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Everything posted by casper

  1. Wow, what a big grey!!!! He will lose some weight when he fledges. Not sure if you have read this thread but will post the link to have a look at other members recorded weights. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/health-room/10208-how-much-does-your-grey-weigh.html#153980 My largest grey is a Male who is 19 months now and weighs on average 500g. The other two are smaller.
  2. My eldest grey Charlie has the best laugh ever. Its a proper belly laugh and he does this several times a day and has me in stitches! Its great to hear them laugh. Im not sure if he understands what hes doing, but he obviously likes it when we laugh and likes to join in.
  3. Pat, this is wonderful news I am so happy for you and Tyco. As you know, I had a similiar problem with Charlie. He didnt fly for about 18 months and it broke my heart. He now can fly across the room again but needs to learn his flying skills all over again. Im not suprised you are so happy, it feels like when your kids take their first steps! Such a wonderful moment.
  4. My heart goes out to you and your family. You have done everything you can possibly do. You must be exhausted! I pray its not PBFD, I will be hoping and praying for Rishi, keep strong. My thoughts will stay with you all.
  5. casper


    He is beautiful Pat. Let us know if you get the test done:)
  6. Congratulations on your promotion Judy, you really deserve it, well done:)
  7. Congratulations Dan. No one deserves this post more than you do! I am so pleased for you. Keep up the great work Dan:)
  8. Congratulation on your new addition! I have 3 greys and each has their own cage, they have always been housed seperately. Two of the greys hit it off straight away and paired up together but the third grey was never accepted by the other two. As a result he spends a lot of time with me now as he feels quite threatened by the other two. Other members here have multiple birds and dont have any problems. I wish you the best of luck with your new baby and hope that everything will go well. Cant wait to see some photos:)
  9. Welcome Lisa. You have two beautiful greys! I love the picture of them together they are so cute. I hope you enjoy the forum and look forward to seeing more pictures:)
  10. Two of mine sleep on their highest perch but Jasper has always slept clinging on to the cage bars:laugh: It really looks strange but he has done this since he was a baby. I often wonder why:P
  11. My thoughts and prayers are also with you. Please keep us updated.
  12. Congratulations Janet. I am so pleased you joined this forum, its been a joy to have you as my friend. Keep up the good work:)
  13. When we are not feeling 100%? I believe they do! I have a terrible cold at the moment, not the worst thing in the world but I feel terrible! Well yesterday, I got the important things done and laid down on the sofa, within 10 minutes I had one grey sat on my legs preening but baby Jasper walked up the sofa to my shoulders, cuddled in and had a nap with me! It was as if they knew I wasnt myself and needed a bit of quiet time and some tlc! I spend more time with my greys believe it or not than my husband lol and I do believe it when its said they can sense our moods and feelings. If only they could make me a lemsip!!!!!!!
  14. My thoughts and prayers will be with you x
  15. He is a beauty Sheila! Cant wait to hear more about him.
  16. Janet, I hope things get easier for you soon, keep us posted:)
  17. How do they get on with each other? Does Charlie tolerate him being in his home?
  18. Cant wait to see more pictures of Blue. How old is he again Sheila?
  19. Well Ladies and Gents, where is everyone? The vodka is only being consumed for medicinal purposes tonight as I have the cold from hell! Not sure if it does the same as a lemsip lol:P
  20. The same thing happened to one of my greys a while ago, my husband gave him the ball while I was at work and Charlie got the bell stuck in the same place. I also posted a warning about these balls, they really are not safe for our greys. Im so pleased you managed to get the bell off Kookie! Charlie was left with a small scratch as well but nothing more. I hope Kookie is ok:)
  21. This is going to be a great post Dave, Im so excited for you. I have been following this on your live webcam and have been watching the birds over the last couple of weeks its great news! Please keep us all updated it will be so nice for everyone to follow this thread, thanks for allowing us to do so. Karma to you for posting:)
  22. My eldest grey loves to knock on the room door with his beak which has sent me running to answer it quite a few times lol. They do love to make noise, just like having a toddler!
  23. Karma to you for such beautiful pictures:) I love the tree stand, thanks for sharing.
  24. Great picture of Dusty, thanks for sharing:)
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