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Everything posted by casper

  1. The poor thing! I just cant imagine what kind of life the grey has! Well it sounds like it dosent have one! Please keep us updated and let us know how your chat has gone with the owner, If he needs advice about greys get him to join the forum! Good luck. And thanks for being so caring. Caroline.
  2. Thankyou for sharing this lovely story with us. Its so sad to think of birds actually going through life like that. Caroline
  3. Love the last picture, its great to see them in flight like that. I will have to get a decent camera as well!
  4. Di, I just love to see your pictures and listen to how Monty is doing, Karma to you
  5. I am glad you are back home and hope you make a speedy recovery. Spend lots of time with Loki and look after yourself. Ge well soon.
  6. Thanks for explaining the history. I am the same as Lyric, I have visited a few different grey forums but no other has been as informative, useful or friendly as this one. I love this forum and plan on being a member for the health and well being of my boys and value the friendships I have made on here.
  7. What beautiful birds Ina, thanks for sharing those lovely pictures with us all.
  8. Hello and welcome to the forum Perch. Congratulations on your new addition:) Its great here to talk with other birdie people and share your love and passion of birds. I also have non birdie friends who think Im a mad bird woman! Hope you enjoy your time on here.
  9. Tiff, what beautiful pictures! Tuki is absolutely beautiful. Its so nice to see her out with you, thanks for sharing those with us.
  10. He is so lovely, he is going to be so big!!! Keep posting those pictures for us I cant wait to see him grow:)
  11. Hi there, Wow such a long post where do we start! I think the best thing to do which will answer a lot of your questions is use the search forum box at the top of the page. Just key in what you want to learn about for example, how to bath etc, and previous threads will be shown for you to read and learn. Start with the basics, eg, do's and donts, do not use Teflon items near your grey as these can instantly kill. Then take a look in the diet section, there is a do's and donts list again, find out first what not to feed your grey then read through different items you can to give you ideas on what to feed. Your grey has been passed around alot and needs to gain your trust, there are lots of owners on here with rescue greys who I hope will read your post and give you lots of advice as patience is going to be the key here. You are going to have to work on the basics before even thinking about using a harness. I wish you all the best with your new companion, remember read through the sections then give us all a shout for any other questions you need answering. Welcome to the forum. Caroline
  12. Welcome Erin to you and Elmo. Glad you have joined, there is so much to learn about greys but you will find lots of answers on here. Caroline
  13. Good luck, I hope you get some good news. keep us updated when you get a reply:)
  14. They are great toys, you really have done a brilliant job with those! make sure you keep us updated if you get your own site.
  15. Charlie and Keeko (double trouble!)
  16. Baby Jasper! Has a name at last;)
  17. Congratulations! Bet you are really excited! Have you already seen a Cag? Are you looking for a baby? When I got my second grey obviously there was a period of getting used to each other ( and sharing me) but on the whole evrything went really well! Now ive got my third that is a different issue;) Keep us updated and let us know how you get on. Caroline
  18. What great pictures! ZZero is such a cutie! Keep the pictures and updates coming:)
  19. What a great update on Loki! She sounds like she is a big part of the family already! Hope the surgery has gone well and you have a speedy recovery.
  20. One of my greys is about 5 months old and loves nothing more than to be cuddled. I find them easier to handle at this age and like Siobhan has said you will make things easier if you need a vet visit etc. Just take your time, do this at your and your greys pace. I think this is really important if you plan on harness traing the grey. Thye are all so different, my eldest grey never liked to be touched really, he likes a stroke and a head scratch but thats it, Good luck and keep us updated.
  21. Hi there and welcome to the forum! Congratulations on your new grey, cant wait to hear more and see some pictures:)
  22. casper


    Jen, I am so sorry you lost Crackers, I know you loved that little fellow as much as you do the rest of your flock! I hope the pain will ease in time, remember he has gone to a beautiful place where he can see and fly free. You and your family are in my thoughts, Love to you all xxx
  23. Nice to see you here again. Love the pictures.
  24. Congratulations! Please keep us posted on Sweetpeas progress, I am so happy for you. Caroline
  25. That was a good price Steve! I paid between £700-£800 for mine, each one was slightly different. Caroline
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