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Everything posted by casper

  1. Welcome to the forum congogrey. Sorry to hear you lost your first grey, you must have been heartbroken! How old is your new grey? Cant wait to hear more about you both. Caroline:)
  2. Hi Di, Monty always looks a very healthy and happy grey! You can see in his pictures he is very active. My greys are the same some days they can pick at their food and it seems like they are not eating much! Lets hope everything comes back okay, I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you and Monty. Please keep us posted and let us know what happens. Caroline
  3. Oh Im laughing but that is so not funny! I couldnt imagine EVER having the morning bomb on my head!:sick: Out of three greys I only let one perch on my shoulder! The other two are just a bit nippy for my liking around the earlobes! You will learn what you can trust your bird to do! Everybodys grey's are different. Your grey obviously loves you very much:kiss:
  4. What a beautiful picture! Chloe loves that new swing! Did she take to it straight away?
  5. Welcome Wingnut, its great you could join us here! Cant wait to hear more about you and your grey. Caroline:)
  6. Forgot to say, Erika has given great advice and has been there and experienced with her flock. Karma to Erika:)
  7. Congratulations on your beautiful new grey Ice. I have three greys and have gone through the process twice on introducing a new member to the flock! Each time I have brought a new grey home the other/s adjusted really well. I let them have seperate out time to start with obviously keeping the older bird first in everything! Then they were gradually introduced for short periods of time. If possible try and have a playstand for each bird to hangout just in case they prefer to stay in their own space. As far as the diet and training goes, give Ice time to settle in before making any drastic changes. My last grey was on a terrible diet, I left him a couple of weeks then managed to wean him slowly from wet seed on to a pellet diet, with lots of fruit and veggies. I hope everything goes well for you, just be patient and go at your birds pace. Caroline
  8. Hiya and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on bringing your new baby home. You will find lots of help and advice in our Nursery room which I am sure you will find really useful. Please read through the threads and post some pictures of your new arrival to the family! We also have a training room which will help out once your baby has settled in. Glad you have joined us:) Caroline
  9. Linda, I can tell by your post how much thought has gone into this. This bird has chosen you for sure and there is something between you and the bird already. I have three greys and learn to balance my time between each and everyone. They all have different needs and i manage to give them all quality one on one time as well as letting them socialize together. I dont feel anyone of mine lacks attention in any way at all. Like Judy said, go with your gut instinct! You have thought about everything else. Good luck and keep us posted. Caroline
  10. Hiya Christian, love the one where he is sleeping! What a beautiful looking grey. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
  11. Hiya Michelle and Ruby, welcome to the forum! There is always something new to learn about our wonderful greys, I hope you find the site really useful. Cant wait to see some pictures.
  12. Congratulations Pat! I would take your time as well, see how he settles in, it wont do any harm to leave him a bit longer. Cant wait to hear more about Gizmo, he is one lucky bird to have you as his mum!
  13. Jen, Congratulations! Are you ready for all those sleepless nights now as birdmom! Make sure you keep updating us and posting lots of pictures! Caroline:)
  14. Hiya Christian, Its nice to see you back on the forum. How old is Gatiep now? Would love to hear about his progress and see some pictures. Welcome back:)
  15. casper

    nutri puffs

    Charlie loves these! I havn't given him any for a while but just got hold of some this week. I will see if there is any difference after he has had them.
  16. Tiff, I hope they find their loved one. Let us know if you hear anything.
  17. My thoughts are with you as well. I pray the outcome will be a different one as well. We will all be here for you whenever you need us:)
  18. I think I will try the vinegar, I spend so much on cleaners a month! How much vinegar to water? Pat, is this fine on all their cages and perches?
  19. I got this by accident, I was trying to get a good picture of Charlie and Keeko decided to fly in! I will get a good flighted shot one of these days!
  20. Just wanted to share, Charlie my eldest and Keeko.
  21. That sure is a freaky picture but I love it! How weird you took that just before halloween! Must show my kids when they get in from school. Great picture! {Holidays-0002012B}
  22. Tui is beautiful! Looks just like a proper photo shoot! Love them!
  23. Lol Dan! Thats when the fun begins! Great picture, such a cutie:)
  24. They are my cheeky boys! I love that one as well, they are full of mischief! They keep me on my toes thats for sure!
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