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Everything posted by Tycos_mom
What a little chatterbox I laughed so hard when she was telling her toys I love you how about a kiss soso cute what a sweety
That very normal I got my baby at 5 weeks old and she will be 6 months old soon and still scratches like crazy
Please try to look in every dirction from where he flew hes got to be close pray everyday for chikki and will continue until he's home.
I have never had such a big bird as Harley I really don't have any Idea how much to feed him. I just keep filling his bowl up.and he eats like theres no tomorrow I kind of expected that at first because I know he was not getting a very good diet of allot to eat but I really like to know how much to feed him because I don't want him to get to fat. right now he eats like he's never going to eat again.
Oh wow I love that ball Its Harley the Macaw size and I know Tyco would just go crazy for it because she just loves the smaller ones I buy 6 at a time because she chews one a day maybe one like that would last her longer. You say petsmart carries them? Harvey is really pretty btw he has such a cute face<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/04 21:09
I'm totally grossed have you ever had a Macaw Gurge all over your hand before. Harley has decided that he's totally in love I think he let me give him scrtches this morning and then while i was rubbing the side of his face he gurged all over my hand yuck semi digested peanut butter toast pellets and sweet potato w:laugh: ith mabie a bit of broccoli mixed in for good measures:sick: :laugh: {Love-00020118}
Ah Davey that was very sweet poem Your very good at making up rhyme
Well we will have to see what the rest of the flock thinks of him after he gets a clean bill of health from the vet next week. I'm sure they have all heard his vocalizations but none of them have met him face to face.
When I was putting Harley to bed last night he let me give him a beaky rub through the bars of his cage. Then when I grabbed the sheet to cover his cage he started gurging he didn't bring any thing up but he was sure trying. Do you think he likes me? I was so flattered I told him I thought he was wonderful and that I loved him. what a sweetheart. At first I thought he was sick and was Going to vomit but then I watch him for a minute and he was definitely regurgitating. He also calls to me when I leave his site but not to loud and as long as I answer him to reassure him he's not alone then he goes back to playing with his toy's:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/04 11:35
Very nice pictures of Spock and Jim you have 2 beautiful birds there and its nice to see that the introductions are going so well. So I take it that Jim doesn't feel the same way about the Suns as Spock does. Oh well we all cant like everyone
LOL well My Grandmother used to say that if a bird poops on your head it means good luck is coming your way financially so I think maybe your wife is going to be very rich. I keep wondering when I'm going to get my windfall Adaya has pooped on my head to many time to even think about.:laugh::sick: :evil: :silly:<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/04 08:43
Well she probubly listed them that way because she doesn't expect to sell them for about 3 weeks. I know how you feel there are good breeders and bad breeders and I really wish this wasn't the case for some its a hobby and they do it forthe love of the birds they make very little money others will set up their birds one clutch after another and with no regards at all for the bird as long as they can make money its so sad these bird mills need to be closed down but by the time some one complains and the officials get to the breeders house she has hosed down the cages and changes the water and fed them and as long as the birds aren't showing signs of illness they can't do anything. Its so sad.
Well I have learned allot from my sweet new baby I learned he's a big bluffer because he kept trying to bite or pretend to bite so I put the top my head down in front of his beak and said go ahead and bite I don't care so he tapped me once lightly on the top of my head and then started preening my hair. I also found out that he prefers foot toys to hanging toys I hung a very large wicker basket in his cage and filled it with abc wooden blocks and 2x2x3 inch pieces of spruce some small 6 inch dowels and a bird wood bird shaped with beads and rope on it and hung that from the handle of the basket. He loves to take the toys out one by one and chews on them for a minute or two and then drops it and gets another. I've had to pick everything up about 3 times today but that's OK because I've learned he prefers foot toys to hanging toys so now I don't have to drill holes and string them I just have to put them in the basket yeah. Oh I almost forgot he gave me the gentlest kiss this afternoon I told him he was such a good boy for being so gentle and loving. He costantly puts his head down for scritches but I haven't taken him up on the invitation yet because of the way he doesn't take his eyes off my hand I think he wants to sucker punch me:evil: and I'm not falling for it. I have seen that look many times before with Tyco so I'm not going to take the chance with a beak as big as his:laugh: <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/04 03:44
Some how your husband must not be reading YO YO's body language sometime its so small we miss it it could be a small as his eyes pinning once and he's saying not now I'm not in the mood ask your husband to watch exactly what YoYO does just before he bites and next time he may be able to avoid it.
