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Everything posted by Tycos_mom
Welcome to our happy family I have a Fid named Raja pronouced the same way only my Raja is a Indian ring neck. I would just love to see some pictures of your new baby when you get a chance the easiest way to put pictures on the forum is to open a free photo bucket account upload your pictures there and then copy the img code and paste it into your thread just place your mouse over the picture you upload and a few codes come up choose the one that say Img and copy and paste its easy and you don't have to resize your pics.
What a little cutie pie I love al the colors he/she really seems to love his/her mommy and visa versa
Its not so much the perch even though its not stainless steel it looks like it might be aluminum maybe I'm more worried about the cage itself with all the rust holes in the tray at the bottom she doesn't cover it or anything.
I'm adopting a new bird that very likely has heavy metal poisoning can anyone tell me what the aproxamate cost is going to be to get my bird treated and healthy again.
thats great news i hope the vet says the same about my new rescue i'm adopting he's not a Grey and I'm just about positive he will have some health issues the way he's been living.Your so lucky that Cory has taken to you so quickly he must of had a very loving owner previously
Well I find that with Adaya the cement perches work well she has a concrete swing and also two others in her cage I think because she is still young and her nails aren't really hard the concrete perches work okay for her they don't work for Tyco very well I'm like Judy my shoulders and chest and back always look like a cat has been using me for a scratching post. I had Fergies nails dremaled at her last wellbird check up a couple months ago what a dream she is to hold you can't even feel any sharpness at all. she's quite a bit older than my Grey and not as active I think with my greys they need to have their nails somewhat sharp to be able to grip on to things so they don't fall.
When I went back to work I felt exactly the same way. Don't worry he will adjust mine did just leave the TV or radio on for him mabie you could get a small aquarium I hear they love to watch fish swimming around.
I know it can be so funny with these guys around I'm sure they must make me belly laugh at least 3or4 times a day they come out with the darnedest things sometimes. They say kids say the darnedest things but I say Parrot do it far more often than kids. I'm so glad to hear your enjoying your new found friend.:laugh:
New here with a couple pics of my CAG
Tycos_mom replied to KDK241's topic in Photography & Video Room
To add a signature you have to go into your profile and edit then go to forum settings. if you use photo bucket then just upload your signature there and then copy and paste the img code into the forum setting Beautiful Grey you have there thats quite the flock you have I thought I had allot of birds with going on 7 when I bring Harley my new Macaw home mind you most of mine are large birds except for my Indian ring neck and my Green cheeked Conure. I have 2 Greys, 1 yellow crowned Amazon, 1 Severe Macaw, one Indian ring Neck, and 1 Green Cheeked Conure. and in two weeks or less I will be bringing home a new Harliquin Macaw 4 of my birds are rescues. the other 3 where baby's when I got them. Did you get your birds as baby's or where they older I know your Grey is older but what about the others.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/27 20:54 -
I would not worry you just have a petite little Grey there is such a large difference with Grey's some are huge and some are small it really makes no difference My breeder had both small and large Grey's I chose the larger because Tyco is so big I didn't want her to maybe hurt her if she was too small I also have other large birds so I thought it best to keep them all the same.
Grey't news I couldn't be happier for you and your bird yippee
You got it patients is the key with all birds young and old. I'm so happy that Slater loves you thats just wonderful news and I'm sure with time and patient Ecko will be gurging for you also. I know your feeling disappointed about Ecko picking your bf over you but at least knowing that Slater loves you will help take the sting away a bit.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/28 00:00
Thanks everyone I get myself into some lulu's I just should say no but I can't just sit back and watch a fid that I grown to love be abused even if its not intentional the ignorance is still abuse. And a bird living in thos conditions makes me want to cry. I havn't tried to handle Harley I did give him a beaky Rub through the bars of his cage. I know that her 15 year old daughter can handle Harley no problem he is a real snuggle bunny with her he bites the mom every chance he gets. I don't think I'll have to many problems unless he takes to my 14 yr old daughter and I doubt that will happen she's terrified of those big beaks ever since I had Mr. Magoo the Cockatoo and he would attack and bite her hard. She prefers the smaller birds its kind of sad that she is afraid of the big birds now I was hoping she would be a bird lover like me. There's no chance now. She doesn't hate then she just ignores them. I think Harley is either 2or3 years old I can't remember if she said she got him last year or 2 years ago I know he was a year old when she got him. he is a beautiful bird he has red feather lines around his eyes. She also has a Moluccan Cockatoo that she's selling for dirt cheap even though he doesn't have any toys and is living on a seed diet at least his cage is in good shape and his perch is made of wood not metal and he's not a plucker. I just hope I get Harley in time to make him better I'm worried about him now that I know he's going to be mine. I also scared for him. I want to take over a nice big branch from my white Alder tree and put it in his cage and get rid of that steel pole. I also want to make him a nice big Toy out of the untreated spruce I bought at the lumber yard last time I was there so he can chew his little heart out without getting poisoned. I'm sure she would not let him have it though it would make a mess and she can't have that. I also don't know if its a girl or a boy S/he has not been DNA'd but is known as a boy for now.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/27 20:05
