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Everything posted by casper

  1. Some more great pictures of the lovely Ash! Glad to hear he is doing so well. Karma for taking the time to share with us. Keep those pictures coming, we love our baby photos. Caroline
  2. Tasha, Charlie is beautiful! That breakfast sure does look tasty! Do you have room for three more? Im sure mine would love to join Charlie. I love the pic with the spoon on his head. Keep the posts and pictures coming our way! Caroline:)
  3. That was quick work! Looks like Charlie will be quick at learning. I can tell how much you love this new boy of yours, the pics were great as well. Caroline:)
  4. Charlie got me up nice and early this morning! I laid in bed listening to him whistling away and shouting "Charlie of the Marley boy!" I dont know where he gets some of this from but he is so funny. Got a lot of household chores done and just finished scrubbing all the cages out, this saves me a job in the morning. Going to order the boys some new toys next and food supplies, also going to treat them to one of the Cargo nets. My husband is out on his bike and the kids are at friends, a lovely day on my own with the birds. The weather is not bad at all today, a bit cool but at least its not raining. Have a great Sunday everyone:) Caroline.
  5. At last, I get to see the lovely Charlie. He is absolutely beautiful! Charlie is a lucky boy to have you as his mum! Thanks for sharing these great pictures with us. Caroline:)
  6. casper


    You would never find another bird like me Dave!
  7. casper


    Jen, They are good really. Its probably me worrying as I know all three can make a lot of noise especially in the morning and the evening. One of the neighbours comes round for coffee and speaks to the birds, the other said she has asthma and cant come near them. Each time I have gone to buy one of my greys I have always checked with them first so I think I have tried to do everything I can. Maybe I will try and involve them a bit more! They do come and check on them as well if I have to go out, for example last week they heard them more than usual when I had gone out, they were straight round with the spare key to see they were okay. If they did have a problem I would soundproof the walls for them. Caroline:)
  8. At last! The wait is over! Cant wait to see everyones playstands and homemade toys! Get posting everyone.
  9. www.cafepress.com/itsupintheair/146896 Dan, I found this one today as well. I was looking for t-shirts or sweatshirts for myself when I came across it. I dont know anything about the site though so I am going to check it out before ordering. I hope its okay as some of the merchandise looks really nice. I like the items on your link they will make great gifts HINT HINT! Will have to show my husband this thread before Christmas.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/11/15 20:43
  10. Here is the latest picture of baby Jasper. He is nearly 6 months old now. Poor Charlie got left out today, he wouldnt stay still for a photo shoot but I suppose two out of three aint bad!! Caroline.
  11. Here is Keeko playing with part of his binky toy today! Keeko is my 9 month old baby and is the most cheeky thing I have ever known. I love him to bits. Hope you enjoy. Caroline.
  12. Carolyn, can I order 3 please?:laugh:
  13. Sorry everyone but Charlie, Keeko and Jasper want to join in the fun as well! Another net please!
  14. Hi Glenn and welcome to the forum. I look forward to hearing more about Tizzy and maybe seeing some photos! We love to see baby photos on here. Make sure you look in the Nursery room, theres plenty of advice in there for your new baby grey. Hope you enjoy it here and congratulations on your new baby. Caroline.
  15. Wooah! Charlie is a big boy! I cant believe he weighs so much at 10 weeks!
  16. This is going to be a fantastic room! Fingers crossed it will be here for us all soon!
  17. casper

    Pics of my Nismo

    What a lovely picture of Nismo! Great looking Grey, thanks for sharing.
  18. Are you pleased Mandi? Yippee a boy! At least you dont have to worry about the name!
  19. I am so pleased for you. No one deserves this more than you do! You will always have great memories of Alfie but I know Charlie will bring you so much love, I am glad you found a place in your heart for another grey. Please keep us updated about Charlie and post some pictures when you get the time. Congratulations. Caroline:)
  20. What a great post Dave! What more can I say? It brought tears to my eyes. Caroline.
  21. You are such a good mom Jen, I know everyone here is so excited about your babies. Please keep the thread running and do regular updates for us all. I think you deserve double Karma for all your hard work. Caroline:)
  22. Dont you just love it when they feed each other and cuddle up together? Two of mine are so bonded they are stuck together all the time. I love to sit and watch them preen each other! I could watch them for hours! Caroline.
  23. Jen, I cant believe how quickly these babies are growing! How often are you feeding them at the moment? Caroline
  24. Beautiful pictures! I would have posted them as well! Thanks for sharing.
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