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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. I Think your right like I said Tyco has said I love you before but she does't say it very often but its like she really wanted me to know how she felt this morning and I just thought to myself how glad I am to have her in my life. They are just everything to me.
  2. NO I didn't bring his cage home with me it was way to small and had big rust holes in it. He took a few minutes for me to be able to talk him into going into his new 40x30x52 cage but he finally went in on his own. I think he will settle quite nicely because as soon as he went into his cage he spent 10 minutes at his food dish gobbleing everything I put in there for him Mostly treats but also some pellets and a bit of seed mix he just love the fresh peaches and cream corn on the cob and snap peas those where the first to go:laugh: I almost forgot to mention that Harley is older than I thought she bought him at 1yr old as a just weaned baby and she said that was in 2005 so he is 5 years old. which means its going to take a little more time to come around but at least he has only had one owner so that should help. she uses the up command instead of the step up command so we do thing a little different I do hope he will understand.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/03 15:49
  3. I worry like that also. A couple months ago Tyco fell off her boing when she was hanging upside down she landed quite hard on her back. The next morning I notice that one of her wings was drooping quite a bit lower than the other. I was so worried that she had really hurt herself so I made a vet appointment. When I got there the Vet looked her over and checked everything out. He said wow you have a beautiful healthy Grey with a drooping wing. He said that she probubly bruised it when she fell and because she bruised it allot of times they will just totally relax so the wing droops because it hurts them more to hold it up. he said to keep an eye on itand ifshe doesn't lift it back up within a week to bring her back within 2 days her wing was back up to where it belonged. I hope its nothing serious with your bird but I just wanted to let you know that the will baby their wings somtimes when they hurt them.
  4. Ah thats great that things are going good for you and your new baby even at 19months old he is still very very young and will adapt very easily. It sounds like his first owner was very good with him if he's stepping up and wanting to be close already. Could you tell me why they were rehoming him. Just curious.
  5. Thanks for the laugh they can be so darn cute sometimes no wonder we love them so much. I swear I've never laughed more in my life until I started bringing the larger birds into my home They make me laugh every single day with some kind of sillyness. Aren't they wonderful.
  6. What a beautiful picture of your wet baby I think your right though thats exactly what he's thinking.
  7. I've had Adaya since she was 5weeks old so I think I had an advantage when it came to bathing because we started so early she loves to bath and doesn't much care how she gets wet as long as she does. she is so funny She loves every single toy she has in her cage and attacks them Growling and hanging upside down and swinging She has an enormous cage so there is tons of room in there for lots of toys and perches she has a grand time. I think that having other birds around has really helped her to learn thing quicker and when she was younger I took her with me everywhere I went I started harness training at 10 weeks old. She is still a big mush and when she's out in the morning before the other birds get up that's our time and she just will not leave me for anything she wants to be with me checking out everything she can be so silly she loves to play on her back and she will actually climb up onto my head and the fling herself upside down off my head so I will have to catch her while she upside down so silly she sure trust me though she also loves to wrestle with me she rolls over and boxes with her feet and I will gently shake her beak and poke her all over. so much fun I hope she never loses her playfulness but she probably will as she gets older.
  8. My youngest daughter is 13 going on 14 next month and she loves watching silly you tube videos and every time she hears something really funny she come bounding into the room saying what she has just heard. Tyco just loves it and talks in her voice most of the time. and calls her when she's not around she never answers. but she gets such a kick when Tyco learns the new phrase she has just bounded into the room with all the excitement a 14 year old girl can muster Tyco is 6 yrs old also.
  9. Well its off to pet smart tomorrow I love that Idea I guess I'll have to buy an even 1/2 dozen now that I have 6 birds to feed
  10. Thats a cute picture of Houdini sleeping thanks for sharing
  11. We have a wonderful bird food room on this forum that has lots of recipes for your bird to enjoy and that will give him all the vitamins and nutrition that he needs. I would leave your Canary in the same room with him he may pick up some of his vocalizations but they are also company for one another when your not home. Greys generally start talking around 12 months old some a little sooner some later and some not at all. just make sure you talk to him like you would if you where raising a child label everything he eats and stuff like that and I'm sure he will be talking before you know it.
