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Everything posted by casper

  1. Sheila, I hope you have a great time!Make sure you have some resolve handy for the morning:P I have to be up at 7 as my son has a Karate exam early in the morning, I do hope he passes. Forecast snow again tomorrow, I hope its not as bad as the other week as we are out so early. Have a great weekend everyone.
  2. Elena, I am so sorry for your loss, our thoughts are with you at this sad time. Caroline.
  3. My three love chicken as a treat! Like Carolyn said, only give in moderation.
  4. Wow another hybrid! Cant wait to see pictures of Harry. I live in the UK as well and it sure is cold and miserable at the moment. I would still harness train Harry indoors then hopefully you will be fine when we eventually get round to some nice weather next year. He sounds very involved with your family already! Enjoy your new baby and make sure you read round the threads, I hope you will find them useful. Caroline.
  5. Welcome Mizbirdy, Its great you could join us all here! Cant wait to see pictures of all you flock. Look forward to herring more about you all.
  6. I would love to do this with my three! I always believe they will be quiet when I am out but my neighbours tell me otherwise:P Great idea, one I think I might try.
  7. Sulfur dioxide is used as a preservative. If it is a reputable brand of bird food I would imagine evrything would be fine! Its not a brand I am familiar with though and dont use myself. Caroline.
  8. Congratulations on your new baby. Cant wait to see some photos when you get the chance!
  9. casper

    Baby Talk!

    Right, watch this space, I will be playing about with photobucket this weekend! Your pictures are great!
  10. casper

    New CAG

    Well said Judy! Its great you keep posting Snakeye, we love to here about your baby! Post away:)
  11. casper

    Baby Talk!

    Is that how you do them all? Is it easy to do?
  12. casper

    Baby Talk!

    Janet, Im loving all these new pictures of Ana grey! Karma to you! Empera, Baby Zeus is adorable! How can we all wait until January? Please keep us all updated when you go for your visits with Zeus. Karma for you, thankyou for sharing with us.
  13. And its so good to see you back:kiss: I am so pleased you had a great time with the kids Judy! You sound like you really enjoyed those rides, it sounds fun! Your beautiful birds will be so pleased to see you, make sure you give them lots of cuddles. Now back to WORK! Get posting:laugh: :laugh:
  14. Elena, You and your baby will be in my thoughts! I hope its something else and your baby can be treated and pull through this. I dont see how your vet can be so certain when he dosent have the results back from the test. We will all be thinking about you both, please try to keep in touch, we are all here if you need us. Caroline.
  15. Elena, The disease normally falls into two categories. 1. Depression of the immune system 2. Beak, skin and feather abnormality. I do know that the disease does progress more rapidly in young birds. You really have to keep a close eye on this baby Elena and make sure he is not in pain and suffering. If the diagnosis is correct and your vet is correct in what he is saying the outlook may not be a good one and sometimes it is kinder for the bird to consider euthanasia if the birds quality of life is in question. I am sorry I cant give a second opinion, someone who knows more about this will be online later and I know he will reply to your thread. How long have you had the bird and did you get any health gaurantee from the breeder/shop? Caroline.
  16. Elena, I feel your sorrow, i wish I could do more to help! Did the vet do a blood test to confirm the disease? This should have been done, as far as I am aware its the only definite way to diagnose 100%. Caroline.
  17. Yet another wonderul post! Thankyou for taking the time to write this for everyone Dave.
  18. casper

    Baby Talk!

    Anyone want to add to this thread and tell us all about their new baby?
  19. Would anyone like to add a picture to the baby album?
  20. Matt, So glad you managed to find the welcome room and we finally get to hear about you and your beautiful grey Pablo. I am so sorry Pablo has to take meds for the psittacosis, but hopefully everything will work out fine after treatment. Does he need to go back for a re-test when the meds are done? What about your other birds? Did the vet mention anything about them? Its good your vet gave you the note for the doctor, this will be because the psittacosis is a zoonotic disease ( can be passed to humans) if you do start with any symptoms, which hopefully you wont, it is normally treatable with an antibiotic called doxycycline, but hopefully you wont have any problems. Please keep us updated on Pablo's treatment and progress and just join in on the forum and chat along with all of us as we would love to get to know you. So glad you could join us. Caroline.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/12/12 14:14
  21. I love reading this thread! My eldest two have just learnt to make kissing noises when I ask them to "blow kisses" its so sweet to hear them both do this! Everyones stories on here are great! They are so intelligent, thats why we all love them so much!
  22. casper

    New CAG

    Snakeye, I have two children and neither of them handle my birds because I wouldnt trust them with them! One of my greys gave my son a nasty bite once and I never allowed them to have contact again! This dosent mean they cant have a relationship, my children love to talk to the greys and feed them treats when I am there, they just dont pet them and never hold them. You are going to have to constantly supervise your youngest children as toddlers they have no concept of fear and could end up losing a finger if they put them in the cage and you are not there. Please dont be put of by this, it can work with children and greys but the supervision has to be constantly there. Others will give you their experiences and opinions as well, thats just what I do with my children and I feel your youngest will need to be watched very carefully near the cage. Good luck. Caroline.
  23. Yes they can be addictive, probably why Im sat here with three at the moment:laugh: Sounds like he loves the ladies! My three will let my husband feed them and give them the odd stroke so he may change in time but sounds like he gets on well with you and your daughter. Its great to hear things are going so well! keep us all posted, we would love to hear more about Eddie:)
  24. I agree Penny! We are all so lucky to have Dave here! Thanks for a great, wonderful informative post Dave! Karma coming your way.
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