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Everything posted by casper

  1. Hello haggis and welcome. How exciting, you will have to keep us updated on the babies. Great video. Caroline.
  2. Hi udbluehen and welcome to the forum. Have you any other birds or is this your first?What is your greys name? Would love to speak on the phone but I am in the UK! Ouch, just think of those phone bills:laugh: Ask any questions you need answering on here, there is normally someone on to give advice or look through the threads as this may help you. Caroline:)
  3. Thought it was just me! Taters!:unsure: Being a Yorkshire lass we like to call them Tatties! He looks like he is enjoying them. Love the pics, keep them coming.
  4. Poor Fergie, I remember what Charlie was like on his last molt! Hope it dosent last to long.
  5. This is really sad news, my thoughts are with her family and her birds as well.
  6. casper


    My eldest Grey Charlie suffers with night frights and it is the most horrible thing to happen. He also had a traumatic experience when we had the earthquake at the beginning of the year, this was in the middle of the night and he lost his flights on one wing thrashing about in his cage. The most recent one was three weeks ago and he has lost most of his flights again. My birds have always been covered and are well settled before I go up to bed, they also have a childs plug in night light. There is no explanation that I can think of and I have tried everything I possibly can. But yes, especially since the earthquake incident it has changed my grey to a very nervous bird who has a tendency to bite as well, probably because he is scared. I hope this is a one off for you and your bird will soon return to its normal self. Please keep us posted and let us know how you get on tonight and if there is any change.Good luck Caroline;)
  7. I am so pleased that everything has worked out well for you and Shadow. I have not changed cages yet with my Greys, but I know how funny they can be after putting in a new perch or a toy, the last time I did this we had a stand off for a week! He is young though and I think you did the right thing now before he gets any older, it would probably have been more difficult to change cages then. I hope everything goes well in surgery and wish you a speedy recovery. Caroline.
  8. David has got one on his phone actually, I dont know what the quality will be like and you guys know me with computers:laugh: My poor Charlie, he is the laughing stock of the Grey Forum community! I will buy him a jesters hat!:laugh:
  9. Mmmmm, could maybe milk this one for a bit! What do you think girls? His pride and joy is his bike! Mine are my birds, think its pay back time! Wish I knew how to get the tyres off, that would be funny when he goes in the garage to swoon over his fast bike!:laugh:
  10. That picture is sooo cute! Where was he and what was the special event?
  11. Maybe sometime next year!
  12. Judy, I must admit I wanted to have a giggle but was trying to keep a straight face while telling the hubby off! He is chattering away now and seems okay!
  13. My husband rang me at work this morning and told me that he had a bit of a problem with my eldest grey Charlie. My heart was in my mouth and I was worried and thought he was ill! My stupid husband not thinking had given Charlie a cat ball I only let them play with WHEN SUPERVISED! Its one of those with a bell in the middle, he had given him it in his cage because he said he was noisy when he was making a phone call. Anyway no the worst didnt happen but the bell got stuck on his beak!:ohmy: They wouldnt let me leave work so I was worried all morning until I got back, I know this is serious but Ive got to admit, I know how serious this could have been but he did look a bit funny with the bell stuck on the end! Just towelled him for the first time and managed to get the bell off. He is fine now, just a couple of scratches on his beak and a bit of a sulk going on, the balls are in the bin and the husband is under strict orders not to give him anything like that again! Husband in a sulk as well;) Caroline.
  14. Hello Abernathy and welcome here at the forum. What a beautiful grey you have there. I bet you cant wait to get your baby home.
  15. Hi there and welcome to the forum. I am so glad you are getting your birdies back, make sure to keep us posted on your progress with them and show us all lots of pictures.
  16. Does he have a playstand or anywhere else to land? This maybe a good idea, mine have each others cages to land on at opposite sides of the room and also a large wooden playstand. He will soon settle in and find his confidence flying after a few more bumps! If you find him crashing into the same area put some cushions down to soften his fall!
  17. Not another one who likes mobile phones! Keeko will steal the phone and fly off with it! I tried him with a toy one but he only wants the real thing!
  18. I really like these, anyone want to buy me some for christmas?
  19. My second grey Keeko was sold to me fully weaned at 12 weeks but wasnt eating properly at all! It took many weeks to get him to eat properly. I think sometimes the breeders just rush them to sell them on. He is nearly 7 months now and doing really well, he is bigger than my other grey Charlie who is nearly 15 months.
  20. Will do anything for pine nuts, I usually give as a tret and also to entice them back into their cages.
  21. 2 Greys, Charlie and Keeko, 2 cats, 1 chinchilla, 12 year old daughter, 8 year old son, myself and husband! Its a full house!
  22. Loki is one lucky grey! You are spoiling Him/Her rotten! But that is fine thats what we do for our birdies!
  23. Happy hatchday Lyric, enjoy your pizza and being spoilt by your lovely mom! {Love-000200BF}
  24. Hi Barbara and welcoming you both to the forum. Glad everything is ok for you and your grey now, look forward to hearing more.
  25. Loki is so lucky, its great all the time and effort you have put in to bringing this baby home, all you have to do now is wait! It wont be long.
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