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Everything posted by casper

  1. Love the stands, they are great.The birds look like they are enjoying them:)
  2. Great pictures of Joey. My two love to play with bagels as well. Even though they get one each they still like to have a tug of war and fight for the same one!Just like having children!
  3. Hi and welcome here at the forum. Look forward to hearing more about Smoke.Caroline:)
  4. No one is attacking you Christian, one of our members had an incident with a tube not so long ago and the baby needed surgery. The spoonfeeding method has been suggested as I dont think the risks are there as in tube feeding. Just make sure you read your books as there is so much to learn about greys, I have two and am still learning new things all the time. Ask for advice and everyone will help. Use this forum to your advantage and it will help you with your new baby. Read through all the threads in the nursery as these will help with feeding and weaning. I hope everything works out well for you. Dont take anything personally, we just love our greys.
  5. No you dont but it is a big commitment and something that I wouldnt have liked the responsibility of doing! I feel people should be trained properly by someone or at least have guidance. Have you started to spoonfeed now?
  6. Hi Tigerlily, Im from Yorkshire and like you none of my friends have any interest in my birds. They think I am mad with the time and effort I put into my two greys. You will love it on here and will meet lots of new friends to share your passion. Ask as many questions as you like,read through the threads, there is always something new on here. Welcome to the forum
  7. Awww, Congratulations Grandma! They are sooo cute;)
  8. What a great picture!:laugh:
  9. My eldest grey Charlie has never liked to go on the floor. The youngest is 6 months and he will just fly down and play with my feet;) I suppose they are all so different and you will get to know what your greys likes and dislikes are.
  10. You have to be prepared that the birds may not like each other at all and you will have to do seperate time out for both birds! Do you have time to do this? Also they would have to be in seperate cages. I have two greys and it has taken a while for them to get used to each other, I would never even consider caging them together.They like hanging out together but are very territorial about there own space and enjoy going back to there own cage. They also need to be supervised at all times when they are out together. I am not trying to sound negative but the workload is increased for two birds and it may not be the perfect match!
  11. I totally agree with the others, 7 weeks is far to young to be left on their own.
  12. casper


    Nice picture Mark. I feed my eldest Charlie some chicken which he loves, he also likes fish but my youngest Keeko is a bit unsure at the moment!
  13. Hi and welcome to the forum. Caroline:)
  14. So he is about 14 weeks? Like you said it is a mixture of both strengh and confidence in themselves. Does he have somewhere to land like a playstand to fly to? My youngest Keeko, used to fly from his cage over to Charlies cage when he was building up his strength. When he gained confidence he would then fly to different places including myself who he sees as being a walking perch! He is excellent at flying now and follows me from room to room. My other grey Charlie has always been very clumsy and I still have to put cushions down on the floor when he is out as we have a lot of crash landings. See if Alfie does this in the same place and maybe do the same thing until he gets a bit better. Lots of practice is all he needs. Try not to worry to much, just make everywhere safe! I will go look at your new pics now:) Caroline.
  15. Hi Steve, how old is Alfie now? Caroline.
  16. Im really glad everything was okay when you got back. If you are doing this quite often I think she will maybe get used to it. As you know I just left mine for a week for the first time, I was so worried even though they were at home with my husband who they know, but like you say its not the same when we are the ones who give them all the attention and love.Dont be worrying for next week.
  17. Congratulations all the way from sunny Spain! Speak to you soon good luck xx
  18. Hi and welcome to the forum. Look forward to hearing more about you and your flock. Caroline.
  19. Make that 6 now Toni, hope we pick the right one:)
  20. Thanks for your replies everyone,I will miss everyone on here as well when Im away;)
  21. Greys will only talk if they want to! Yes you can sit and talk all day to them but they tend to pick everyday words up in general if they are in the family room. That is funny about Pascal, my eldest grey Charlie has started to do the phone ringing as well, as soon as I pick up the phone he shouts "hello", I think this shows how intelligent they are as well. Some greys never talk, others are closet talkers and others will only say a few words.They are all different and learn things at different stages.
  22. Hiya Raiderbabe and Malibu, welcome to the forum. Look forward to hearing more about your grey.
  23. My eldest grey Charlie loves to do tunes as well, and he also does the vibrato bit at the end which is so funny! I dont know where he picked that one up from.
  24. My youngest is a male the same age as yours and I am so proud of him as well:)
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