never did. His flights took a good couple of months to grow back and when they did it was as though he had lost the ability to fly. he crash lands all the time now which results in losing the flights as quick as they grow. He asks to be carried around everywhere. He changed from being a confident bird into a very nervous one. We have to be careful what noise we make or vibrations etc! I know all this sounds silly but all this happened back in February and he still cant fly now. The new birds have brought him out of himself a lot and he loves their company, he is now my special needs bird and I love him to bits. Thats why I couldnt leave him and go on a family holiday this year, seems drastic but I have put a lot into Charlie and he only trusts me to handle him. Thats how needy he is right now. This may change in time, I hope it does, if not I will always be here for him and will love him unconditionally no matter what:)
  11. I agree with She. I wouldnt make drastic changes Di if Monty is not plucking and seems happy in his routine. I cover my birds about half an hour before I want them to settle and leave the front pulled back so they can still see us, then I dim the lights before covering totally, they usually settle within 10 mins. The birds are in the same room as us on an evening and I dont have any problems. Mine prefer to be covered but I know other people on here dont cover and that works as well for them. Maybe still have him out for a cuddle but put him to bed a bit earlier. You do what feels right for you and Monty, he looks like such a happy, confident bird.
  12. My thoughts are with you Yvette. Will look out for any news when you can. Safe journey Caroline:)
  13. They are beautiful pictures, what an adorable baby:)
  14. Welcome to you all! My latest Grey was hatched 14th May, will be great to see how they both progress! Hope you all enjoy it here, Harvey is beautiful.
  15. Great pictures! Baxter is a beauty! I love the cage and I bet you are so pleased you had no problems getting Baxter to go in there!
  16. Well, its taken a couple of weeks but we seem to have sorted the diet issue ! Jasper is now on Harrisons and Zupreem fruitblend. The wet seed has gone altogether! He eats a great varied diet, I have had no problems with his other foods so I am pleased with the outcome. Wish my other two ate as good as he does now!
  17. casper


    Liefie looks so well in that picture. You have done a great job! Hope everything turns out ok for you and your family. Safe journey and keep us updated. Caroline
  18. Pippin is so beautiful, thanks for sharing her with us:)
  19. casper

    It's A Girl!

    Congratulations! It took me a few weeks to name my latest grey, it was so difficult! Look through name books and I found lots of sites on the net with parrot names. Depends if you want something unusual or traditional? Try and learn your babies personality and get something to match! Good luck:)
  20. Well hello Marie, dont worry I get confused as well! My name is Caroline but have been known as Casper for years by my friends.
  21. Great pictures! Who needs a guard dog when you have got a grey! My three would cause a riot, they make enough mess when Im in never mind if I left them when they went out! The youngest two dont get on so well so wouldnt be able to anyway. Love all your pictures, keep them coming. Karma to you:)
  22. We share the same room as the Greys in the evening. About half an hour before they go to sleep around 8.45. we put the covers half way over the cages, then once they have settled we fully cover and dim the lights. We then sit listening to three seperate beaks grinding away! Everyone will have different routines due to their work commitments, lifestyle etc, you just have to find what works for you and your birds. Mine seem happy enough and on average get about 10 hours sleep. On a weekend they get a bit more than this (and I get an extra hour in bed)
  23. What beautiful birds you have! What a difference in the two pictures! Well done you have given her another chance of life! I cant believe someone would treat her like that! Putting her in a laundry room!
  24. She, I totally agree with you, they should be at displays only. The fireworks have started round here already and will go on for weeks! I also leave the telly on a bit louder but you get the idiots letting them off at 2oclock in the morning! I am just hoping the greys will be ok.
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