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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. It is always scary to see blood from your bird. :ohmy: Corn starch usually works good and it's a good idea to keep steptic powder on hand also. It will stop the bleeding almost instantly. The key is, you need to apply pressure to it for 10 to 20 seconds.
  2. Hi Falconeer, Please keep us posted on the outcome of the Vet visit. I am sorry to hear Tonto is not well.
  3. Nychsa wrote: "And she WAS sitting on that door as if she owned everything in her sight!" You think she doesn't B) I would get a lock for your Cage. Whether it is Bella or your Greyhounds, but one of them has figured out the latch. :-) I would suspect Bella more than your dogs. :-) It will be interesting to see what you find out today, although Bella will know you are home upstairs and may not fall for that one.
  4. Hello Yvette, Since he was 4 years old and in a Feed Barn for most of that time with people poking their hands at him, it is not a surprise that he does not like hands. He probably vies it as an aggressive action. I know a Month seems like a long time, but he learned this behaviour over 4 years of poking and prodding. I am not saying it will take 6 months or a year to get him to become hand-friendly, but it is going to just take more time and patience. Just keep offering him foods from your hand and perhaps just let it linger in front of him for a while after he takes the food or treat. Does he climb on to your leg, shoulder or other body area? I can not imagine trying to drag a Cage into a shower :ohmy: is this a small travel Cage or his actual cage? B) Perhaps misting him with a spray bottle might work better and not be so traumatic for him and you. He sounds like such a wonderful and happy guy that you are enjoying, even at a bit of a distance. :-)
  5. StaggerLee - Thanks for posting the photos of Dudley. Very nice and healthy looking Grey. LOL - I can imagine her laughing at herself. What a wonderful home with a loving family she has arrived at. :-) She will continue to flourish.
  6. Oh man hedwigsmoms, what a dilemma. I certainly hope it does get this under control for you and your Grey. The chewing of Blood feathers is not a good indication and alarming to come home and find. Please keep us posted. :-)
  7. Welcome Claire!! We'll look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  8. Welcome Jag!! How exciting, we'll look forward to hearing more and seeing those photos!! :-)
  9. LOL Raposa, we all went through the anticipation, just as you. :-) Great photo of Jenna!!
  10. Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and good luck on those tests!! Someone should be taking you out for a good time tonight!! :-)
  11. LOL BMustee, can someone say "MORON"? :laugh:
  12. Leave the egg with her for around 28 days. That is the normal incubation period and will give "HER" time to spend mothering it. After that you can take it out. Welcome to the Forum!! We'll look forward to hearing more from you!! :-)
  13. danmcq

    Que a dud?

    Oh Tari, your doing fine a Que is normal. :-) I believe it's just that we watch our Greys like a hawk and grab a camera and shoot photos or post a description of what they did. Your a quite a bit more busy with your other birds and tasks. We probably do spend more time with out Greys a little more than you, but that's because we have it. Dayo does not play all day long and go crazy. He, for the most part is happy to sit and watch whats going on, preen, eat, vocalize at times etc. But it's not like it is constant. We do spend "snuggle" time with him every evening from 630 to 8 and he just loves snuggling, getting scratches etc. and then off to bed for him. Every household is different and so is every Grey, so don't be hard on yourself!! :-) We all know you love all your birds dearly and spend as much time as you can with them.
  14. Wow - Your fortunate the plastic didn't catch on fire once it hit the burner. Your birds will be fine since you took immediate action and opened the house up. :-) Sorry to hear you have the flu, it seems to be everywhere right now :-(
  15. Hi WildMike - It sounds like you are doing all the right things. It is going to be a longer process to get it 100% under control. But, you've gotten farther than I so far. :-) I know what you mean in regards the poop squishing......ewwwww I hate that, what a mess on two items instead of one.
  16. Great feedback Siobha and photo to demonstrate. Karma to you!! LOL - Louisejane - I can imagine the look of surprise on the repairman's face :pinch: :laugh: ....Thanks for the morning laugh...He was warned!!
  17. Cool Terri, we'll look forward to seeing them!! :-)
  18. That's good news on Dudley's temperament and how she has settled in well with your family and home. It would be great to hear how she tries to entertain you and see some photos of her when you get a chance. Don't be such a strange, we don't bite, just our Greys do every once in a great while. ;-) :-)
  19. Welcome Chris!! It's greYt to have you here and we'll look forward to hearing more of Emmitt and seeing some photos of him when you get a chance. :-)
  20. When they are very young, as Juji is, they do chirp a lot. They also want to be with their Mom and Dad at all times and will chirp and call constantly, especially if they can see you. :-) The bathing is an issue with many Greys. The only thing I can say, is mist them anyway. B) I get Dayo in the shower, put him on the floor and close the door as much as possible behind me as I lean over him and keep my hand over him while the mister is in front of him. He hates it, but gets a soaking anyway. :-)
  21. Middle of California at the base of the Sierra nevada foothills.... clear, sunny and beatiful B)
  22. Thats great Katb, it sounds like you are getting ready to go on a trip? ;-) You will both enjoy it, I'm sure. :-)
  23. Wow ronda, you need to get a handle on that noisy baby or leave her there ;-) :laugh: Great videos, enjoyed them all.
  24. danmcq


    Awwww Wendy, their so cute when they are like that. They show so much affection and get so excited. It's hilarious. :-)
  25. Cool video of her swinging, thanks for sharing that. :-)
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