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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. Tycos_mom


    I have the same problem with my Amazon she'll chew every peice of wood in the house except the wood toy that I give her to chew I finally stopped buying perches and started cutting branches off my Birch tree and lilac tree and I use them for perches She has a great time chewing the bark off of them and they last for months and months The dowels That I used to buy from home depot 1 1/2 inch and 2 inch one lasted mabie a month if I was lucky Try natural perches this could solve your problems also. A nice branch off any bird safe tree will do and they are good for there feet because usually they come pre tapered so one end is bigger around then the other end nature just makes perfect perches for birds:laugh:
  2. Gosh I worked two extra days this week and Tyco got mad at me she did forgive me pretty quickly right after a little gotcha game with that beak of hers she didn't bite hard just enough to let me know shhe wasn't pleased that I was gone for to many days in a row. I'm sure yours will be fine also they may sulk a bit but they will forgive you after all they love you.
  3. When I got a new cage for Tyco I intoduced it slowly and let her decide when she was ready to go into it It only took one day but she choose when not me Because you didn't give your Grey that option it may take a little more time for him to adjust to his new surrondings hopfully he will soon
  4. How about a Indian ringneck I hear that the can talk quite clearly and after their bluffing stage make excellent pets I just bought a 12 week old baby and he just so sweet and if you get a Dna'd male they are friendly I hear than the females and they get a beautiful ring around there necks at 2 years old I heard the female can get quite territorial so I would sujest making sure that you get a boy and they come in so many bautiful colours I just got a green one because he's the one that choose to sit with me the whole time I was at the breeders but she had green blu yellow albino and violet ones also this is a pictue of my new baby He was only $200. and that pretty expensive but he was a male and he did come with vaccinations and a DNA certifacate
  5. I don't know if its dry skin or just heavy powder. I know My Grey gets so much powder on the top of her head and face that I have to give her a bath just so it doesn't get to thick on there. she has lots and lots of powder way more that what my Cocateil of even my Cockatoo had I shower her at least 3 times a week just to get some of the powder off of her. The feathers on the top of her head are almost white just because of the powder. so It could be that your Grey is like this also mine doesn't overly scratch though so yours could just be itchy from dry skin of mabie she just has a lot of pins from molting these pins will take longer to open if you don't soften them with lots of baths they get brittle and very itchy. She may be trying to break the pins by scratching them.
  6. I don't like to clip my birds and My home has two doors going out so if my birds do happen to fly out one door the will find themselve in another room. I do sometime clip my birds if they are getting to big for there brithes and think just because they can fly they can do anything the want. I gave My Amazon a little clip last week because she was getting up on my kitchen cupboard and chewing them so I clipped her just a bit because she wasn't listening and I got tiered of climing up there to get her down every ten minutes. The wing clip didn't last very long as she is such a strong flyer by 3 days she was again flying the length of the house again. But at least she has learned that she not allowed on my kitchen cupboards anymore.:woohoo: We all do what we think is best for our birds I have a very strong belief that birds where meant to fly and should be allowed too espiecaly a rescued bird that has been abuse and has to learn how to be a bird again. All my rescue are allowed to fly just because of this Tyco is fully flighted but she was never allowed to fledge as a baby so she does not know how to fly. Mabie she'll learn from my Amazon and oneday I'll have the priveledge to see her in flight I hope so
  7. I have a Green cheeked Conure your gonna just love him or her they are the sweetest birds and are so funny if you get one anything like mine he will be trying to say everything you say My Sprout was saying step up whn he came home from the breeders and he'was only 10 or 11 weeks old Sprout is every bodys favorite bird because he doesn't care who it is he'll go to them as long as they want to play he just love to play any time any where. I know just how you feel I felt the same way when I was waiting for my new Indian ringneck a couple weeks ago he's 14 weeks old and what a great bird he is.
  8. Thats great least this way yo can see if he's escaped or gotten caught on something if you had sound you could proubly set it up so you could talk with him while your at work It would almost be like you where never gone
  9. Everyone has things they have todo sometimes and even though it may be a little tough on the birds at first they do adapt. I was beside myself when I decided I needed to go back to work as finances where just not there This was about 5 months ago and my birds had never been alone for any longer than a couple hours and had never been caged for verylong except at bedtime. Even though I only work 3 days a week and only 6 hours a day from 5 pm until 11pm and my birds sleep from 8pm til 8 am I still felt so guilty that they had to be locked in their cages for 3 hour more than they where used too silly I know but at the time it was a very big deal to me. Your birds will adapt the worst thing you can do is stress over it because they will pick up on that stress and then it will be harder for them if they know you are upset. don't worry and do what you have to do. Make sure there is someone to come in and spend 10 minutes of so feeding and talking to them and they will be fine until you get back. Mabie if its poosible the person that you get to watch them can turn the radio on for them in the morning and then come around bedtime again and turn it off. Or mabie it can be put on a timer so it goes on and off by itself that way they will have some sort of human interaction while your gone.
  10. Have you tried mabie taking one at a time to another room and doing some training like teaching new tricks and stuff like that mabie they are bored and need something new and stimulating a new toy or like I said teaching them something new one at a time the extra one on one time may b enough even if its only for 10 or 15 minutes a day.
