So glad you managed to find the welcome room and we finally get to hear about you and your beautiful grey Pablo.
I am so sorry Pablo has to take meds for the psittacosis, but hopefully everything will work out fine after treatment. Does he need to go back for a re-test when the meds are done?
What about your other birds? Did the vet mention anything about them?
Its good your vet gave you the note for the doctor, this will be because the psittacosis is a zoonotic disease ( can be passed to humans) if you do start with any symptoms, which hopefully you wont, it is normally treatable with an antibiotic called doxycycline, but hopefully you wont have any problems.
Please keep us updated on Pablo's treatment and progress and just join in on the forum and chat along with all of us as we would love to get to know you.
So glad you could join us.
Caroline.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/12/12 14:14