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Everything posted by casper

  1. You had an early start Sheila! Bet you are tired! Just managed to put the birds away for the day, I let them stay up a bit later at the weekend as they will sleep in a bit in the morning. Nice vodka and coke and a couple of hours on my laptop! Bliss! Hope everyone is looking forward to their weekend, has anyone any exciting plans? Caroline.
  2. Hiya lynette, All my greys still scratch the bottom of their cages, dont worry its quite normal! They tend to do it more when they are babies but my eldest grey Charlie is 17 months old and still does it sometimes. He also scratches the side of his food bowl as well as the bottom of the cage. Caroline.
  3. Well, just hard a normal day today! Cleaning/washing etc! At the moment just sat with the boys out making a mess for me to clean up later! Im sure they think Ive nothing better to do! Hope everyone is having a good Friday, I look forward to speaking to some of you later. Caroline:)
  4. Hi everyone, I thought we could start this thread so we could all keep in touch and talk in general! Tell everyone what you have done today! Do you have any plans for the evening? You get my drift? Just a great way for us all to keep in touch with each other and get to know each other a bit more! Hope you enjoy! Caroline:)
  5. Ralph, Spencer is absolutely beautiful! I can see how proud you are already! Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures with us. Dont be worrying about Spencer being nippy, remember he is young and will be testing everything with his beak at the moment. It dosent mean he is going to bite all the time. Please update us next time you go for a visit. Congratulations. Caroline.
  6. Thinking of you and your family! Take care Yvette. Caroline.
  7. Hello Ollybird, welcome to the forum. I just love that last photo with Olly and Zoe hanging out together! Looks like they are going to be good friends! I really like Ollys playstand, I bet he has so much fun! Glad you have taken the time to join us all, everyone here is so friendly, Im sure you will really enjoy it. Caroline:)
  8. On average, I think most greys seem to be weaned from apprx 12 weeks onwards. All of mine came home weaned at this age, I only had problems with one of them who I feel was maybe rushed into this! I have heard of greys being weaned before 12 weeks. Its down to the bird really they are all different! As long as the bird is eating a varied diet which includeds fruits veggies etc and is maintaining their weight, this would be fine. Just make sure they are fully weaned before you purchase!
  9. Hello rierie and welcome to the forum. Charlie is a beautiful baby, thanks for including the slide show. I can tell how much you have fallen in love with him already! He seems to be well socialized and very tame, this is great and he looks so comfortable with you in your pictures. We have a Nursery room which offers help and advice for new owners of baby greys, or if you have any questions just post away! Congratulations! Caroline.
  10. casper

    I did it

    Pat its a difficult one! You need to get Gizmo into another room as things worked out so well for you and you acheived so much. I cant believe the progress you are making, its fantastic! But on the other hand I understand you not wanting to freak him out or scare him by transporting him there. Does he have a favourite treat at the moment? I think this is going to be the only way of enticing him in there. I hope you find a solution Pat, I look forward to hearing more about Gizmo's progress.
  11. What a great update on Brutus! Brutus has settled into your life and family so well! I love how he has no fear and you are introducing new things to him at this early stage, that is the best thing that you could have done with him. I love the idea of a backpack, I just take mine out in their carriers when we have an outing. You will have to post some pictures for us next time you venture out with Brutus. keep us updated with his progress, I look forward to hearing more about him. Caroline.
  12. It sounds as though Ice is settling in really well with you. You have acheived a lot in the short amount of time Ice has been home. Its worse than having children dont you think when you have to be careful what you watch on the TV. I wont dare ask what word he has learnt! Keep the updates coming! Caroline.
  13. Hiya Marius, Glad to hear you you managed to weigh Ash this morning. How is he settling in? Did you manage to sneak some photos yet? Caroline.
  14. Lol Dan, That is so funny! :laugh:
  15. Hiya Adam, Welcome to the forum! You have come to the right place to get advice off lots of wonderful members here. Take time and read through the threads or post your questions for everyone to answer. Please take some time to look in the Nursery room. There is a thread in there to help you before you choose your baby and others which will help when you bring your baby home. I cant wait to here more about you and your new grey, I look forward to seeing some photos. Caroline.
  16. Hiya tlc96093, What happened with your Cag? I see you are new here, why dont you introduce yourself in the welcome room? It would be great to hear something about you and your grey/s. Caroline.
  17. I am so pleased you have Ash home with you now! He is one beautiful looking baby, you must be so proud! Check out the posts in the Nursery room if you need any help or advice, but looking at your past experience with greys I can see you are going to be a fantastic parront to this new baby and could probably share your past experiences with us! Make sure we get updates and lots of pictures! Please feel free to post one in the Nursery room, we love to keep an album of our grey babies in there. I cant wait to see and hear more about Ash, keep us posted! BTW, that made me laugh! Love the signature! Caroline.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/11/12 22:23
  18. If he is still saying certain things in his normal voice I would think he is mimicing another voice. My eldest grey Charlie talks in about three different voices. From a very low deep voice to a very girlie one. They pick different voices up from people, listening to the television etc, they are very smart! If you are concerned at all or if there is a change in his daily habits, eating, pooping activity etc then I would start to be concerned and take him for a check up at your Avian vet. How long has he been doing this for? Have you only just noticed this? Caroline.
  19. Hiya Seankly, Hope your baby Tui and Daughter are fine. They can still have some form of relationship, my two children spend time talking and singing with the greys, they are even able to offer them treats. This has been built up over time. Its just the stepping up I would maybe stop for now if Tui gets nippy. Sometimes the grey doesn't feel secure when handled by a young child due to the size of their fingers. They sometimes wobble their fingers and dont offer the support needed for "step up." Keep us updated with their friendship, I am sure there will be a good relationship in the future, its nice your Daughter shows an interest in your grey. Caroline.
  20. They are great photos! She is having so much fun. Thankyou for sharing with us:)
  21. What a fantastic photo! I need a new camera to get a shot as good as that! Thanks for sharing:)
  22. This is a great idea to have one room to keep all these great ideas in! No more searching! I love to see everyones homemade toys.
  23. All out of Love - Air Supply Crazy for you - Madonna One - U2 All are related to special moments and people......
  24. Welcome to the forum! With three greys I know how busy your life must be! You must have lots of experience to share with us all. I look forward to seeing some pictures of your wonderful flock, so glad you could join. Caroline.
  25. Pat, what a breakthrough! I am so pleased for you and cant believe the progress you have made in such a little time. You are an inspiration for people with your hard work and patience. The new pictures are fantastic. Gizmo looks like a completely different bird. Karma to you Pat, I look forward to reading more. Caroline.
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