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Everything posted by Tycos_mom
I allow my birds on my shoulder but then I also feel confident that I can hadle the situation I don't allow Tyco on my shoulder yet I haven't had her long enough to know what she will do and I don't know if I can trust her up there yet But all my other birds including My Amazon which is a very big bird but she's gentle and I trust her so you must decide if you can trust your bird enough to allow them to be on your shoulder.
I know just how you feel I've got to get my guys in for a nail clip I don't even want to pick them up it hurts so bad mabie next week I'll get them in for the annual checkup and nail trim I'm glad every thing went good and your both home and happy
TYco ready to attack one of her toy ready set go whopps I missed the go Tyco is so mad she screaming at her sister get off my toy now
I have a girl and she just the best thing that ever happened to me I just love her so much the are the smartest wost wonderful little sweethearts they are so much like kids with feathers its amazing what they can learn when given the chance. The person I got Tyco from said she was a mans bird well I'm not a man and she choose me so go figure she has never bit me either she sure does love to play if she had her way I'm sure she would play with me all day long.
:laugh: Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/08/09 22:05<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/08/09 22:08
what a cutie how old is he now I just love little baby greys look at that face it makes you want to just pick him up and kiss him all over. Thanks for sharing don't forget more pictures as he grows so we can watch his development thanks
Nychsa I buy them at the pet food store but petlovers also carry them for a lot less money but they are to far away from me to go there all the time they are a great toy all my birds just love them and they come in all different sizes the little ones have a hazel nut in the center I'll try to get the name of them and the company that makes them mabie the store you deal with can order some in for you I going into towwn tomorrow so I'll find out then and post it on sunday because I won't be home until very late I'm going out to celebrate my birthday with my daughter.
good sugestion except for one thing some stupid person didn't allow her to fledge as a baby so now she doesn't know how to fly I'm hoping she will learn from my Amazon but so far she can't It would take her forever to walk to go get me a snack or the remote:laugh:
well we might as well face everyone of us would do just about anything for our birds. I buy only the very freshest organic fruits and vegetables for my birds and if theres only one apple left I will tell my human kid she can't have it because the birds need it. mind you if it got a bruise then she can have it. when I go out and come home my birds are waiting at the door to see what I bought for them because they know theres a good chance theres a new toy or a treat of some sort in the bag for them. I wait on them hand and foot I play with them talk to them and cook for them and treat them like they are the most precious thing in this world and they are to me I love them unconditionaly and will do anythin within my power to make sure that they have everything to make their life the best it could possibly be. they deserve at least that much considering that they are wild animals kept as pets instead of being able to sour the skys with the rest of the birds of their species. and they give me so much joy in return they are the most intelegent sweetest best little friend I could ever ask for and I love to spoil them they so deserve it and a whole lot more.
He's got such a cute little face I love the pics thanks for sharing I never get tiered of looking at other peoples babys
When I got Tyco she was 4 years old and could only say a couple things like fresh water and good morning most of her vocabulary was from what she heard from the window of the room where she was locked in her little cage with no human interation so she could make the sound of the garbage truck backing up and cats fighting car noises like honking so If that talking I don't know when she really started all I know is since she came to live with me her vocabulry has exploded and she says well over 500 words and phrases she talk like we do always in context and very clear Mind you I've taught her like you would teach a child if I give her something I tell her what it is what it does and I talk all day to her telling her what I'm going toso where I'm going just like you would a child she learns things so quickly it really quite amazing so to me she didn't really start talking until she was 4 years old
I know its bad but what are ya gonna do she just to sweet to say no too she is just to spoilt she also get new toys constanly she doesn't like the one that hang on the cage I think thats because she can't drop them so I have to go pick them up for her bot she goes through foot toys like there going out of style he her favorite are those wood ones that have a walnut in the middle she goes through one a week This is what they look like. She prefers the smaller ones but she goes through those in a day so I'm trying her with the bigger one I go up a size each time I buy one for her.
I use styptic powder on toenails never on feathers flour or cornstarch for feather is best they preen and all stypticis toxic and it hurt them to use it on their feathers flour and corn starch doesn't have the hurting part and does the same thing. I also like to use needle nose plyers for blood feathers they have a good grip makes for easy pulling. I've never had to do a big bird but have had lots of love birds with broken blood feather's You and your husband did a great thing for your bird mabie now she can settle down and won't have to go to the vet everyday I'm sure the stress was making thing allot worse and good job on the potty training.