I'm so glad I was a little worried I guess it was just the stress of mama leaving for holidays. I'm happy to hear that he's eating and talking and no more seizures.
Tango no one on this forum is amoron or stupid we all know full well not to give alcohol to our birds. This is the 3rd very nasty post I've read from you could you please keep a check on your attitude when posting here we are a family and it is not a place to try and start an argument. I'm sorry Jilly for interrupted your fun I had to say something it was so obvious to everyone except Tango that this thread was all in fun. Now can I join you in a shot of Tequila I think I need one after that.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/04 00:13
I made a basket perch for my birds and they never even went near it I filled it full of foot toys and I made a toy out of straws and tied and Hung a nice big toy from the handle. I has sat there for months and not a single one of my birds has checked it out. So I thought Harley might enjoy it and hung it in his cage he's has taken a bite out of most of the foot toys and emptyed it twice least he likes it. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/03 23:38
I should try that I have perches and stands all over the house as well I just fill them all and the can eat when they are hungry but I like your way better that way they have to search for food I think I'll try it your way and see what happens.
Your so funny I love your dancing heart.
That is so funny I can just picture this little bird running full speed to the dogs water dish made me laugh so hard what a bird he is so cute.
Thanks guys he is just breathtaking and yes he probubly is a little on the thin side she never kept food in their cages because Harley always dump his dishes because the dishes where all to small for the holders so she fed them 3 times a day about a 1/4 cup of seeds each time the parrot mix is that bulk stuff no pellets mostly sunflower seeds with a few peanuts she did give them the odd small peice of banana or 1or2 grapes. But he will get it all living here with me I make sure my birds eat a healthy diet I just hope he's not going to be like Jeepers that bird is the fussiest bird I have ever seen I still can't get him to eat veggies he will taste them If I eat it first but thats it he eats mac and cheese eggs and seed and nuts and a bit of dried fruit like papaya, banana chips, and mango and once in a while he will eat a piece of pinapple. and grapes he is so fussy I don't even now what to do about it everyday I put veggies in his bowl and everyday I throw them away its been 10 months and I don't think he will ever eat them he won't even eat chicken or cheese if its not on macaroni what kind of bird refuses that.
What the Macaw mating dance looks like. I've tried google but its not telling me much. Harley has been dancing and holding his wings in a heart shape for me every time I go near him he's so cute with all those pretty green feathers standing straight up on his head while he's dancing I don't know if this is what a Macaw does when hes looking for a mate or not can anyone tell me.
How cute is that do you reward her for doing things right:laugh:
I was so hoping to hear some good news this morning I will keep praying for Chikki to be found safely and brought back to you and your wife's loving arms I am so sad that he is still out there and I'm praying so hard please please find Chikki soon.
Well I went in to see if Harley was awake and sure enough he was chewing on something so I took the cover off to see what he was doing and he was chewing on the toys I gave him. I haven't had a chance to make any really big toys for him yet so I dug up 2 of the largest toy I could find and he's having a great time chewing away. they probably won't last more than a day or two so I'd better get cracking and make some toys for him Least I don't have to be back at work until Thursday night at 5pm so I have 3 and a half days to get to know my new fid. He seems to like me I opened his door this morning and he came right over to listen to me talk to him I think that a good sign no pinning Eyes or anything like that I asked him if I could give him a scritch and he moved away so I told him it was ok that i would wait til he was ready. and I told him we were going to be good friends and not to worry and I gave him an almond and a hazel nut in the shell and a fresh piece of corn on the cob. I figure the way to his heart in through his stomach