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Everything posted by casper

  1. casper


    Yes Judy, thats the one. The biting has just started this week and seems to be losing interest in coming out as much. I still leave his door open and sit at the side of his cage talking to him and trying to coax him out. I hope it pass as its quite upsetting really. He also doesnt like to be left alone. I have reduced my hours at work and have my neighbour call in to see him when I am out. Everything has changed so much these last few weeks. We had a great routine and I think he has realised the changes I have made, but he cant understand they are there to protect him.
  2. casper


    Charlie has started to be very aggresive towards me and I wonder if its to do with the loss of his feathers in one of his wings. I have to stop him doing certain things when he comes out as I cant risk him at certain heights in case he falls and injures himself. I think he sees me as the bad one for stopping his fun, but I hate this bad feeling between us. Today he didnt even want to come out of his cage for time out. I hope this is just a phase and will pass. He has started to bite when I try and stroke him or just clean his cage. but then other times will come out and let me give him lots of strokes. Its a trying time and I hope it will change because we have always had a close bond. Thanks for reading. Caroline.
  3. casper


    Hi kelly, my Charlie is going through his first molt at the moment and his neck has lost alot of feathers with lots of pin feathers coming through, No need to worry.
  4. Great pics but could only vote for one.
  5. casper

    New Laptop

    Glad to see you back on again. You will have been missed by lots of people.
  6. Hi Heather, I have experienced both with Charlie. He has suffered with nightfrights and we also had an earthquake 2 weeks ago, I awoke to Charlie flapping round his cage when I got up he had lost his flight feathers in one wing. I have bought a night light for Charlie and plug this in near his cage. I also leave the lights on in the joining room just to have some light shine through, this has worked since the earthquake, hopefully this will be a one off for you though. :)
  7. Thanks you two. Will give it a go when Ive got more time, should take bets how many attempts its gonna take. Just figured its about time I posted pictures as Ive been on here for a while and its nice to put a face to a name. Having a couple of drinks with friends tonight so think will not try till 2moz!{Communicate-000200D5}
  8. From Leeds West Yorkshire in the Uk. Home of the Yorkshire pudding!
  9. Hopefully here is a pic of me and Charlie
  10. {Feel-good-0002006E} Karma to Dan for making me laugh so much!
  11. Hi didnt realise you live so near. I live in Leeds, just down the road from you, I also have friends who cant do with the bird talk. Think i bore them do death sometimes! Would be interesting to try and find any clubs nearby. Let me know if you find anything. Would be nice to talk as well
  12. Im 37, will be 38 on 1st April! No laughing and no April fools jokes please
  13. Thats what I am going to have to do. Get the perspex after I have decorated. I have three walls which are fine and Charlies wall which is cream with pink splatters all over. Good idea Wendy.
  14. Can someone explain the process of molting to me please. Charlie is 9 months old. I have noticed feathers coming out over the last couple of weeks but when I came home today there must have been about 20 feathers in the cage and when he was preening they seemed to be coming out all over.We have had a lot of stress with the earthquake we had and Charlie lost all his primary flight feathers in one wing and cant fly any more. He has been a changed bird since then, I am worried he could have started plucking. They are the larger body feathers not the baby ones. :unsure:
  15. Here here. Hope you will be doing something nice. Thought I would be going to be having a nice meal or going out somewhere,but in hospital having tests done! I know weird day on a sunday but never mind. Happy mothers day to everyone xxx
  16. Hi welcome from Caroline and Charlie. Does he not stop if you pay no attention to him? Wow 21 years! when did he start this? Does he just do it when your partner works away? :unsure:
  17. That was so good. :woohoo: Dont think I could ever get charlie that tame. Thanks for sharing that with us it was great
  18. You call your son using your greys name! ( True did it the other day, kids looked at me like wot!...)
  19. Welcome from caroline and Charlie.
  20. Good evening to everyone. 11pm, wet, very windy ( gale force winds in some places ) but not as cold as it has been. Great feeling though because its friday No work and a nice lay in for me :laugh:
  21. I am sat in tears. I have just tried letting Charlie out, he tried to get to the top of the cage, I stopped him and he sat on my arm. He then tried to fly and fell down at an awkward angle which shook him up. As ive gone to pick him up hes gone to fly again and crashed across the floor into the wall. I cant have him out like this, I am so scared he is going to really hurt himself but I know he cant stay in his cage either. I am at my wits end and dont know how to help him. I need some solution as I dont know how long its going to be like this for.
  22. HI everyone. Tested Charlie with his flying today over a soft surface and like I thought he is unable to fly. He looked really confused and tried a few times from the sofa back to his cage. I think the big problem is going to be stopping him from time out on top of his cage as I feel its to high if he decides to fly and has a fall. This is his favourite spot. Just hope they dont take to long to grow back couldnt find any links on primary feathers to give me an idea. We will just have to adapt together with a slight change to our routine and a lot more handling.
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