  11. This is Fergie hanging from her bell that is at the top of her boing thats hanging from the ceiling
  12. Good job keep it up and you'll have a wonderful friend that will love you forever. They are so smart and pick things up very quikly its still amazes me what Tyco knows and learns in a matter of a couple hours she will learn just about anything I want to teach her. like different colours and what different numbers look like. I have childrens number blocks and I show her and tell her what the number is and within a coule minates I'll say pick up the number 2 and she will get it right everytime they are so smart and so much fun to teach new things. They seem to just thrive on learning.
  13. Any kind of meat must be cook to give it to your bird my birds love chicken and lean roast beef or steak I don't feed them anything that has fat like pork or hamberger but lean meats well cooked are ok. Raw chicken carrys samonella and would definatly not let my birds eat it until it was well cooked my birds live chicken bones also they break them and eat the marrow I think the drum part of the wing would be ok for your birds<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/08/05 22:15
  14. what a chatterbox he's very cute. likes to say step up whats his favorite thing to say
  15. Most Grey's don't like water but it is a nessesity I have a rescue grey and I found the only way she will have a bath is if I put the plug in the bath and put about 2 inches of water in there then shower her with the hand held shower until the water reaches her chest she likes it best this way any other way she runs and acts like she is afraid. this may not work for yours all people have to find a way that is comfortable for their grey there are lots of threads about bathing greys on this forum take a look at a few and mabie you will find one that works for you.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/08/05 21:59
  16. They trully little people with wings. Tyco ask for what she wants. she's also a great alarm clock for my daughter when its scool time. every morning only monday to friday I might add at 7:30 am Tyco says Andraya time to get up for school come on get up its getting late. And whats really strange is the day summer holidays started she didn't say it the next school day it was like she knew. I'm looking forward to the first day of school to see if she knows that also. I swear my bird has esp sometimes.
  17. I don't think I could get it past my nose to put one in my mouth Yuk rotting dead cat and dirty socks YUK YUK YUK!!!!!!!!!
  18. I am happy to say that Tyco my rescue has never drawn blood and last night she proved to me that she can be as gentle as a lamb. We were playing our usual game of her peeking her head out of the door of her cage so I can't close it to put her to bed. She puts her head down really low for a head scritch and then lets me scratch her for about 10 seconds and then turns her head really quik to see if she can get me. Well usually I'm faster than her and she misses but last night she got me and as soon as she had my finger in her beak she let go no preasure no bite. she has just been playing with me all this time and I tought she wanted to bite me and all she wants todo is play gotcha she is just so much fun these days she allow me to scritch her neck over and over before bed she actually stepped up onto my hand intead of my arm the otherday. the progress in this last month has been leaps and bounds over anything in the past Now I know she won't bite me hard which is great we can start having lots of fun together.:laugh:
  19. I am happy to say that Tyco my rescue has never drawn blood and last night she proved to me that she can be as gentle as a lamb. We were playing our usual game of her peeking her head out of the door of her cage so I can't close it to put her to bed. She puts her head down really low for a head scritch and then lets me scratch her for about 10 seconds and then turns her head really quik to see if she can get me. Well usually I'm faster than her and she misses but last night she got me and as soon as she had my finger in her beak she let go no preasure no bite. she has just been playing with me all this time and I tought she wanted to bite me and all she wants todo is play gotcha she is just so much fun these days she allow me to scritch her neck over and over before bed she actually stepped up onto my hand intead of my arm the otherday. the progress in this last month has been leaps and bounds over anything in the past Now I know she won't bite me hard which is great we can start having lots of fun together.:laugh:
  20. Open the door and let him come out on his own. Than just talk to him softly or read out loud sitting with him. all baby's test with their beaks before they step up that doesný mean they will bite you. son't show stress be happy love him interact with him he will soon come around. And congradulaions don't forget o post some pictures soon
  21. "YEAH YEAH"!! MARK way ta go congradulations.
  22. I like talula also its not a name that you hear everyday Delilah Is getting to common now
  23. I have a question for anyone who knows about Cocateil mutations. If I bred a pearl female with a white faced male what would I get for babies just curios because a friend of mine has to rehome her Pearl Cocateil and I thought that I might take it and put it in with my Little guy I would be a while before I had any babes my guy is only 9 months old and I beleive hers is only 6 months old but I was just wondering about the possiblitys
  24. I collect all the food my birds waste and give it to the wild birds that way I don't have to buy wild bird seed and as for the cardboard boxes I recycle them anyway I gather up all the chewed peices and what is left of the boxws and sent them to the recyclers they clean everything first anyway so the little bit of poop doesn't matter mind you my birds are very clean about the things they play with and don't poop on their card board anyway they will poop off the side of their cages or play stands and then go back to chewing their box cardboard is cardboar chewed or not it can still be recycled
  25. Isn't that so much fun when your trying to talk on the phone and your bird has been quiet all day til ya picked up the phone then scream screach and you can't hear your self think let alone the person your trying to talk too and they can't hear you because there is to much noise in the background My Amazon is the absolute worst for this Tyco just tells her be quiet so I have one screaming and screching and the other one yelling be quiet Usually I end up saying I'll call you back later. Like when I;m not at home.
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