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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. I have a YCA and she is the absolute best bird. I would say if your going to get a zo to get a Female as when the males get hormonal they can be very aggressive the females just want to nest basicly and will try todo that at any cost. They are wonderful birds and will never bite without warning you I have had my zon for almost 10 yrs and can honestly say she has never ever bit me she is so sweet and cuddly She loves music and sings many songs she also does animal impressions. I would say if you are going to get another bird to get a zon or go all out and get yourself a large Macaw either a B&G or a GW I just got a large Macaw and I'm telling you I couldn't be happier they are very very special birds and the love and affection they show is somthing every bird lover should experiance. I just adore my big guy he is so different than any of my other birds he is really more like a toddler with feathers I know we say that about the Grey but its even more so with these big guys. they only bird that comes close to him is Adaya my baby Grey maybe because I raised her myself and so we have a special bond. I can do absolutly anything with her and she loves it and trust me so much. Darius my harlequin is pretty much like that also even though I got him as a 6yr fully mature bird. they are just trully awesome companions and I would recomend one to any experianced bird owner becase I know they would never regret the dessision after they got one. They really are awesome.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/10/13 18:52
  2. Oh Summer I feel for you but I do know what you are going through. My Amazon goes through very heavy molts and when she does bot does she get grumpy she has never biten me but she also will not allow me to touch or hold her when she is like that and she will lunge at me which is totally out of character for her. Tyco my rescue Grey will bite and hard during molting I really have to watch her body language at this time. When your Grey is in a fairly responsive mood he may allow you topinch just the very tips of his pins its a good bonding practice because it feels really good to them also bathing everyday while they are molting will really help sofen thos pins so they aren't so irratating and it will also help the feathers grow in better and faster. I hope he gets over this molt quickly for you don't worry he doesn't hate you He loves you soso much its just those nasty pins hurt him and they are so darn itchy and he can't scratch because it hurts to scratch that would make anybody grouchy don't you think.
  3. All my birds are flighted so I have boings,Atoms, globe.swings and hanging gyms in every room of my house so that the birds have places to land and play when they come to that room to play. My kids are all grown accept 1 so I have allot more money now and I spend it all on my birds. When my kids come to visit they tell me that I live in a giant bird cage because of all the stuff hanging from the ceiling and all the play stands everywhere LOL They call me a crazy bird lady I don't mind that title I'm just crazy about my birds :laugh: I think my neighbours think so also but they all have come and knocked on my door and asked if they could see my birds. You can hear them pretty good when they great the day.
  4. I could have cared less in fact I asked the groomer just to clip them at the break as thats what I did with the other 2 that he broke. But he said he pulled them so they would grow back faster. It doesn't matter now its done so there isn't anything I can do about it at least he didn't yank all four he left the other 2 that I clipped off there I guess he didn't see them which I'm totally glad about. He got a real good bite for his trouble though Darius almost broke his thumb with a presure bite LOL good on him!!!!
  5. Me too I wouldn't mind at all going out and hoseing it dowm I would so love to have an Aviary for my birds. Heck I'd settle for a cage the size of Adays even. her cage is the biggest cage In the house. Even if I had another cage like the one Darius is in would be great his cage is 42x36 x48 inside measurement his cage door is never closed though so basicly its his dining room LOL He has a room that he share's with Jeepers so he's got it really good no need to ever lock him in his cage. he likes to sleep at the top of his boing.
  6. I would definatly seperate them if the larger on is picking at the smaller teils neck he could be trying to really hurt him or may very soon.
  7. I was just thinking about the travel cage that I used for Darius yesterday for getting his nails clipped and If you wated to get a larger macaw this cage would probably fit in your back seat just fine its a 18x18x24tall Cockateil cage and I can even get the seat belts around it. Just a thought
  8. I took Darius to get his nails clipped at the Groomers yesterday and the poor guy was so upset if you read my post in the health room called Question you will understand. After I brought him home he acually turned his back and would not even look my way. I told him I was sorry that the bad man hurt him. he had his nails clipped and 4 broken tail feathers pulled. he has a new gym and has been breaking tail feathers like crazy but rather than leaving the broken one there the groomer pulled them so they would grow in faster rather than waiting for them to molt out and haveing take up to 2 years to get new tail feathers. he was a very angry bird and when I asked him to step up he gave me a bit of a hard preasure bite to let me know that he wanted me to leave him alone. I tryed again this morning and he was still a little angry but he soon got over it after I pinched a few of his pin feathers for him and tickled his tummy. I asked him if I could see what the bad man did to him and he acually spread his tail and let me check to see. He's so smart I cannot believe how much he understands what I say to him. what a good bird I definatly don't want to make him mad at me again any time soon I don't like getting time outs from him.LOL
  9. What a silly bird that is so funny I know somtimes Adaya will put her head under her bell and it looks like she wearing it for a hat but to actually sleep with his head inside the bell is the funniest thing ever. He must be just so much fun to have around.
