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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Whoops, sorry featherhut, I didn't even think to wonder which breeder. :-)
  2. Yes, at 13 weeks, they explore at little, but really like to cuddle somewhere and go to sleep. They will keep begging for their feedings, sometimes long after they are weaned, which is not your case yet. As Bmustee stated, they usually want their formula at the night time feeding and consume the most then. I miss those days of the jack hammer head, even if you were just touching the sides of the rear beak. :-) It's just so cute. Sometimes Dayo still does it.
  3. Hahahahahahaha - now that's my Kind of woman :woohoo: Our Greys give us the most embarrassing times, sometimes...... B) Did you wonder why some were "Checking" you out. Sorry, couldn't help it. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/02/28 15:00
  4. danmcq

    i'm back!

    Welcome back Beccy!! You were definitely missed!! I figured after you last PC crash that perhaps it went down again. Now were cookin wit Gas again with your presence and great personality. We've all been trying, but it just hasn't been the same in your absence. :-) Geezzz, it took an earthquake to get you back on huh? ;-) Just kidding. It's great having you back!!!
  5. Hi Beccy, I'm certain both you and charlie were frighted quite well if your not used to earthquakes. Of course, most animals and birds pick up on them before us humans ever do. I live in California too and am very used to them. But, I must say, regardless of how many times they occur, the animals and birds are always very alarmed by them and sometimes even start acting funny hours or a few days before they occur. I'm with Mark, if they occur while in bed, I don't move unless it almost throws me out....then I figure I should probably be concerned and GET OUT :ohmy: B)
  6. Ewwww Berna......but who is a guy to say that, when he walks around with poop on his shirt all day. Great posts on poop info Ronda. The photo of the poop looks normal to me if they have eaten veggies or the like. I see that all the time. Dayo gets veggies everyday and just wait until you cook up some eggs for them, change is color is always (most times) related to what they ate.
  7. A separate cage is a definite must, as others have said. Greys are very protective of their homes, toys, food etc. They may become friends after a while, but that will remain to be seen. You will need to closely monitor them if you let them out at the same time.
  8. This a great link on DNA testing with the information everyone has provided. Thanks to you all for posting the good links and advice. Also, welcome featherhut, we have heard a lot about you through Ronda and even have a photo or two or you with Sweetheart before she got to her final home at Rondas. :-)
  9. Wow, that turned out nice Siobha!! They do look happy in there and the big plus, is they can stay in the room with you instead of the other option of purchasing another cage and not being able to keep them in the same room. :-) Congratulations on this great idea you came up with!!
  10. Welcome StaggerLee!! We'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  11. Welcome Louise!! I would imagine the Earthquake was quite a shock to Eddie. It sounds like you have been doing a wonderful job with him. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos. :-)
  12. Welcome Beth!! It sounds like you are making good progress so far with your new inherited CAG. She sounds like a wonderful Grey that is adjusting at a normal rate and may be a little cage sour and starved for attention if your Uncle was sick for a while and couldn't pay the attention to her she used to get. She should flourish in your household with the love and attention your paying to her and the good varied diet your providing. We'll look forward to hearing how the Vet home call went (envious here) and what pointers may come your way from her. :-)
  13. Welcome Melanie!! What a wonderful story of how Kika came into your life. It was destiny whith out a doubt. :-) Those are great photos, thanks for sharing them. We'll look forward to hearing more from you.
  14. Welcome Joey!! If the breeder is close enough, you should go over and interact with the young Greys and see if one picks you. If possible, that is always the best route to go. Even 12 or 16 week old Greys have preferences of whom they wish their new companion for life to be. :-) Look forward to hearing more from you.
  15. Welcome Greenwinged!! You have a beautiful flock going there. Now with a new Grey to the mix, your never going to have any quite time. :-) Of course, the fun and love these guys bring more than make up for that!!
  16. Welcome Lisa!! Toto sounds like quite a character. :-) Is he named after the wizard of Oz Dog Toto? Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance to post them.
  17. Wow DF&H - That is a real butcher job by whoever clipped those wings. One thing to note on primary flight feather molting. They come out in sets. The feathers will molt out for example feather 1 on left wing and on right wing. Once they come in, then feather 2 on left and right wing will molt out and grow back in etc. This is so the birds can remain flighted while under going a molt. You will need to keep a close eye on those primaries to see whats happening. With no supporting or protective secondaries or primaries to protect them, they can become damaged very easily while growing out.
  18. Dayo vocalizes most when sitting on top of the hanging wine rack or on top his his cage. He will go crazy withs calls and whistles if in his cage and we come in. But for the most part he does not vocalize much in his cage.
  19. Another good video Mommafawkes. It seems she wants a Waffle? :-)
  20. Wow Terri, that's quite an entertaining story and humorous at that!! :laugh: I can just see the Grey foot prints all over your coffee table. Look mom, I'm finger painting. B) Thanks for the morning laugh, now that's better than a sitcom...in fact, it would be a GreYt Sitcom....."Bella in the Morning"
  21. Could be molting or it could be that Cosmo some how damaged/broke/bent it.
  22. Thanks for the update on your new baby Grey Kimme. :-) The next month will pass by very slowly as your anticipation keeps building. :-) Maybe you could post some photos as he/she progresses.
  23. Welcome Terri and Diego!! It sounds like you have a real loving Grey there. We'll look forward to hearing more about Diego and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  24. Welcome Angel and Mitra!! We'll look forward to hearing more form you. :-)
  25. Hi AAA, I agree with Judy on the Cage size, unless this is just going to be used as a sleeping Cage. His age does seem to be around 12 weeks and the 40cc 2x a day is about right. That's what our Grey went down to at around 12 weeks. They will also start gurgling out the food when you try to feed it to them at times. Please make sure you have fresh water, Pellets, a small amount of seeds and veggies in his Cage for him to eat during the day while your gone. Is he drinking water on his own yet? You need to make sure he is. Otherwise the only water he gets is in his formula. The wings and his body stance/eyes focused downward seen to indicate he is ready to get down and play with or eat something :-) They hold their wings link that sometimes when they are thinking about moving or excited.
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