OMG look at that adorable little baby It so reminds me of Adaya just a few weeks ago. they grow up far to quickly. Has your baby started eating solid foods yet? its So are you all prepared to bring your little one home bet your on pins and needle waiting for the day she's weaned she's a tiny little Grey isn't she very petite Adaya at that age was a whooping 510 gr but she lost that during fledging and weaning and she now weighs 435 grams.I can't get your Video to place the mouse at the top of your video and a few option will come up go to the share option and then more a popup will then show the click on get link code and copy the image code and paste it into you thread and your video will play for us then<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/27 12:54
I haven't decided yet about his name. He's going to have to go into Quarantine for awhile until I get him checked out by the vet and he gets a clean bill of health I also have to have him checked for heavy metal poisoning because I don't know what that perch in his cage is made out of and his cage has allot of rust the bottom has rust hole 2 inches around and there are 3 or 4 holes in it she doesn't cover them with news paper or anything so he could be chewing the hole Like I said I'm surprised the birds have lasted as long as they have I can't wait to get hm out of there I just don't have the money at the moment so I'm going to have to wait a week or 2 I have to finish paying for him and get him a new cage and then the vet bill its not going to be cheap I have a small cage about 22X24x36 high that I could use as a sleep cage for Jeepers since during the day he's on his play stand and if I do that I can give Harley the cage that Jeepers is in now its30"Dx40"Wx42"T inside measurements I hope that will be big enough for now and it has a play top I'll have to see what I can do the sooner I can get him home and into the vet the better.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/28 01:50
Well welcome to the family you have come to the right place to learn about Grey ownership we have many knowledgeable people here with years of experience and that are very willing to share that experience with others. I also have a Grey that was rehomed 3 times before I got her and she was only 4 years old its so sad that these poor birds get passed from home to home constantly. I'm glad to hear that you and your Grey are hitting it off well I noticed in your avatar that his feather's and tail are a little ratty a couple of good baths will fix that up in no time. I rescued a Severe Macaw about 8 months ago and his feathers looked way worse than your bird and within a week of spraying him with the water bottle his feathers where beautiful it helps to promote proper preening and they can fix up their feathers in no time. I don't think the bird I rescued had had a bath in 6 yrs the woman I got him from developed an allergy to him after her cancer treatments and instead of rehoming him she locked him away in a room by himself with no human interaction except to give him some seeds and water poor baby.
I syringe fed my Grey and my GCC and My cockatiel I tried spoon feeding Adaya a few times but I wasted more formula than she ate so I gave up and used a syringe.
I got the same ones but also bought the atom also They love the Atom and play on it more than any of the others so I think its worth it I also made them an atom which they also love allot and it cost half the price you can see it in this room under atoms and I made it with non metalic conduit hose and pvc connectors and sisle rope theres no need to cover it because the hosing has ridges which helps the birds to hold on.
Thats wonderful news it actually made me cry. what a touching story of a bird and his friend finding each other again I'm so happy what a wonderful person you are for doing this for them
My neighbour a mile up the road has a few birds that I have always felt very sorry for. She doesn't give them toy the cages she uses should be in the dump there are huge rust holes everywhere she uses steel pipes for perches the birds get nothing but seeds and water. anyway she has a cockatoo and a Harlequin Macaw that she wants to rehome and she is keeping her Double yellow Head Amazon she came over today and asked me if I wanted to adopt her Macaw She knows I'm a sucker for him I've always loved him he a little cage bound but is not to bad if you can get him away from his cage and I'm worried he's going to get sick if he stays there much longer. she said I could have him for 7 hundred which is a pretty good deal I guess and he need a home he recently escaped and flew up into a tree behind their house they finally got him when he went onto a branch that wouldn't hold him the branch broke and down he came he was fine thank goodness. any way I told her I would take him but she's going to have to keep him fora week or 2 so I can get him a new cage I refuse to bring the piece of junk he's in into my house its also way to small he doesn't even have so much as 1 toy poor guy I am just a sucker for a pretty face here's a picture of him notice the perch he's on its the only thing in his cage except his seeds and water not even newspaper because there is no grate so she doesn't want him to chew it up poor baby. some people should not have birds. She does love them but she doesn't have a clue how to look after them I'm surprised these poor birds have lasted as long as they have. His name is Harley <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/27 08:15
Great perch did someone make it for you. where did you find something like that my birds would love it I think.
I think every Grey Parront in the world worry's if they are going to be good enough Parronts to keep their beautiful babies from plucking I worry everytime I see one of Tyco's flight feathers on the bottom of her cage and I alway check to see if its been chewed off or if it came out from molting. She use to barber her left side flights and since being with me she has let them all grow back. I still worry all the time. its been 2 years now with no chewing I just hope and pray it stays that way.
Don't worry you'll be a grey't parront there are tons of people just dieing to help on this forum. You have put yourself and your new baby in good hands
I would really try explaning to him why everyone is so sad he's picking up on all these emotions and doesn't understand why he has these feeling you have to tell him that his mom is gone and she isn't coming back and thats why every one is sad then reassure him that he will still be loved and taken care of. They understan allot of what we say I know it sounds foolish but I had to do this with a cockatoo once and after I explained that his mom was gone he seemed to get on with things much better.
Dan gave excellent advice I don't need to add anything except that it may get to the point where it would be safer for your guests and you to put Chikki in his cage when they come over.