  10. Thank you Dave and everybody else that shared there experiance with me. Inguess iwill start with short trips to the store and things like that. I have 2 thanks giving dinners to go to this weekend and both are about 20 minutes drive from my house so maybe I'll start with that and see how it goes it may be a little far but he didn't get sick comeing home that far today after we visited a few places and I sang to him and turned the music up for him which seemed to really help him relax. I think he actyally enjoyed it. He probably thought he was going to another new home today because thats the only time he's ever been in a car is when he was being rehomed poor guy was stressed I'm telling you the minute I said ok time to go home was when he finally relaxed and started to enjoy himself.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/10/10 21:20
  11. I took Darius to get his nails done this morning and its about a 45 minute drive. He obviously gets car sick because he threw up 3 times on the way to the groomers. he was better on the way back because we stopped at a few places to visit a little and of course he was the center of attenions. I was wondering if anyone knows if bird that get car sick will alwys get car sick or can they get over it by taking them for more short trips. So they get used to it. I'd really like to take Darius out more but I don't want him to get car sick I'm sure its not good for him<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/10/10 00:30
  12. Its been exactly 2yrs since I brought my Tyco home I took Darius to get his Naild done today and while I was there I picked up a few new toys for Tycos special day I made a homemade carrot and nut cake for her and I bought her a chicken leg from our corner store they make the best chicken I've ever had and Tyco just loves it so I bought her a piece just for her. I wish I could spend the whole day with her but I have to go to work at 5pm so we will have fun just her and I until then
  13. I guess Darius never had anything to climb on and play in his previous home. He doesn't do it very well he's broken 3 tail feathers in the last weak just from climbing around on the jungle gym I built for him in has boings, atoms ropes chains,swings and two playstands. he's definatly getting his excersize but its so hard on the poor tail of his
  14. I was just looking at the web cam and I checked out Bonnie & Clydes nest box it looks like the got 2or3 eggs in the nest. Boy Dave are you ever going to be busy if all these baby's Hatch what fun.
  15. My birds look at me funny also when I offer them a bone with no chicken on it. But offer them a piece of chicken and they are in birdy heaven all my birds will do just about anything for a piece of chiken or turkey or fish I think if they had their way that would be all they would eat. so its definatly a treat once or twice a month.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/10/08 04:33
  16. Has He completly healed from his crop burn if he still has a hole he may very well be hungry because his food may be leaking out the hole in his crop if he's gaining weight thats a good sign somm bird do revert a little when the go to there new homes maybe you should give him a morning feeding of formula also he may require a little extra tlc until he settles in.I'm glad to hear he seems to like you and is coming to you readily he sounds like a very nice Grey and I love his name by the way
  17. No its not ok are you sure he;s actually eating it or it just looks that way. I had a budgy that died from swallowing a peice of wood and it got stuck in his vent and couldn't poop it out. This was many many years ago now but I felt so bad for him Please make sure he's not really eating it and if he is maybe give your vet a call and see what he/she says about it
  18. An 8 year old Grey is still a very young bird and yes it will probubly talk. Allot of Greys are closet talkers listen to see if he will talk when your not in the room with him. Patients is the key right now. He just got taken from his home and put into a new place with out knowing anything or anybody thats there. It will take him quite a while to settle in. give him treats talk sweet to him ask him before you do anything like invade his cage when you want to put your hand in to give him food tell him Im going to give you breakfast now of supper or what ever. don't look at him straight on look at him with one eye or lower your head this will lethim know your friendly and you mean him no harm. they are very intelegent so treat him that way and most of all go at his pace not yours he will let you know when he wants more from you I will help you but right now I have something on the stove I'll post more later.
  19. I can just picture that poor little conure covered in chicken soup poor thing. They really don't care what they bath in as long as its wet they love to baththats for sure leat he cleaned himself up under the tap my Conures used to bath like that also.{Feel-good-0002006E}<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/10/07 23:00
  20. I there are a lot of false possitives when it come to pfbd thats why the vets usually ask to test the birds again in 90 days. I hope for Rishi sake that his was a false possitive due to what ever he was sick from and that if you ever get around to getting him to a vet again that his tests come back negetive. I'm so glad he's doing better though thats wonderful. If you can keep him on the pellet diet that would be great I know Tyco loves her pellets also she eats veggies eggs pasta nuts and pellets and thats all she doesn'y eat her seeds at all even though I contiue to give them to her she eats the pellets that are in the seed mix I buy though plus her zupreem she just likes pellets I wish I could get all my birds to enjoy their pellets as much as Tyco does.
  21. Oh yes its fine I got some for my birds last christmas they loved it it was like getting a new toy everyday except I got really tired of having to build them a new toy every day so now rotate the lego with the rest of their toys and they only get to play with their lego once every 3 months for 2 weeks I can handle building for that long and thats about it.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/10/06 18:20
  22. My Tyco doesn't imatate the sounds of my other birds like my Macaw and my Amazon they can get very loud and Tyco hates it she tells them to be quiet or if it gets really loud and the dogs start howling because it hurts their ears then Tyco say shuy up no barking and no screaming. its funny how much she doesn't like noise from other animals she gets really mad at them:laugh:
  23. poot bird even though blood feathers do have to be pulled if they get broken the least she could have done was take the bird to the bathroom or a back room to pull them instead of right in front of customers I think as far as the bird living in different cages go I really don't think that should be done not only for sanitary reasons but for the birds emotional well being a bird should have its own home a place of saftey that they can call its own where no other birdy can go without permisson from its owner the bird that lives there. I think all birds need a safe place to go that so when they want to be alone they can without fear of someone else moving in.
  24. She is really a pretty bird I love how her head feathers are white and the tips are dark just beautiful
  25. That is a very very old song how old did you say you whereLOL
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