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Everything posted by casper

  1. Hows it going with the little one? It was so good of you to rescue him, how on earth would he have survived! Please keep us updated with his progress. Would love to know how he is doing. Caroline
  2. Congratulations on your new grey! Cant wait to see some pictures. Luvparrots, it wont be long until your baby is home;)
  3. Aww, beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing those.
  4. What beautiful birds you have there, they must keep you really busy! They all look so happy. Congrats on the new baby grey and look forward to lots more pictures. Caroline.
  5. Yes Di, Keeko my 7 month old does this and when he first started doing it, it was a bit scary! He normally does it once or twice a day swooping low and schreeching! God help me if they all started doing it! Caroline:)
  6. Welcome to the forum Sarah, cant wait to hear more about your lovely grey Koko. Caroline:)
  7. Poppy, thanks for that link. The carrier I got was the Wingabago and it cost a whopping £179.00. Its a perspex carrier with perch and seed bowls but was to expensive. I now need another two so these will be great! Caroline.
  8. Hi Charmain, Its great to have you join us here. How old is your grey? Do you own any other birds? Cant wait to here more about yourself and your grey. Caroline.
  9. Thats a good question! Im not sure if there is a difference between them. My eldest grey Charlie will do the loudest growl when anyone new comes into the house or anyone with blonde hair! He will go to the back of his cage make the loudest growl its awful! Will be interesting for Tag owners to let us know if any of their greys do this.
  10. Hello everyone, Just a quick post to let you know I now have a new addition to the family. We collected him yesterday, he is 19 weeks old and just adorable. I have no name yet so any suggestions would be good. So far the kids have come up with, Jasper, Ziggy and believe it or not Sid! Will try and post a picture next, its not that easy as he wont keep still! I know its going to be hard work with the three of them but I am so looking forward to it and love my boys to bits. Caroline
  11. Yes Siobhan, number three is here, my front room has turned into a bird room! I will have to start charging people to come in soon. I will give him time to settle in then will try what you both advised. I will post in the nursery section and get some pics when I can.
  12. Ive just brought home my new addition to the family an 18 week old baby who is adorable. I have a big issue with what he has been fed and as I havn't come across this problem before could do with some help. He has been fed normal seed from the pet store but they say the only way he will eat it is when its been soaked in hot water for 10 mins then drained!! This is a new one on me and something I would like to change but obviously I want him to eat as well! He has not eaten anything yet (ive served it as they told me for tonight), Im not over concerned tonight as I know everything is new at the moment. Can you give me your opinions please on what the solution to this problem could be?
  13. casper


    shazbaby, I would phone the vet for advice today, this could be a sign that something is wrong, I am not saying that it definetly is but only you know yourself if Freddie is acting differently. This is what I would do with my two because I would know if they were quiet and just sitting there it would not be the norm. Ring now and try and get an appointment or at least some advice, please post back and let us know what they say. Glad Freddie is eating normally, check poop as well see everything is normal at that end. Caroline
  14. Such a cutie! Keep us posted with pics, cant wait to see how quickly this little one grows! You are so lucky to enjoy your job so much, I wish I could swap with you:)
  15. Yes, I have a Charlie as well! When I looked at him it was the first name that came to mind because he looked so cheeky:) I also have another grey called Keeko which I thought was a nice name for a girl, anyway, he has been dna'd a boy now but still like the name and he calls himself this as well.
  16. She, that is such a beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing those lovely words with us, I can tell how much it must mean to you. Caroline
  17. Ethel sure is a beauty! I think that beak would frighten me off a bit though! Thanks for the pics, they are great!
  18. What beautiful pictures! Cant believe the difference in such a short space of time! Thanks for sharing those with us.
  19. When we have any visitors, I always get them to give the birds a treat, they dont always take it but I try to show the birds that new people are no threat to them. People are really curious with the birds though, we had a friend round one night who was scared of the birds but when she had a couple of glasses of dutch courage she decided to lift Charlies cover up when he was asleep! he was frantic and flapping round his cage! I had told her earlier in the night not to disturb them! I always lay down the rules now and try to explain to people how the grey can be nervous, and they dont welcome strangers so readily. Im very protective of them and to be honest dont have people round as much as I used to. My choice but I just find this easier than upsetting them.
  20. Congratulations! Its great you have taken in another rescue. Make sure you post lots of pics for us when you bring her home. The avaries sound great, I wish I had the room to do something like this for my birds. My husband jokes the birds have taken over the house already as each time we bring something new in for the birds we lose a piece of furniture!:laugh: Caroline.
  21. Hiya Sean and welcome here. Bet you cant wait to get your new baby. Im sure you will find this forum really useful. Not from Scotland but from Yorkshire. Hope you enjoy it here. Caroline.
  22. casper

    MAX Has Gone

    I dont know what to say to this post without sounding to harsh! I ditto with Dan! I would have been out day and night and paid £1000 pounds if my baby was sat in that tree. I know you must be hurting Mark but I couldnt have left him there without giving him a chance and you dont rush out and by one thing to replace another! Im so sad for Max he has no chance of survival on his own, I hope he has been found and well looked after. My babies are priceless, sorry for saying how I feel.
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