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Everything posted by casper

  1. What a great picture tarnold Hershey is such a cutie! How old is Hershey?
  2. For those of you who know me, you will remember I cancelled my last family holiday as I had no one I trusted enough to leave my greys with... Well, I go away next Tuesday for a week, just myself and my two human kids!Leaving my lovely husband at home to care for my two greys. It will be the first time I have left them and I am having the biggest guilt trip ever! Firstly, I only work 3 mornings a week and I am at home with them the rest of the time and secondly, they wont be able to come out of their cages probably for a full week as they will not step up for anyone but myself. My husband will be working as normal and will only be home in the evenings with them, it is tearing me apart to leave them but I owe this holiday to my kids as I missed the last one. Has anyone else left their birds and felt as guilty as me?:unsure:
  3. Hi Christian and welcome to the forum
  4. Hello and welcome to the forum
  5. Di, my youngest grey is just a bit older than Monty and he sounds exactly the same, he loves his sugar snaps,pomegranate seeds and apple. He has only really just started eating his fruits but is still a bit iffy with his veggies on an evening. Just give him time as he sounds like he is trying everything so hopefully will get round to eating a bit better soon. You are giving him a great variety its just finding what they like best! Love the pic with the chicken bone!
  6. I love mine flighted as well, there will always be a debate about clipping or not but I feel it is a birds right to fly! My youngest who is 5 months would be heartbroken if he couldnt fly as he loves doing it so much. We always check windows and doors before the birds are out so hopefully accidents will not happen!
  7. My eldest grey is only a year old and constantly says his name, I think it would be difficult to try and change this unless you somehow combine the two names together;)
  8. Hello and welcome to the forum.
  9. You wont be doing anything wrong tarnold, it seems quite a few of our birds suffer with these frights. Caroline.
  10. Yes I take them out of the small bells but have had no problems with the larger ones. Caroline:)
  11. Hello and welcome, cant wait to see some pictures of your new grey. Caroline:)
  12. Keep us posted and show us lots of pics. Lovely name for your grey, bet you cant wait to get her home.
  13. Hiya darth-mint, welcome to you and your new grey. Caroline:)
  14. Hi and welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy it here. Caroline:)
  15. I didnt see my birds first flight either as they were both 12 weeks when I got them. It must have been a proud moment! Both mine are flighted but one stays in the main room unless I carry him about, but the youngest loves to fly into each room and follow me about, its so nice to see them fly.
  16. Looking at that pic HE looks like a male. Looks just like my youngest Keeko and I just had him dna'd a male;)
  17. HEllo elozano and welcome to the forum. Yayo is a beautiful grey and they are great pictures, it is lovely to see them outside.
  18. So cute, my youngest one is 5 months but at 8 weeks yours is so sweet. I checked out all your photos and I love Georges memorial, that must be a lovely place to remember him. I hope I am not bringing up sad thoughts but wanted to comment on such a nice thing you have done there. Caroline
  19. Hiya Pat, Ive never changed a cage for my birds yet but just this week I changed a perch for one of my greys and you would think it was on fire as he puts one foot on then jumps straight back off! I think it will just take time for the adjustment and just think of all that lovely space for your tiel now. As long as there are familiar toys and perches in the cage I think things will settle and he will be loving his new home soon. Caroline
  20. I hope it never happens again for you, it can be really alarming to wake up to your bird flapping and finding them terrified. Especially when you dont know the reason for it and cant put it right. The worst one for me was when we had an earthquake here about 5 months ago (which never happens in the uk) poor Charlie lost all his flights in one wing then and a lot of confidence. We have had a couple of night frights since then but nothing major. Caroline;)
  21. Have there been any changes within the household or any changes you have made with routine in your greys life? Could be hormonal if he is 5 years plus, maybe a bit more information and we could try and help? Caroline:)
  22. Some cute pics! How old is Alfie now?
  23. casper

    Poop Stain

    Typical man Dan!:laugh:
  24. I would still take your baby back to the vets and get every check done possible to find out what the problem is. I hope the vet has found the problem with the calcium but he dosent sound 100% sure does he? What kind of diet does she have? One of my greys is about the same age, in the morning he will eat a mixture of fresh fruit, he has pellets and a seed mixture through the day then on an evening will eat veggies or pulses. Try and introduce these gradually if you are not already doing so, there are lots of threads about diet on here and what you can feed. I hope everything will be ok for her, please let us know what happens when you return to the vets. Caroline.
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