For those of you who know me, you will remember I cancelled my last family holiday as I had no one I trusted enough to leave my greys with... Well, I go away next Tuesday for a week, just myself and my two human kids!Leaving my lovely husband at home to care for my two greys.
It will be the first time I have left them and I am having the biggest guilt trip ever!
Firstly, I only work 3 mornings a week and I am at home with them the rest of the time and secondly, they wont be able to come out of their cages probably for a full week as they will not step up for anyone but myself.
My husband will be working as normal and will only be home in the evenings with them, it is tearing me apart to leave them but I owe this holiday to my kids as I missed the last one.
Has anyone else left their birds and felt as guilty as me?:unsure: