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Everything posted by casper

  1. What great pictures of Ana Grey. She really enjoys getting her bath in the sink Janet, I wish mine did! Big softies only like misting:P
  2. casper

    Over Eating?

    Normally Greys wont over eat. How much does your grey weigh? I would feed as normal and keep a track on their weight. Remember to weigh after the morning dump and keep to the same time very day. A lot of Greys seem like they are eating a lot all day like my eldest grey Charlie, but when I go to clean the cage bottom the amount of seed/pellets dropped in there can tell a different story.
  3. Many members on here have rehomed older greys and have a wonderful relationship with them, it will take a while for the older grey to adjust to their different owner/surroundings but this can be done if your willing to accept it wont happen over night and can be very rewarding as it has been for lots of great members on here. Having a baby grey is a wonderful experience, Ive had three from being babies who are very bonded to me and we have built up a good relationship together. Have you visited the older grey? Why not visit, see how he is around people, ask lots of questions and get a feel for the bird. Good luck on making your decision, its a tough one, keep us posted:)
  4. Great news! Its lovely when our birds have the thumbs up at the vets.
  5. Wow Pat, that must have been a hard thing to do. I know what you mean though it could go on and on, we need to know when to stop! Well done for being so strong, I dont know what I would have done but like you say, you have extra work with the big birds now and we have to draw the line somewhere! Who am I to speak though,I still have my eye on a rescue Cag, but think it just might be too much for me, it would be great if I had a bigger house but I cant see me winning the lottery so I think I have to say no as well.
  6. I really hope Angel makes a quick recovery as well! My thoughts are with you both x
  7. casper


    Well, the decorating was finished Friday, all that was left to do was fit a small piece of door casing above the door (which never got done!) Anyway, I have enjoyed my newly decorated room for 4 full days! Yep, I went to make a coffee earlier and returned to Charlie and Keeko fighting over a large piece of wallpaper they had just ripped off above the door! Obviously Daves fault for not putting the wood on dont you think?:whistle: :evil:
  8. Pat he is beautiful! You must spend a fortune on toys anyway! I know I do with my three. I gave Keeko a new wood toy the other day £20.00 lasted 10 mins!!!!
  9. Please contact the vets again and do what Sheila has advised you to do. I also dont have an Avian vet nearby and have to travel if the birds have something wrong, how far away is your Avian vet. It would be guess work for anyone to give you advice on whats wrong with your baby, he desperately needs help! Good luck and please keep us informed.
  10. I hope you had a great birthday Caitlin:) Lovely pictures, he dosent look scared one bit! I would be proud of him as well!
  11. Well I am just trying to keep warm!!! Its so cold today and boy did it freeze over last night!!! I defrosted the car this morning and set off on the school run, half way there it had frozen up again! Ive done the cages, put the tree up, now the greys are having their time out. I really should be getting motivated to finish my xmas shopping but just cant get into it!!!
  12. Its not easy Jill! I constantly have a grey on my shoulder, sat on my knee etc! And the extra cages to scrub...... Only joking, its good fun as well, I wouldnt change a thing now and love them all very much.
  13. This is a picture I took the other day. I had just turned on the wall lights when Charlie and Keeko decided to try and help. Dont worry, no birds were harmed whilst taking this pic lol:laugh:
  14. Its not very often I get all three greys sat together, usually you just get to see Charlie and Keeko together or Jasper on his own, here is a quick shot I got yesterday, not a great one but it shows they can get on for 5 mins when they try!!!!!
  15. What beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing these with us, they are wonderful:)
  16. Happy Hatchday Chimay. Hope your parronts have spoiled you rotten today;)
  17. Happy hatchday Dorian. When your mum is better, she will make it up to you.
  18. Janet, this is wonderful news and the videos are fantastic and something to keep hold of and be proud of. I suppose a bit like a babies first steps. I know how proud (and scared I was) when my Charlie started flying again a year after his accident. Its the most beautiful thing to see from any bird. I am sending Ana Grey some karma for all her hard work and the joy she has given to her mum:kiss: x
  19. Dont be downhearted Julie, its just the way they are and they do change from time to time. Keeko my middle grey is really favouring my husband Dave at the moment. He is 21 months and changed this way about a month ago. He will still only let me handle him but flies to Dave every chance he gets or sits on his knee. I am quite enjoying the relationship they are sharing at the moment, its nice to watch him being so close to someone else. Your not the enemy Julie, your a great parront, Im sure Beau and Argyle feel this way too.:kiss:
  20. casper


    Im not spending as much as I did for the last ones Julie, its not worth it as Keeko spends all day swinging upside down from them lol:P
  21. Well we have a few changes going on at the moment, Charlie went into his new cage very well yesterday which was great! I did worry about the change but he has done really well. The big changes happen tomorrow though. We have spent all morning stripping the room walls ready for the decorator coming in tomorrow. Again the birds were great whilst we moved everything around and the room was complete chaos! I have bought new pictures and cushions etc and plan on getting curtains this afternoon (as the other ones are full of holes lol) They are not going to be very happy tomorrow as they will be in their cages all day in the other room but I need to get my room done ready for xmas and Im fed up looking at no wallpaper!!! Ive learnt the hard way as well and will be fitting perspex sheets to the walls behind the cages from the word go this time! No more food splattered walls!! I will update you tomorrow night when I am hopefully sat in my new decorated poop and food free room:P
  22. What lovely colouring on the tail, and I just love the cuddly picture, so cute:kiss:
  23. I can so relate to this! My last keyboard had 13 keys missing! One blink and they are gone:evil:
  24. Ha Ha, I love it! Ive got visions of my three sat round a kiddie table with their aprons on painting away! Thanks for sharing:)
  25. Dave, they are just so cute! I so wish I could have experienced this with my three, thanks for the lovely pictures. Cant wait to find out the DNA results.
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