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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Geoff, Your Breeder sounds like mine , set in their ways and forcing their opinion upon us. I do agree that they know far more than we do about the Greys, their primary concern is safety, but they do not know our home environments, compassion for the baby and it's safety etc. I am going to let the feathers grow back out and observe/determine what is best for mine as time, his personality and any hazards I might observe as this goes day by day once I bring Him home. I appreciate everyones input and I do see the validity of both views of leaving flighted or not. Thanks, Dan
  2. beccy - You wrote "right choice for you and your grey. it is kind of scary when they first fly and they are bound to have a couple of little accidents, this can't be helped" Gulp, yep thats what scares me, of course the first time my Son took the Car out by himself scared the HELL out of Me :woohoo: But. thats the only way they learn to FLY!! - Dan
  3. Thanks for your input beccy! The advice you shared from your vet is a really good tip. I can only imagine what it looks like to have them take off flying from an upside down position LOL! - Dan
  4. Hi Bekkie - Ok, I'm ready to see the Chicken Bone video, I bet it will be a Hoot :laugh: - Dan
  5. Hi Tari, LOL!! - Now the thought of having them not flighted, might equal a tamer and less apt to become a flying terrorist, is great food for thought. I do have two Dobermans also, that tolerate my Peach Fronted Conure being around. I am not certain they would appreciate getting dive bombed by an angry CAG Safety is my first and foremost concern. We have plenty of room for flight, but I do need to ensure my grandchildren absolutely understand that they are not to open a door or sliding glass door when one of my Parrots are around. Thaks, Dan
  6. Hi Ceasar, Thanks for the advise. Yes, I have poured over the pro's and con's on this site and several others. I am going to have my CAG flighted, I have already made my mind up on that. Now, it's just determining the safest path for Him to get there. I am hoping others here will come forward with their experiences at doing this. I have read lots of stuff on why to flight them or not, but I am more concerned about the safest path to getting and keeping them flighted. Thanks, Dan
  7. Beccy - I'm jealous My wife and I are REALLY looking forward to the day we can enjoy ours too!! - Dan
  8. Hi Tari, What do you have against YouTube? This is just a question out of curiosity. - Dan
  9. Great first video Beccy! LOL- The sounds and the way he/she is playing are very entertaning! How old is this Baby? - Dan
  10. Hello All, While visiting our baby CAG at the Breeders, I brought the topic up of leaving our baby flighted (no wing clip) when we bring it home. Her comment was that she always clips 2 or 3 flight feathers off. She states this is for 2 reasons 1) To protect us from losing it. 2) To protect it from itself. I guess she has lost a few over the years while fledging due to them gaining too much speed and flying right into the wall and breaking it's neck. Please understand, she knows what she's doing (Breeding for over 15 years) and always starts them out in a small room with all windows covered etc. So I am certain it's not due to her doing anything in error. I was really wanting to just leave mine flighted, with no clipping at all, but now I think it is a good idea to "Clip 2 - 3" flight feathers at first so they can still fly and get all their balance and coordination. I would simply let the clipped feather grow back and hopefully the baby will have learned better flight control while gaining increased speed and lift while the feathers grow back. As you all know, this is my first CAG and I would not want to put it at risk of hurting itself. I would appreciate your input on this subject. Thanks, Dan
  11. Thanks for the comments All - We are happy that we finally picked one of the six (2 clutches of 3, both 1 week apart), Now, the next 6 - 8 more weeks of waiting seems like FOREVER. Got his Cage up, perches, toys but no one to play with them YET :woohoo:
  12. Hi All - Here is week 11 (Today) weight - 512 grams
  13. In response to Breeders letting Bird (in our Case Parrots) Babies go to their owner before they are fully weaned...... They passed a law here in California, that a breeder or Pet Store, cannot let a bird go to it's future home until it is fully weaned and maintaining it's weight and hydration on it's own. I want my CAG NOW, but I would rather it be in the trustful hands of the Breeder that knows what to do and how to do it with out endangering the young. - Dan
  14. Thanks for all the comments. Yes, I will love this new Grey whether it talks or not. It will be unconditional love just as we have for "Jake" the Peach fronted Conure. They are such a blessing just to have around and interact with no matter at what level :-) - Dan
  15. Hi Tari, No name yet, but the cage 36x32x59 should be here today, getting toys, purchased a stand also. Yes, the DNA results should be back early next week. I have decided once we pick one or should I say we are hoping one picks us :-). There is one that is VERY adventurous and seems to come to me more than the others. We have been thinking of names, I kind of like "Ditto", which then would not matter what sex our new Baby is. It also seems fitting since it will pick up everything we say, play, watch etc. :-) - Dan
  16. Hello Miltie, Thanks for the warm welcome! I am glad to hear I have someone that understands my anticipation :laugh: - Dan
  17. Yes, I was shocked and still am each week! Here is week 10:
  18. HI, I can't figure out had to add multiple images after the first one. When I go back to edit the post and another image, the IMG option is no longer available. So here is week 9: Dan
  19. HI All, I joined this Forum a few weeks ago and have been reading all the great post and articles here on Cag's before posting anything myself. I will be bringing one home at the end of August or September and am really looking forward it. I presently have had a Peach Fronted Conure for a year and I must say that was a good way to cut mine and my wifes teeth on Parrots in general. This poor guy had not been hand fed and was a breeder when I purchased him. He was terrified of anyone close to his cage and of course people/hands. It took a lot of reading and in desperation purchasing of a plethora of training materials and Parrot interaction in general. I did find usefulness in all the materials I purchased and in the end melded them all in to what worked for "Jake". I tried the Patience method for almost 11 months and did have him to the point of trusting us enough to come and get a piece of bread, peanut etc. through the cage bars. But, that was as close as he wanted in the safety of his cage. I finally found a website http://www.thebirdwhisperer.com a:cheer: and found the key I was missing. It was time to get Jake off his playtop and out of HIS Home/playground. It took several bites as hard as he could produce while getting him to step up on to my finger or hand from the floor after I chased him off his cage playtop trying to get him to step up from there. But, now after a month of this at least 2x a day for 45 minute time periods in a diffent room, He now tryly knows what FREEDOM is! I know my CAG experience is going to be a completely difffent one. The Breeder lets us come over and play with the Babies for an hour or hour an a half at a time and they of course are being hand fed. WE can't hardly stand the waiting period (reminds of being a child waiting to go to Disney Land on the weekend)!! Anyway, we have been taking Photo's of the Babies each week. So I thought I would post weeks 8,9 and 10 for your enjoyment. - Dan Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/06/29 15:37<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/06/29 16:14
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