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Everything posted by casper

  1. casper


    I agree with Pat, she has given some good advice! Even though my greys are out for hours some days, I always spend a small amount of time doing some basic training, playing, giving treats etc. This dosent have to be alot of time if you have a busy schedule, try to make 5-10 minutes then build this up when Skittles feels more at ease with this and time allows. I hope things work out for you and Skittles, I am sure they will. Please keep us updated, good luck. Caroline.
  2. Yvette I am truly sorry for your loss. I know at this time there are no words that can take away the pain you must be feeling but I just want you to know, I am here as well as your other friends on this forum, any time you need to talk you know where to find us. My thoughts and prayers are also with you at this sad time. Caroline x
  3. I am so pleased for you! Its only natural you feeling a bit nervous but it sounds like George is settling in well. It might take George a couple of days to be more vocal! This is normal as he is just getting used to his new surroundings! Just take things slowly with him, he may just be happy watching you for a couple of days before he ventures out. I am so excited for you, you will be a great parront to George.
  4. Marie hows things? How did your first night go? Hope george is settling in ok, keep us all posted.
  5. Val, I am sorry to hear your baby is Has sour crop but at least you have discovered the problem by going to the vets and now you have the correct meds, once they kick in lets hope your baby will soon be well! Has your grey lost anymore weight? Caroline.
  6. Great idea Carolyn! I am going to have to make some for my boys! I am sure they will love playing with these!
  7. Hiya Ralph, Welcome to the forum and may I congratulate you on the lovely baby Spencer. Its so exciting to prepare for the arrival of your new grey! It must be as I have done this three times now! Make sure you look through the different threads and take a look at the Nursery room which has great information to help you with your new bundle of joy. Please keep us updated and if you manage to get some photos, we would love to see them! Caroline.
  8. Hello and welcome to the Forum Ruby1. Cant wait to hear more about the rest of your flock. Have a look round the different rooms we have, full of advice and information I am sure you will find useful with your new Tag. Caroline:)
  9. I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself to all the fantastic members on here just to give you all an insight into my experience with my beautiful boys! My real name is Caroline and I have been a member of this wonderful forum for approx a year now. I have met some Great people on here, met lots of good friends and the experience I have gained on here from members old and new has been out of this world! I own three beautiful greys. My eldest grey Charlie is 16 months old, Keeko 8 months and my latest addition Jasper is 5 months. My greys are my world! They mean so much to me I cant begin to even explain! But as grey owners you know where I am coming from! My boys were all 12 weeks old when I brought each one home. I for one know the importance of looking after these wonderful birds from an early age! I plan on sharing my experiences with members of the forum with their new bundles of joy! There is nothing better than sharing those new moments with someone who understands and wants to listen, exchanging ideas, guiding people through those early days when not only can it be exciting, but people have concerns or just want to shout about something new their baby has done that day! Nothing is to small, I am here to try and help anyone or just to listen! Things wont happen in the Nursery room overnight, but with everyones input, research, reading but most importantly the first hand experience with my boys I will try to cover everything I can! Those early days with our babies are so important! The way we interact with these birds at such a young age I personally feel sets them up for the rest of their life, which to me is such an important factor of grey ownership, I am blessed to have three happy, sociable loving greys! Please post in the Nursery room and share with everyone on the forum! I understand some people maybe dont like to post every concern they may have, please feel free to pm me, I am on this forum at least twice a day. I feel very proud to be a member here, and would like to thank everyone for their continued support, posts, photos etc! The members make this forum the best Grey forum around! A special thankyou to Talon, for opening new doors and giving me such a great opportunity to share with people. Thankyou for reading. Caroline:)
  10. Lol, thats funny Carolyn. I cant have three sat at the table (there would be no room for us!) I normally share my lunch with the middle grey Keeko, he is the cheeky one! He will just fly over and make himself at home! Its a bit of a nightmare when I am trying to eat something they are not allowed! I have to do this when they are away in their cages. And yes, all of mine love pasta! Its a favourite in our house! Caroline
