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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. I think she looks so sweet in her flight suit I can't even get a harness on mine yet good for you to have your baby all dressed for going out on the town
  2. Me too I post all the time and I try Hard to go through all the post and give answers if I can thats what being part of a forum is all about I think thanks Joe for reminding all the looky-loos to get cracking and join this forum if they want to be a part of it good for you
  3. I got in early to see the vet as there was a cancelation so I took Sprout in at 3pm he's alot better today but still seems to be very needy The vet said he doesn't seem to sick she did a blood test and checked at his poop she said his poop is normal its going to be a week for the blood work though. But she figures he might have hurt himself and just went into shock for a little bit. His wings have just grown out so mabie he didn't quite land properly and hit something when he tryed the Dr. said he looks fine and his weight is good So now at least I feel better at least I know he's okay so I glad I took him in he was due for a check up anyway hopfully the blood work will come back with a clean bill of health as well
  4. Isn't always the way girls first and the guys get the left overs if there are anyLOL very cute pictures I love love birds but I can't keep them with my Conures the little love birds just love to bite toes off the other birds poor Luna ( Fiery Shouldered Conure) will kill any love bird she can get her beak on she lost 2 toes toe a little female love bird I used to have.:evil:
  5. My neighbours little girl is turning ten years old. she is a very responsible little girl and has had to grow up very quickly due to the large family that she comes from they have 7 children and she is the middle child. Anyway she comes over everyday to see my birds and she likes to help me prepare the food and she plays with the little birds like my Cocateil and my Green cheek Conure she been wanting a bird of her own for over a year now so since her birthday is coming up I thought I would be nice and get her a little bird of her own I asked her mom if it was ok and she said sure. so I bought her a little male hand fed budgie he's so cute and so friendly I'm not sure how old he is but I the petstore I got him from said he was about 31/2 to 4 months old he is so tiny I don't think he could be that old I've had lots of budgies this gut seems small copared to the one I've had unless he's not fullgrown yet any way here's some pictures of him what do you think is he cute or what another reason I think he's allot younger is that he still has some black on the top of his beak I don't know if that has anything to do with age in budgies but I do know with love birds if they have black on their beaks it means they are still very young <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/08/14 03:01
  6. If you have ruled out anything physical at the vet and you have tryed to change the behavior with lots of baths and lots of preening toys to keep him busy I would try it at this point what have you got to lose except mabie a Grey that will stop pulling out his new feathers
  7. I agree even a small change can mean something is wrong and because they are so good at hiding any type of illness I would take her to the vet just to rule anything like that out If the Vet gives her a clean bill of health then you can look for other reasons why she all of a sudden went quiet but to me it sounds like she is sick
  8. Its so nice to hear from you and to hear things are going well with Izzie and your family I sounds like Izzie is growing up to be a very healthy well ajusted Grey all is good in our house hold also I do have one little bird that is alittle sick at the moment but we have a vet appointment tomorrow so I'm sure everything will be as right as rain in no time please try to stop by more often as we do miss hearing about you and your family and I would just love to see some new photos of Izzie now that she has grownup talk to you soon
  9. I gonna get some of those twisty perches and see if my birds like them. I use natural breanches and cement ones also but I like that twisty one it looks like it would be great for my Conures as well as the bigger bird my Conures are both missing toes so those perches might just be the best thing for them
  10. She could be just missing her old flock and trying to call for them she will soon realize they are gone and settle down into her new flock I have had this happen with a few birds and usually it only last about a week to ten days and then they move on and settle into their new flock good luck mabie thy a new contact call with her somthing that you can deal with like a few short whistle or even a wolf whistle If she will whitle back at you it might stop the screeching
  11. Yeah thats wonderful news congradulations Siobhan couldn't have chosen a better person good for you
  12. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to fly with your birds. I think that would be the most altimate joy
  13. Do birds get ear infections because Sprout My GGC seems to be rubbing that area allot so I tried to see if I could spread the feathers to have a look but he just screams very loud like its hurting him when try to see if there's any redness or inflamation.its definatly a sore spot. He's also molting so I'm wondering if it might be an ingrown feather thats bugging him.
