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Everything posted by casper

  1. Firstly let me say, I fully understand how you are feeling with the noise! I am going through the same thing with three of them at the moment! There is nothing you can really do to stop the noise except to ignore it and dont react to it at all. Please dont let this affect your relationship, I can imagine you were fed up with this but dont change things, still give him his bed time snack and carry on as you have normally been doing. He is young and this will hopefully be a phase which will stop! My eldest grey who talks all day dosent do the schreeching as much, hang in there and please dont regret owning your grey! Sorry I couldnt give you a solution, I hope you work things out. Caroline
  2. I have three greys, the first two are great friends and have bonded really well, the middle one does not get on with the youngest but will tolerate him. I dont think you can ever say know for sure what birds are likely to get on but mine all love talking away to each other as they are in the same room, they definetly keep each other company. Caroline;)
  3. This is great news, no wonder you are so pleased! Its a wonderful feeling when they start to build trust with you. Pictures please!!! Caroline
  4. casper


    Lynette, It is something your grey will definetly learn over time. He is still really young and will have to learn co-ordination and balance. My youngest is 22 weeks and has just learned how to balance properly to eat his sugar snaps or hold any toys. I can see the difference between all my greys who are different ages. Its all down to experience and learning which he will soon do. Caroline:)
  5. Hi sarahli, You will find that most greys will yawn, mine certainly do anyway so if he is well in his self and the ears look clean, no discharge, scratching or feathers missing round the ears I dont think you have anything to worry about. My greys take about the same time as yours to settle. They all climb around their cages and one of them always scratches the bottom which is normal as well. Caroline.
  6. How exciting! I bet you wont be getting any sleep the next couple of days! cant wait to hear how she settles in, dont forget to get some pictures for us. Caroline
  7. casper

    New baby

    Hi Alba and welcome here. Cant wait to hear more about your new baby. Congratulations, would love to see some pictures;) Caroline.
  8. Take oliver round and show him the windows and mirrors by tapping on them and showing him. Luvparrots has given good advice about the decals on the windows, I put up voile curtains to stop them flying into them. he will soon learn his flying skills but will have a few bumpy landings on the way!
  9. Welcome to the forum, we love pics on here, would love to see some of Oliver when you have time. Hope you enjoy it here. Caroline:)
  10. Dont ever feel like you are asking dumb questions! Everyone of us on here is always learning something new! I have three greys and that dosent make me any better than anyone else on here! I still get lots of help from other members of the forum. I think its great when people ask lots of questions, it shows how much you care about your grey and want to get it right! Karma to you for asking! Caroline.
  11. They are super pictures! I really must get some of mine in flight. Thankyou for sharing:)
  12. Its important to get the bird to step up onto your fingers in case you have to move the bird in an emergency situation! I normally say the birds name followed by up. For example my eldest grey Charlie I would hold my fingers ready for him to step and say "Charlie up" Other people use different commands, as long as the bird understands, chose something and stick with it. Try him on a playstand in a neutral area maybe away from the cage, use one of his favourite treats, I am teaching my youngest at the moment and still practice with my other two as well. Caroline
  13. My greys are in the living room where we stay up and watch tv. I cover them while we are watching tv, I put the covers over the top of the cages with the front open for about half an hour, this normally settles them then totally cover and dim the lights while we watch tv. This works for us and they all settle and we dont have any problems with this. Its just getting in a routine which works for you and your bird.
  14. Welcome ANNABELLA!!! Love the name and the pictures are like always brilliant!! Caroline:)
  15. Hi EFGriffith, Congratulations on your new baby! My latest grey is about the same age as yours, maybe a couple of weeks older. He was very bonded to the breeder and we have had biting and diet issues with him. When I brought him home, he was only eating seed which had to be softened by soaking in water. Over the last two weeks, I gradually added soaked pellets to his seed then reduced the water. He now eats pellets only and Zupreem fruitblend. He has been introduced to different veggies and fruit, if he didnt eat them out the bowl I would sit and hand feed them to him. For the bathing issue I use a fine mister, I dont know what you use but I find mine prefer this. The other two greys get misted on their playstand but I had to mist jasper in his cage to start off with, he didnt seem to mind it to much! Try get some cement perches to keep the nails trimmed, I use these with all my three and find they work really well. I put one near their main feeding bowl so I know it will get used on a daily basis. Your grey is only young and will get used to things in time. I hope some of this will of helped. Caroline:)
  16. casper

    Meet Jack

    What a wonderful Too! He looks so happy outside!
  17. I like Ollie, that was the other name choice I had before i named my new baby jasper. Good luck on deciding a new name! Its so hard!
  18. Yes Sammy is beautiful! Thankyou for sharing those wonderful pictures with us! Caroline:)
  19. Congratulations Carolyn, Im sure you will do a brilliant job! Caroline:)
  20. What a beautiful Tag you have there. Thankyou for sharing that lovely picture with us. Caroline:)
  21. Well done to you both! They were all great pictures!
  22. Hiya salsmum, Welcome to the forum, we are all very friendly and feel free to ask as many questions as you wish. My latest grey is 5 months old and hand tame. When I went to view the bird I asked questions about the birds diet which is really important! Has the bird been fully weaned, what does it eat. Check the bird looks healthy, check the eyes and nares for any discharge. Also look around the vent area and check this is clean! The bird may come to you but there again will be nervous as you will be a stranger. Lots of owners on here have Timnehs as well as Congos and as far as I know there is no difference in aggression. Good luck and let us all know how your visist goes. Caroline
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