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Everything posted by casper

  1. Siobhan and Lovemygreys are both right! One of my greys gave my 9 year old son a nasty nip once I am totally on my guard now! Congratulations on getting your grey though, everything sounds like its going well!
  2. casper


    Steve, those pictures are great! Alfie sure is a cutie! Glad everything is going well, keep us posted, he is a lucky grey having you for his dad Caroline
  3. Absolutely beautiful! What great pictures as well! When do you bring him home?
  4. Hiya Tulip and welcome here. Bet you cant wait to get your baby home. make sure you read through all the information on here, ask any questions you like and we will try to answer them. Caroline:)
  5. Hi pnp26, I hope you get to post those pics, cant wait to see your new baby:) Caroline.
  6. They are lovely pictures, they really are enjoying themselves! I must start making my own toys
  7. Well, the kids want to call him Jasper! Also thought of Ziggy or Ollie, its so difficult! The other two were easy to name. Might just call him Casper Lol;)
  8. Thanks everyone, The little one is settling in fine. The kids want to call him Jasper! Im still not sure but will have to name him soon. He has a lovely new cage which he seems happy in,he is eating well. Its very demanding as they are all so different and are all wanting my attention in different ways. I can only describe it as looking after 3 children under 5! The baby is a bit of a biter at the moment though, I am hoping this is just a teething problem and will go away in time. Its strange though, he will sit with me and cuddle under my chin but he dosent like fingers! He has learned to step up already which is good! He is also practising his flying skills. I will try and get some more pictures of him. Caroline:)
  9. You must be so excited about this! Make sure you keep us all updated.
  10. I so wish I could have a seperate bird room! Mine are all in the front room where we spend our time and yes it can get messy. I think your plan sounds good introducing slowly, I hope everything goes well for you.
  11. Yes I agree with Judy and Pat, I would go to the vet just to get him checked out and have that beak looked at. Have there been any other changes in the home? Furniture moved, etc? They are so sensitive,just the slightest change can upset them. Caroline.
  12. Hiya Pat, We all know the great work you have done with Tyco you have done so well with all the patience and love you have given. As I speak to you I am sat with my newest addition cuddled into my shoulder who is 19 weeks. he is my third grey and I worried how the other two would act when I got him. Yes there has been some jelousy and the love and attention has to be split between three now. I dont know an answer for your situation, Tyco like you say is used to other birds and being part of a flock, Im not sure how Cags and Tags interact with each other but a few other members will probably be on soon to answer who have both. I dont think he will feel he has been replaced if you give him the same attention which I know you will. I hope you make the right decision for you and Tyco. Keep us updated. Caroline.
  13. Hi Brittany and welcome here. I bet you cant wait to bring your baby home. Look forward to hearing more about you and your grey. Caroline.
  14. Hiya Jason, Great you could join us. Cant wait to see pictures of Ernie, I have just brought home a new baby as well who is 19 weeks, he is a new addition to my flock. Hope you enjoy it here. Caroline.
  15. Hiya Di, Can you maybe get a picture for us to look at and see the patch. I have only had one bird go through a molt so far, Charlie was about 9 months when he started and it went on for a few months. I wouldnt have thought Monty would have been plucking at this age, like you say he has plenty of things to stimulate him and plenty of attention. Charlie did lose feathers in one spot before and had a little patch, keep an eye on him see if it does get any worse but I wouldnt have thought you had anything to worry about. Do the pic if you get chance Di so we can see. Caroline.
  16. Siobhan, I hope everything is okay with the little one. Keep us updated, will be thinking of you both x
  17. Ronda, another Cag to add to your list, promise there wont be any more!:laugh: Cag-26 Tag-18
  18. Thats great news! Only time and patience will work with your new grey. The others have given you great advice. Keep us informed of the progress you have made.It sounds as though he is building uptrust with you and like Judy says there will be more breakthroughs. Caroline
  19. Well just for your information, one of my greys had the tail feathers which have a greytip and go inwards so you say its a girl! He has been dna'd male! I dont think avian-biotech got it wrong.
  20. Have a look in the search above, there are lots of different methods people have used which include looking at the tail feathers, the shape of the head and also the black rings around the eyes. What method are you using?
  21. No, some people say that they can visually sex their greys but the only definite way is to get them dna'd! One of my greys I thought was def a girl by the visual method but when I had the test done he was a boy. Caroline.
  22. Have you knocked on all the doors and spoken to people in the area your grey was last seen? Make sure you do and post leaflets there with a contact number so people can get in touch if your bird is seen there again. I pray you get your loved one back, I cant imagine what you are going through. Caroline.
  23. I know what you mean as well. I just added another baby grey to my flock and I have been the same this week! I keep worrying they will all wake each other up! They have been fine though and I am starting to relax a bit more now. You will as well soon.Hope you get some sleep. Caroline
  24. Either really Siobhan, I will know when I see something I like. The little one is so timid at the moment so trying to get something to suit them if you know what I mean? Its so difficult!
  25. My latest addition still has no name! I dont know if I will be getting this little one dna'd so would like to keep the name neutral if possible like I did when I got my eldest grey Charlie. When I got my second grey Keeko he was easy to chose but this time I have gone through every name book going and cant find anything. Need help!
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