  14. Thanks its just so hard when they're sick Its like haveing a sick child. you just feel so helpless like I said ha has picked up a bit He's not sitting at the bottem of his cage anymore he's in the corner at the top holding onto the bars. I've been offering him baby bird formula every couple hours and he will take about 2 to 3 cc each time so at least I know he getting some food into him and his poops look normal so I don't know mabie he not to bad yet I hope I caught this early what ever it is thats making him sick. I sterelized everything in his cage Including his cage so they'res nothing in there that will make him any sicker anyway.
  15. The best way to stop the biting is a five minute time out say no bite imediatly put him in his cage and walk away he will soon learn that if doesn't bite he gets to be with you and if he does its the cage for awhile.
  16. I noticed last night he was not his usual self I put him on the scale and he's lost about 4 grms which isn't alot but for him it is for the end of the day usually by the end of the day after munching all day long he weighs in at about 80 gr tonight he was only about 70 gr which is his usual weight first thing in the morning after his poop and before breakfast I weighed him again this morning and he was at 68 gr so not bad yet but he was sitting on the bottom of his cage with his beak in the corner. he was also doing this last night thats how I noticed that he might be sick. I cant get in to see the vet today because I live in the middle of nowhere and my daughter is useing my car for work right now. I think it probubly a bacteril infection as I caught him taking a drink out of the dogs water dish the other day I grabbed him quick and the water was clean because I had just filled it but still it the dogs water dish and you just never know how really clean it is. I can't think of anything else that might have caused it I'm so careful about making sure their dishes and cages are sterelized I clean their cages with one of those steam cleaner's and their dishes are put through the sani cycle of the dish washer daily anyway I'm babling on here I'm so worried I was in tears this morning. I covered three sides of his cage and put a lamp on him to keep the warmth in I gave him some bytril that I had left from whem Tyco bit his beak off and hand feed him some babybird formula I also made a mash of yams peas broccoli kidnybeans lima beans carrots pasta and a little cheese and gave that to all the birds I thought that something warm and soft to eat might be appealing to him today. he's not on the bottom of his cage anymore he's come up and he's sitting in the corner he not all fluffed up either I don't know what else todo for him if anybody has any suggestions please let me know I just hate it when My birds are sick. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon at 5:30 pm with the vet until then I'm at a loss of what else to do.
  17. Touch wood I must be one of the lucky ones I only have one bird that chews a little and the onlyy feathers she chews are the ends of her primary flights its almost like she clips her own wings strange ah she's a Fiery shouldered Conure and if is very hard to find allot of imformation about them but I love her and I've had her forever she's 10 yrs old now
  18. I love my birds just the way they are some talk and some don't but they all know haw to make there needs and wants known to me. all birds are woderful the talking one's and the ones that don;t say a word
  19. I also work nights I work 5pm to 11pm on monday and friday and 4pm to 11pm on saturday I would never disturb their sleep when I get home but they do get covered at that time because I'm not here at bedtime to do it so when I get home I whisper its ok its just mommy and I cover their cages as quietly and as quickly as I can then I leave them to sleep on those nights that I work I keep them covered for an extra hour in the morning just to make up for not being covered at 9:00 like they are used to if you always woked nights you can change your birds sheduele to suit yours but you will nee some good uv lights so you can turn day into night that way your birds could sleep while you are at work and be awake when your home you would have to figure out what is best for you and your birds. just make sure your birds get 10 to 12 hours of undisturbed sleep and than its all good
  20. very cute picture thanks for my morning laugh{Feel-good-0002006E}
  21. very cute picture thanks for my morning laugh{Feel-good-0002006E}
  22. You could buy a some mesh to put over rhe bars so she can't push her head through she's still young and may grow a bit more till she can't do that. I have a friend that had to put some steel mesh over her cage as well because she couldn't afford a new cage. my big guys are both in large macaw cages and they have 1"bar spacing and they do fine in them but they are a Cag and a Amazon
  23. Thats wonderful and so true it is such a fulfillment and joy to see the birds happy and content as pets its very important to keep them this way because they are wild animal if we are going to keep them in captivity its importent to keep them happy so they don't miss being in the wild so much
  24. Well I hope everything goes according to plan good luck to you and don't foret we want to see some pictures of that new baby as soon as you can find a minute to post them.
  25. not me its to hard to toilet train when their in diapers
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