  11. I also get mine from there Sheila, let me know if you do find anywhere else that is cheaper in the UK. If we can save some money that would be great! caroline:)
  12. So glad this has worked for you Sheila! Its great when we can find a solution which makes life easier and safer for all concerned! Cracker must be so much happier now and can get more out of cage time and like you say it will make things a lot better for you as well! Caroline:)
  13. Poppy, at last! The day has arrived! Cant wait to find out how everything goes! When you get a chance, please update us and tell us every detail! Remember, we are here if you need anything! Good luck:) Caroline.
  14. What a fantastic looking cage! Lots of space for Rikki in there thats for sure! Rikki sounds as though she is well adjusted to the cage! I wish two of mine would be as easy to change! If I change a perch or a toy we have major sulks for a couple of weeks. I am glad everything has worked out well and Rikki has a beautiful new Mansion to live in:) Caroline
  15. Hello Ste and welcome to the forum. You have certainly come to the right place for information Ste, I am sure you will enjoy it here and find it really useful for those two beautiful new greys! Look forward to hearing more about them both. Caroline:)
  16. The lamp picture is so funny! I love that picture. Mine always used to fly to my head when they were just starting to learn their flying skills.Thankfully they land on my arm or my shoulder now instead! What your doing is right by placing Chloe back on her playstand if that is where you want her to be! Just remember, this is where the fun begins! Thanks for sharing those lovely pictures with us. Caroline:)
  17. Welcome to the forum Melissa and Charlie! It sure is a popular name, I also have a grey with the same name! Cant wait to hear more about Charlie and maybe see some photos! Make sure when you are searching through the forums that you take a look in the nursery room. You will find information and posts which will help from socialising your baby to teaching him/her to play! You have come to the best site for advice on greys, I hope you will enjoy yourself here. Caroline.
  18. What a fantastic present! I will show my husband this post but I dont think there is any chance of me getting another grey:laugh: Was this a complete surprise for your Wife? I hope you both had a lovely anniversary. Congratulations and Best wishes to both of you. Caroline
  19. Scott, Kiko is beautiful and seems to be settling in really well with you and your family! Im glad you have been taking things slowly and working at Kiko's pace, sometimes this can seem like a lengthy process and you want to rush forward with things but the rewards at the end are worth the wait! Keep us updated and let us know how things are going, and keep posting those wonderful pictures! Caroline.
  20. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/69501-introducing-a-second-grey.html#69545 Congratulations on bringing the lovely Ice home and adding another member to our grey family. Hopefully I have included a link I found useful when I brought home my second grey. Keep us all posted about Ice and dont forget!!! LOTS OF PHOTOS!! Caroline.
  21. Thankyou everyone! Congratulations to Toni and Erika! What a great team! Caroline.
  22. Hi Retronut, Does your grey have a playstand he uses while he is out? I have one with two bowls attached, one I fill with pellets and the other one water so they do get access to something as they are out for quite a few hours each day! My three use the playstand and also go into the nearest cage to help themselves! Why dont you take a small dish of water to Vince while he is out? That way he will take a drink if he is thirsty. Also offer him food by hand feeding! Mine usually get their treats while they are out which include their favourite pine nuts. You can see my playstand with the dishes on my profile page just to give you an idea. Most playstands have the dishes attached. If you have one already it may just take him time to get used to using it. Good luck. Caroline:)
  23. casper


    http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/69584-home-made-toys.html#69604 Try this link:)
  24. casper


    At the moment, mine are into what are called goody bags with coloured wooden shapes from Northern Parrots(UK). They love to play with them in and outside of their cages. They love playing with any kind of small ball, I love watching them playing beak ball on the floor. I have not tried them with bottle tops but a few members have mentioned these before and they seem to be a favourite. I will try and find some old threads and see if there are any intersting things for everyone to read through. Caroline:)
  25. Erika, I also think this is the right decision! Now that you have found out more about the bird the circumstances are different and I also think it would be difficult to pass the bird between houses. Your big heart and lots of patience will help another rescue in the future. I know you will find the right bird who needs your care and love. Caroline;)
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