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Everything posted by casper

  1. I hope things settle down Julie. Beau maybe feeling jelous at the moment or maybe they wont get along, I really hope they will though. You know my situation, two birds that get on, two that dont. I seperate them as much as I can now and always supervise them. Fingers crossed it will get slightly easier for you:)
  2. Two beautiful little girls! Thanks for sharing Pat they are so lovely:kiss:
  3. casper

    Go Fish???

    Mine love fish! I also give fresh fish which is cooked.
  4. casper

    Ragga's home!

    Like you say, each grey is different! My last baby grey was from the same breeder as the other two but wasnt really into cuddling as much as the others in the early stages. He is now 15 months old and likes nothing more than a cuddle while he sits on my knee. Just give it time and your baby will let you know what he wants, he sounds like an independent little thing. Congratulations on your new baby:)
  5. This is a great video! Absolutely loved it!
  6. Well I dont know who to congratulate first! Two poets on the forum now, thanks to both of you for cheering me up with your great poems. Jill, Im sure Dave will love what you have written its fantastic!
  7. Janet, he is adorable and I would also love to give him a big cuddle. I knew he would pull through, he sure is a little fighter! Send everyone my love x
  8. I am really sorry for your sad loss, what a terrible thing to happen. RIP little one, my thoughts are with you all x
  9. He is so beautiful Pat, you must be so proud of him:)
  10. Just fancied a change, vodka night tomorrow lol:P
  11. Thats an awful dream! I have also had terrible dreams about my greys, do you think its because we worry about them so much just as we do our family?
  12. Im here ladies, got a nice Magners chilling in the fridge Ice to the ready! Whats on the agenda for tonight then? What time is the stripper on Jill?
  13. Jasper isnt on that picture, that is Charlie and Keeko, nearly impossible to get all three to sit with each other for long lol, well without having some kind of squabble anyway;) You can look at my profile, Im sure there are some of Jasper there.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/09/02 16:42
  14. Welcome Jingles, What lovely pictures, thanks for sharing. I also have a young CAG called Jasper, he is the baby of my three and is 15 months old. Hope you enjoy the forum:)
  15. Wonderful pictures! Do you ever find time for yourself?
  16. Sending love to all of you Sheila. To lose a companion you love very much is one of the hardest things which some people just cant understand. My thoughts are with you all at this sad time xx
  17. Good post Julie. I have one also near the boiler but could do with another one downstairs as well. I also fitted extra smoke alarms downstairs as well. Dont forget to check those batteries everyone! Karma to you for the good safety reminder:)
  18. Mmmm, Mel Gibson on a Scottish landscape wearing an Argyle sock:laugh: Is he only wearing the one:whistle:<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/09/01 21:25
  19. I dont have anyone to do the garden but the birds freak when the window cleaners come round. Last time they came early and I was still in bed! I had to race downstairs in my pj's:laugh:
  20. What a wonderful introduction and a story with a happy ending. Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy it here:)
  21. That old chestnut:laugh: Now didnt I say that after two greys?........
  22. Julie, he is a beauty! I bet you are so proud to be a new parront again:) It will take a while for your new baby to settle in with everything being new to him but patience is the key and I know you will be fine. Keep us posted, I want to see lots of pictures and plenty of updates. Congratulations I know how much you have been wanting one of these wonderful birds, a great addition to your family:)
  23. Ha Ha, that is so funny. Thanks for sharing and giving me a laugh :laugh:
  24. They are just so cute! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures with us:)
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