  12. I picked up Harley around 8pm it took us about 45 minutes to get him in the carrier the firs 15 minutes of that was just getting him out of his cage. Then we tried putting him on the floor and removing his cage from his sight. We tried bribery and corralling him no chance was he going in that carrier on his own so finally we just toweled him and that was it. Then once I got home I couldn't get him to come out of the thing. I finally just set it up on top of his cage and let him come out on his own. which he did within a couple minutes. It was getting late and I wanted him to get in his cage for bed now that was a little tricky I showed him all the good things I put in there like brazil nuts almonds corn on the cob hazelnuts papaya banana chips. but he wasn't going for it. If any one was listening to me they would of thought I was totally looney tunes here I was almost begging this bird to go into his cage because its bed time. Finally I thought well enough is enough and was going to try to get him to step up onto a perch. Well as soon as he saw me with the perch in my hand he scurried into his cage and spent the next 10 minutes eating all the goodies I gave him. I partially covered him and I haven't heard a peep since. here's a couple of pictures of my beautiful big boy.
  13. Don't feel bad like you said wing clipping is a personal choice. When I got Tyco she also was chewing and barbering her flight feathers but only on her left side and because of this she was so off balance and would fall really hard on her keel. I took her to the vet and got her wings clipped so they matched and had the one she had barber straightened out and after that she totally stopped chewing her wings and is now fully flighted but if I hadn't clipped her I have no doubt she would have continued barbering her left wing because she did it for 4 years so I believe a wing clip is a very necessary thing sometimes even though I don't normally clip my birds wings
  14. Thas so grey't that you are getting her out and about with you Adaya loves to come with me but right now it just to hot and she gets over heated very quickly so she stays home where it nice and cool I put an air conditioner in the room the birds are in and what a difference it has made the whole house stays cool with one small window air conditioner at one end and another at the other end it stays a nice 68 degrees in my house. its just wonderful
  15. Thank goodness she's they sure can get them selves into trouble quickly can't they. Sometimes I think they are worse than children for getting into things they shouldn't. You just can't take your eyes off them for a minute.
  16. I Love that net I really have to get busy especially since I have a huge new beak to satisfy. You are so talented you should make toys to sell you could do really well I bet.
  17. Your bird is 1 day older than my Baby Grey Adaya was hatched on 2/7/09 Its grey't that you have joined our family I'll look forward to getting to know Mater and yourself you will love this forum lots of friendly very Knowledgeable people that are very willing to share.
  18. Yes as long as the bird has a hatch certifiacate and or a closed leg band then that is all that is required to insure your bird was bred in captivity. Some breeders don't use leg bands because they can be dangerous but most do have some kind of hath cetificate to say that the baby was raise in captivity. Unless your buying a rehomed parrot I don't think you have much to worry about.
  19. What a nice looking baby he likes that orange doesn't he. welcome to our family if you have any Question just ask.
  20. I know the hooks your talking about those would be great for hanging toy's and most dollar stores carry them 12 to a package for a $1.00 heres a picture I made a swing from them. I don't know if you can see it but each of those chain links has a small opening they would be perfect to hang toys with and because they are teething rings for babys there are no sharp edges to Peirce soft tissue <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/02 23:16
  21. I bought 4 of them yesterday. Talk about expensive for 4 nickel plated Quick links it cost me $14.85 that like over $3.00 each outrages Oh well its better that I know he safe than out eating my house while i'm gone.
  22. well I waited until 11am to go get him and I should have gone at 7:42 am. when I got there was a note on the door saying Pat we will be gone until dinner time. I brought the birds in because it feels like its going to be a hot one. See you later. So now I have to wait until after 6pm to pick him up. I've been trying to figure out how we are going to get him into the carrier. I'm going to take a bunch of nuts with me and put them at the far end of the carrier hopfully he will go in and get them and all we will have to do is close the door behind him if it doesn't work its going to be so much fun trying to move him.
  23. Aren't they funny some times what they can come up with silly Bird LOL I have a bird that asks every one she meets Are you a bird? It makes me laugh every time.
  24. Oh no no no I'm so sorry I will pray for a quick safe return please please God let Chikki be found safe and sound and returned to his home where he belongs. Please keep us updated I can't imagine how you must be feeling I feel just awful about this.
  25. I watched the videos of the Hahns and they remind me so much of Jeepers my Severe Macaw they have that same sweet little voice its so cute in the first vid where the bird is saying yummy yummy yummy Jeepers does that also that also only he does it when he attacks his toys and he says owieowieowie owie like he's hurting his toy its so cute. he also says the same thing if he decides to bite me HAHAHA
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