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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hello Cobimoore, Why do you want to give your Grey away? This is very unusual, but there are some here that may live in your area that would be glad to take in an unwanted Grey. Please give a little more detail on this. It almost sounds like an Ad from Cameroon rip-off artists at this point.....Thanks.
  2. danmcq


    Dayo is molting too and lets you know when you hit a new pin feather while scratching...OUCH... B) Yeah, what happen to the police, Tracy??
  3. You need to name your next rescue "John Boy", then it will truly sound like the Waltons :-)
  4. Congratulations Heather!! Darn it, I still don't have my May BirdTalk!! I want to see Harrison in it.
  5. Hi Kristine, It sounds like you have all the right things in place as far as the Aloe goes. Are you also giving your Grey Redp Palm Oil? If nnot I would suggest you do which will help with the dry scalp you are describing. Is your Grey possibly molting right now also?
  6. Plucking is a very tough behaviour to address due to the plethora of reasons it could start. I would suggest not only reading the link Tracy just posted, but also do a search on this site for Plucking. You will find many things that have caused it and many things that can be done to try and stop it or in your cause, keep it from happening and atleast reduce the odds greatly that it will start.
  7. LOL siobha9, we all can imagine many things that would bring that phrase on :-) Dayo has said "Hello" once. I guess he was just letting us know that he understands everything we say and to let us know, HE HAS ARRIVED. B)
  8. Awwww, your Grey won't let your bf on the perch ;-) It sounds like at least progress is being made :-)
  9. Welcome Tails above!! As Judy stated, it is sufficient, but bigger is always better. We'll look forward to hearing more from you about your Grey and yourself. :-)
  10. Welcome Lisa!! What a cute photo :-) China sounds like a real character. We'll look forward to hearing and seeing more!!
  11. Welcome MahiriMommy!! Mahiri sound like a real gem. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos.
  12. Welcome Skuffy!! Yo have your hands full, but you've come to the right place for great advice and a friendly atmosphere. :-)
  13. danmcq


    OUCH - Yep, I remember that one Berna!!:pinch: :lol:
  14. LOL Judy, How did you know thats how they keep me at my desk
  15. Yes, the vet check does not guarantee that a disease is not just incubating. Some have long incubation times before any visible symptoms appear. Thus the 45 day quarantine rule of thumb.
  16. danmcq


    LOL Judy - Birdy Boo-Boos - Ouch I got a black eye when my Grey flew into it Sounds better than the old Door knob story Aloe is wonderful stuff isn't it? I know when I spray Dayo down, I can actually see the "Dust" roll off at first, the stuff works great!! :-)
  17. Hahahaha Acappella, thats too cure. Thanks for the great photos. It's great to hear you and Dorian are enjoying each other more and more everyday. :-) Karma to you!!
  18. Welcome Pugsley!! Tail wagging basically indicates I'm content, I'm enjoying myself and feeling quite relaxed! It's always a happy sight! :-) Since your new here, why don't you do introduce yourself in the Welcome room so others know we have a new member? :-) We love to hear your stories and see photos of your Grey etc.!!
  19. Another free toy is just throw an empty 12 pack soda carton int their cage. They love to go inside, chew holes through it and peek out at you through them etc. Also, just wad up newspaper and throw it in. They love to shred it along with wood shredding etc. Little cat acrylic balls with bells are fun for them too and you can buy them in any petstore for like a buck a piece etc. There are tons of things you can do yourself and even purchase toy parts online and construct them yourself. :-)
  20. Hi and welcome Ifuru. I would take your Grey to a vet to make sure something is not going on medically. That is definitely not normal behavior.
  21. Well Siobha answered all the questions perfectly. The only thing I might add is: 1) If you don't have a flight harness, a ten pound ball and chain will work. 2) As long as you don't crash on your MC, the back pack will be ok, but make sure you have a helmet on your Grey too or you'll get a ticket. Hope this helps I'm jesting of course :-)
  22. danmcq


    :ohmy: :blink: :laugh: Hahahahahahahahahaha....good one Khan. BTW - There is a "Jokes" thread in the "Off-Topics" room ;-)
  23. Welcome Lace!! It's great to see a person as yourself actually doing all the research and giving careful thought to the idea of bringing a new living creature, such as a Grey into your home. Not many people do that and I commend you for it. Just ask away with your questions and read through the tons of articles and topics we have here. It contains a wealth of information. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  24. Welcome Knight05!! It's nice to have you here and we look forward to hearing more and seeing photos of your new Grey when you get a chance. :-)
  25. It sounds like you may just want to wait and see what REALLY fits him then. :-)
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