I Have never thought of any bird as ugly but that red factor all red african grey comes close it look sickly what is it a tag or a cag the beak has no colour to it to me that not an African grey any more its some sort of abomination and should be fixed so it can never breed again just my opinion why do the do such things to birds that are already perfect the way they are. Some people just have no scruples at all to play with nature like that is just plain wrong
He steps up! And some other random observations
Tycos_mom replied to Refunds_Mom's topic in The GREY Lounge
It tooK 9 months for me to be able to touch Tyco anywhere except her beak I could kiss her beak and rub her beak from day 1 and then about a month ago she started asking for a scritch by putting her head down really low so I gave her a little scritch on the top of her head and then she turned real quick as if she was going to bite me so I stopped since then every night before bed she asks for scritches and everynight its gotten longer and longer I can scritch her neck her face where ever. Yours will come around also in his own time. and as for size there are large Greys and small grey theere is a huge average with greys because of this I have a female and she is a very big girl she weighs in at 525 to 540 regularly you just probubly have a small frame female and a large frame male Tyco is a large frame female -
I agree by the looks of thing this last month Tyco and I will be able to join that club tonight we were having our little scritching session again and like I said before she wants to play gothca but she doesn't put any pressure just holds my finger in her mouth for a moment well tonight I said to her not gotcha game ok and she didn't even try she just put her head down for a skritch and she did turn her head but didn't try to grab she just wanted me to scratch that side of her face I guess so thats what I did she also stepped up onto my hand tonight from her cage thats a first usuualy I have to get a perch step her up and then transfer her onto my arm but tonight no perch she stepped right up I think I've finally earned her total trust and she's showing me just what kind of woderful bird she can be I just so pleased with this. yeah YEAH YIPPIE:laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: :silly::laugh:
Oh he's a beautiful little bird if he's in shock he needs to be kept warm around 80 degrees and he will come out of it faster they sell live crickets at pet smart in all sizes from small to extra large he may like them the are a grass hopper sort of don't put to many in his cage or they will gang up and eat your little bird we had a frog once and they did this to our frog yuk
Actually I find my ring neck to be very quiet the only time he makes any noise is in the morning for about 5 minutes. but then again he's still very young that may change as he gets older they definatly are sweet but those little Green cheek conure are just little clowns and such active little guys yours will definatly keep you laughing
They do have large crock type bowls in the dog section of pet food stores mabie you can get at metel shop to make a holder for it If you take one of the smaller ones in so they can see what needs to be done they could probubly do it for you and I can't see it costing to much just to make a holder for a bowl just a thought who knows they may even have pre made holders for kennels and such
Odie- fell and has a small cut on his head
Tycos_mom replied to ErinAndOdie's topic in The GREY Lounge
Hi I don't know if this will work for you but it worked for Tyco when I got her she was very off balance due to chewing and barbering her left wing flights. I was so worried because she would fall really hard on her keel bone and I thought she might break it open so I tok her to the vet and had her wings clipped again so that they matched each other and she has stopped chewing them and has let bothof her wings grow. you could try this it may work for you also. make sure you take her to a good avian vet that knows what they're doing Tyco has a little problem with breaking the odd flight feather as they are growing in so far no blood feather though its just because the feathers have no support but at least she has stopped chewing. Tyco chewed her feathers fo four years so since this has worked for me it may work for you. -
Yesterday I was relaxing and spending time with the birds. I relized that when Tyco wants something I will jump up and get it for her. when she wants her toy's to be picked up she will go down to the bottem of her cage and look at me and say mom and when I look at her she will indicate with her head which toys she wants then I run over there and pick them up and put them back on top of her cage for her. This happened at least 6 times yesterday. and food or water if she wants somthing that she doesn't have she will say what she wants like cherry's, freah water, nut please. what ever it is and me being the doting mom find myself waiting on this bird hand and foot boy it must be nice to be a bird. when we say we are slaves to our parrots their isn't a truer statement:laugh:
The birds will get along to a point I have my cocateil,Amazon, and My Grey all in the same room and they concider each other members of their flock and they don't fight with each other this does take time though at first your Grey will be a little jealous but within a month or 2 you will see acceptance. just make sure when you feed them,talk to them clean them that you do it for you Grey first pecking order is important to birds you had your Grey first he has to be always first. You may never be able to put the birds together but that doesn't mean they can't be friends. They will catter back andd forth to each other and keep each other company when your gone. Don't worry about breeding they won't breed outside there speices bird are still very wild animals and dogs and cat have become domesticated theres a big difference just like in the wild a lion won't breed with a Tiger their both cats but different species. mabie in another million years or so birds will be domesticated and then you might have to worry but right now they are still wild and so you don't have to worry about them breeding with other birds.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/08/07 19:20
This is the way they taught Alex and Einstien and it woorks for alot of diffrent things they can taught what objects are how to count just about anything you can think of can be taught this way. In the Wild they learn from watching other members of ther flock so when you teach them like this it is their natural way to learn
Iknow this picture isn't vert athletic but since he's only 12 weeks old and still a little clumsey I thought it was pretty cute
The ointment will probubly take a few days to start working just do your best with applying it regularly and I'm sure once the infection starts to heal you will start seeing some improvements I know how frustrating this can be Ive had a couple birds in my life that where Pluckers so I feel for you you doing a great job keep up the good work and he'll be as good as new in no time.