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Everything posted by casper

  1. This is where the fun begins Marius and we get to guess the sex! I say Ash is a girl;) Normally i get it wrong and Judy wins when we play this game:P Be sure to post as soon as you get the results through. Caroline.
  2. casper


    Charlie is absolutely beautiful! This should go in a frame! Karma to you Sheila when I can! Thanks for sharing.
  3. What a great picture! Is this taken in your avairy Shelia?
  4. No, once mine are covered thats it for the night. Its as though they know to be quiet. Mine are also in the family room, so I dont think there will be a problem with your friends. Caroline.
  5. casper

    Sharon Fruit

    I was going to but these for my three the other week but bought Papaya instead! I will definetely try some now and let you know what mine think to it. Caroline
  6. {Love-000200C2} Congratulations on your beautiful girl! Caroline.
  7. Pat, I just wanted to ask how Tyco is doing? Did you contact the vet? I hope all is well. Update us when you get time. Caroline.
  8. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-photography-room/89533-how-to-post-picturesphoto-tuturial.html#89533 Mike, I have included a link which should help you download your pictures. Most of us use a photobucket account. Yell if you need any help. Caroline.
  9. casper


    At least you managed to bribe her in Wendy, make sure you find out what her favourite treat is and use this to your advantage. I always save pine nuts to entice my three back in, I dont feed them until they are back in their cages. Does she step up for you yet? If not you will find it so much easier when she can. Especially if she is clipped. Let me know if you would like me to provide a link on training to step up. Caroline.
  10. I hope everything will work out this time for you. Keep in touch. Caroline:)
  11. Hi Empress, Its good to see you here again. Dont stay away so long next time! Hows it going with the kittens? Have you won your man round to buying a grey now? Hope you find your baby grey, keep us all posted. Caroline:)
  12. Hi everyone, I cant believe you guys have had snow already! The weather has been quite nice here today, we even managed to get some sunshine which makes a lovely change! 9pm here and just settled the flock and got the kids to bed, its my peaceful time of the day. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day. Will catch up with everyone tomorrow. Caroline
  13. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/health-room/94551-warning-poop-pic.html#103868 I am hoping this could be the right one!:sick:
  14. Thanks everyone, We will have to offer Charlie a bribe and get him to join in the "Lights, camera ,action!" I would really like to get a picture of all three together but I dont think that will ever happen! But who knows..... Watch this space. Caroline.
  15. Congratulations Dan, This is wonderful news, you are always here to offer help and support. I for one love reading your posts. A well deserved promotion! Caroline
  16. Hi Kimberly and welcome to the forum! Its so good that you hopefully will be taking a rehome! I will be praying that everything goes smoothly and Mackenzie will soon be a big part of your family. Thankyou for such a lovely introduction. I hope you will enjoy it here. Caroline.
  17. casper


    Wendy, Did you manage to get Molly back in her cage okay? Caroline.
  18. Hello Donna, Welcome to both you and Coco. I cant wait to hear more about you both and see some photos when you get the time. Hope you enjoy the forum. Caroline.
  19. What a lovely soft voice! Does Sierra always speak in this voice? One of mine speaks in various voices, mine, my husbands and my daughters. Thanks for taking the time to share with us all. Caroline.
  20. Hello jhhuhma, Welcome to you both and congratulations on your new baby grey. Please take time to look around the Nursery room here in the forum. There are various threads which will guide you through your babies first days and advice about socializing at such an early age. When you get time it would be lovely if you could post a photograph in the baby album. We all love baby pictures on here! Hope you enjoy. Caroline.
  21. rierie, How old is your grey now? Is he about 4 months old? He sounds as though he is eating quite a varied diet. Is he eating pellets or seed? Is he still begging for his night time feed? All young birds will wean at different stages, if your bird is eating independently and is refusing the formula, never force feed. If the crop does not look full before bedtime I would still continue to offer the night time feed. This can gradually be decreased. It is important to continue to weigh your grey as well during the weaning process just to make sure your grey is maintaining their weight. My three birds were all weaned by 12 weeks and were never fed formula after this, other members have older greys who still love to have a feeding of formula. Every grey is different. Do you offer warm soft foods? My greys still love to be spoonfed sometimes, maybe something like some warm sweet potato mashed up. So, continue to offer for now,and monitor your greys diet or see if he starts refusing his feed. Caroline.
  22. Annie, I wish there were lots more people like you in this world! You are doing such a wonderful thing for these animals. I only wish I had the space to do so as well. Charlie is an absolute beauty. How is he adapting to his new lifestyle? Cant wait to hear more about you both. Hope you enjoy the forum. Caroline.
  23. Laurie, That made me laugh about mowing the lawn! Do you still have snow or was it just a quick shower? Janet, I bet you are so excited? It wont be long now until your new baby is home with you.Millie sounds like such a lovely person who only has the birds interest at heart. 11.40am here, and the weather is pretty miserable today! Its raining just for a change and pretty cool. Nothing much planned for today, just got the boys out who are playing away, they love it when the kids are at school all the attention is on them. Have a great Monday everyone, hope no one has Monday blues! Caroline.
  24. casper


    http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-nursery/72855-bringing-home-your-baby-grey.html Hiya Wendy, First of all let me congratulate you on your new baby Molly. I have included a link for you above which will give you guidance and tell you what to expect in the first few days after bringing your baby home. Dont expect to much from Molly, she is going to be feeling very nervous and anxious, everything and everyone is new, unless you got Molly from a breeder and have been having regular contact with her. She is taking treats from you which is really good, just go at Molly's pace and dont rush her with anything. Do you already have birds or is Molly your first? I cant wait to hear more about both of you, please post any questions and maybe some pictures once Molly settles in. Caroline:)
  25. Hiya Steve, Its so nice you could join us here. Many of our members work through the day, some even do shift work, this isnt a problem, just be sure to leave enough toys for your Grey so they have plenty to do and wont get bored. Another good thing to do is to leave the TV or Radio on, or even put them on a timer, this is what I do for my three when ever I need to go out. Cant wait to hear a bit more about you, hope you enjoy it here. Caroline:)
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