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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Yes, it is a good book, the more the better. It gives you different views points and ton of methods to try on your Grey. There is an entire Topic on Books in the training room: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/training/21728-favorite-grey-books.html
  2. Were looking forward to hearing the report Kimmie and seeing some photos of your Baby. :-)
  3. Cool moves there, duck and weave, duck and weave...can't touch this :-) Thanks for sharing that MommaFawkes!!
  4. Wow Makena, now that is a nice day. Get plenty of photos....of the scenery B)
  5. OUCH - Never mind the tactile :blink: :laugh:
  6. Thats good progress and a nice photo of you guys interacting him him. Thanks for the photo and update!! :-)
  7. Wow Ronda, in a location as remote as that, you definately need to watch out for and help each other. Imagine that, people helping and working together. It's really good to hear of communities like that. :-)
  8. Nychsa wrote: LOL - I could just picture that, pick up Coaster - Take Off - Uh Oh, too heavy...... in a nose dive....this is gonna hurt!! She needs to learn to let it go..... :side: :silly:
  9. After all that typing, you pointed that out Ronda? Thanks, I had never noticed that feature on photobucket before....
  10. Nychsa wrote: Yep Nychsa, tactile interactions are important to us all :whistle: Good post B)
  11. Thanks for the support and good ones Ronda :-) Thanks for contributing!! You're definitly one of us Now, wheres the rest of them Men? Wife got ya doing house chores today? B)
  12. Good one Ronda, had heard it before, but long ago and made me laugh again :-) Momma fawkes - I felt like Ying and Yang , laugh then cry. I would hunt down the customer service representative that replied like that and electrocute them with power stolen from one of their high voltage feeders and tell them "No charge for that service, let us know if there's anything else we can do for you". :evil:
  13. Hopefully you made it through last night unscathed Joe. It's again sunny and going to 72 today in Cali B) Just like it's people....warm and glowing
  14. You should be proud of yourself Laurie. Your not as Technically challenged as you think, if you knew enough to perform a restore. :-) It's GreYt to have you back online!!
  15. Good Post Ronda :-) In regards how many flight feathers to clip. On a Grey, it is only necessary to Clip the first 4 primaries and then if need be the 5th. Only clip the 5th if they can still fly a long distance maintaining a level or VERY slow drop in altitude. Then the 5th would be appropriate to cut. Since your Greys have been flighted all along, they are probably fairy strong in the chest area and probably will require the 5th cut. If you have never clipped a birds wings before, get a breeder or vet to do it. But, always remember to clip the least and adjust from there. Once cut, it too late and your bird would not be able to flap down at a 45 degree angle and land without harming themselves. :-)
  16. Hi Siobha, It would be a shock to them getting their wings clipped the first time. The next shock would be jumping off their cage or somewhere else and then only being able to flap furiously at a 45 degree angle to the ground. You will need to be very careful in doing this and control where they initially learn they can no longer fly. Busting open their breast is the most prevalent injury from hitting the ground too hard due to a poor and improper clip. They will be "earth" bound from then on and reliant upon you to transport them if they cannot run or walk to follow or find you. They will also not be able to escape a dog or cat that may be interested in them if you have any. You will really need to look down before you walk forward or step back. Many times they will be right at your feet looking up and could be seriously hurt if unnoticed. It will definitely be a shock to them for a while if and when you do it. I would assume you have good reasons to clip them or you wouldn't be considering it. :-)
  17. Hi Casper, LOL!! Everyone has this issue at first. If you don't have a www.photobucket.com account yet, please go there and establish one. Then upload your photo to there. Once you have it uploaded to photobucket, you can click on the IMG area and you will see "Copied pop-up. Then come to this topic, edit your post and Right Click in the editing window and select "Paste". You will then see pop in then. Then Post that. Your image will now appear. !!! - Please ensure it is reduced to 500 Pixels wide using something like MSPaint which is on your PC under The Programs>Accessories menu and click on Image>Resize, select Pixels instead of inches on the dimensions drop down and then simply type in 500 in the width are, click ok, then save.
  18. LOL Terri, that's a great mental picture and sounds like a blast!! :-) I do dancing for Dayo and Jake and have for 4 months...they look at me like I've gone Mad ..that or their just jealous they can't dance like that I've done Rock, Rap, Soul, Country etc. to see if maybe it's a certain type of music or rhythm they are waiting for, but so far, no luck. But, I keep on keepin on. Sooner or later they will pick it up....I hope. :-)
  19. Hi Lyric, Unfortunately, you will have a very hard, if not impossible time in training your Grey which areas or items are "Ok" to land on or not. If for example your cool, unused Stove is a good landing place or walk about while exploring, it is ALWAYS a safe place in your Greys mind until he gets burned. Like Humans and other living creatures, most of us learn good and bad, hot and cold etc. from either pain or punishment, not just a "no' or "don't do that, you'll break your neck". :-) If you are going to keep your Grey flighted, you must put him in the Cage when cooking or have guests with children running in and out through the doors etc. Your Grey will do just fine in the cage for an hour or two while you cook or have visitors. :-) In regards getting him to "Stay", that will take many miles of walking, picking him up, returning him to the stand or cage top and saying "Stay". Then teaching him to "Come" at the same time on command. Time, Patience and Consistency is the only thing that will accomplish this. If you don't have the time or desire to go through this arduous process, then a clip is probably in order. Only you know your situation and the safety of your Grey is the most important factor, not convenience, at least in my opinion. The topic of clipping or not has been dealt with many times on this forum with both sides positing great arguments for both sides of the fence. Ultimately, it is your decision that makes sense for you and your Grey. :-) I presently have Dayo flighted and must admit it is a challenge and sometimes we get a good scare, but it's a challenge I am willingly accepting. My wife, is still of the opinion we should clip him for safety and escape reasons and she will KILL me if anything ever happens because I have kept him flighted :dry:. But, that's my desire and I'm sticking to it B) So good luck in your decision, which ever way you decide to go. :-)
  20. Hello Madness, It's never good to put your face up to any bird you have not developed a close relationship with. You are the big scary thing that the bird is going to protect itself from. Once scared, with adrenalin pumping, your Grey was not paying attention to who's finger is now in his face, but just the fact that something else was now (Your finger) in striking distance and strike he did. Yes, we know Greys are not vicious, but as with any animal that becomes protective of their space or feels threatened, they will strike at what or whom ever that thing is. They will also let you know they do not want to be picked up or messed with by sometimes just a gentle clamp down on your finger/hand or at times a hard bite if you have crossed the line of what they consider to be a pest bugging them. :-) It takes time for you and your Grey to learn each others temperament, body language, personal space and develop relational ground rules. It is also important that that the Grey feels safe in his environment and protected from "scary" new and perhaps hyper people like children. Socialization of your Grey is very important with all the members of your home and those whom frequent it. It is also your responsibility to ensure that all who enter are either kept from antagonizing your Grey or interacting with it in an inappropriate manner. All visitors, relatives etcetera, must be advised of whether you allow any interaction with your Grey at all and if so, what the proper way to so id. This will ensure your visitors are safe, but more importantly your Grey is not harmed or traumatized. I can tell you though, that there are "Rogue" Greys, just as some people. I met one such Grey that was vicious by nature at age 13 weeks and thus became labeled "The Grey from Hell" by me, after a few blood drawing attacks for no reason. It also randomly would attack the breeder. That Grey is now a breeder and will never be sold as a "Companion Parrot". It is going to take a little time for you and your Grey to settle in. But, it will be a wonderful adventure for you and family, that will be rewarded with many good times and a lot of love. :-)
  21. That is a great sign Kimmie and your baby Grey sounds like it has been well socialized. We'll look forward to hearing from you after you visit your new baby and maybe see a photo or two. :-) I'll bet Sunday isn't coming fast enough for you. But, guess what, the clocks roll forward an hour tonight, so thats a 1 hour freebie you get of not having to anxiously watch the clock. Just move it forward an hour!!:woohoo:
  22. Welcome Anne!!! That's a great tip on on the dish soap. Who would have imagined it would kill roaches? Why don't you go to the Welcome Room and introduce yourself, so others will know we have a new member? You'll find we are a very friendly forum with a great group of people and of course all our wonderful Greys and other Parrots we own. :-)
  23. Congratulations on getting Dusty home Jag!! He looks right at home and relaxed in his cage. If he shows keen interest in wanting out to be with you and wifey, by all means let him out and let the party begin!! :-)
  24. Welcome Devin!! Thanks for ther introduction and photos of your Grey. We'll look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  25. My Grey was fine when we brought him home. But, the big difference is, the breeder lives 5 minutes from my house. We went and visited the clutches and let the Grey pick us. We visited every week from week 6 to 16. There was one Grey there that I called the "Grey from Hell". He attacked me and bit good drawing blood more than once from the time he was 13 weeks old on. I told the breeder, in my opinion, they should keep him as a breeder...they did. It would have made someone the worse nightmare they could have imagined. In fact. it attacked the breeder a few times too. Have you visited your Grey at the breeders and handled him/her a little? That will make a big difference if your not an entire stranger.
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