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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Beccy - Square Eye's> LOL!!!:laugh: Judygram - Thanks I hope not frightful. After visiting him and interacting for all the weeks before He comes home. This should at least give him a little security blanket in the sense of being with "Part" of the Flock He came to know. We'll just quitely watch and enjoy having him here that first Day.
  2. Hi Geoff, Thanks for the great information on day one! Dayo's Cage is already setup in our Family Room with the back against the wall. So, hopefully he will feel the safety of that wall and also as part of the family as we spend most of the day there. I am always on my PC remoted into work on weekday's that I'm home and my wife and our grand-children also always congregate there also. In the evenings is when we retire to the Living room for some TV action or a DVD Movie on our 55" High Def with a Matching Home Theater surround sound system. This is where I plan on placing a Tree Stand for Dayo to be with us during that time. There is also a Playstand in the Family room I already have for him. The first Day is going to be torture for us and I am sure, frightful for Dayo as he gets used to it. But, it will feel good just knowing he's here! :laugh:
  3. Judygram, Now thats another possibility too! Keep those ideas and comments flowing!:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/06 01:02
  4. Thanks Beccy and Judygram! That makes perfect sense. A regular, every 5 days they take "Me" (Dayo thinking) they take me for rides, walks and lots of other fun stuff. :woohoo: I would not doubt for a minute, that Grey's have a time concept as sophisticated as ours. After hearing your responses to my time schedule question!
  5. LOL! JudyGram - I love being teased too :woohoo:
  6. Hi Beccy, Ok, so I could be here in the house for a vacation, but only spend the amount of time each day at the appropriate time(s) with him that he would get during Normal work schedules.... While I am thinking about it, we presently spend a lot more time with our Conure on weekends, than we do during the week too. Such as letting him out longer and staying with us on his PlayStand in the living room etc. This weekend extra time would not be good for a Grey?<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/06 00:41
  7. That was not one of the possible answers I THOUGHT I would get :blink: Sometimes Truth is shocking Can I PLEASE get an opposite answer so I have a 50% chance of Dayo liking me and not just my Wife:woohoo: Thank You Judygram, I am of course just teasing!
  8. I know I still have 5 - 6 Weeks to go before we can bring Dayo Home. He will be 12 weeks old this Friday (We will get the actual birth date cert this Saturday) However, I am planning on taking a week or maybe two of vacation when that happens. My question is - I have read that you should only spend the amount of time with your CAG that you would normally be spending with them. Does this hold true, even when you first bring them home and wish to make them feel welcome, comfortable and familiar with the people and surroundings the first few weeks? My normal schedule is I am out of town in the corporate office 3 days a week, and rarely 5 when needed on-site rather than working from home. This means my wife will be the sole "Keeper" 3 days a week and then I will be here the remaining 4. This will then allow me to do the "Keeping". Hopefully, this model will encourage Dayo to understand that he relies on BOTH of us to provide food and companionship....His Mom AND Dad as in Nature. I would appreciate all points of view :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/06 00:16
  9. NevadaJoe, Im no experienced expert as others here. But I do know that a Baby CAG should be exponentially gaining weight on a constant basis. A 20 gram drop is not good. I am not certain how much of the Baby formula you should be giving him (which should increase as he grows), but I am sure others here do. Maybe your not providing enough of the baby Food? I would take him to a vet though as Lidia suggested just to be safe.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/05 23:57
  10. Thanks Number6 - That works for me :lol:
  11. That is strange since the area code is LA. Seems that scammers are everywhere. :ohmy: Anyway, my breeder ships , but the price is 950. She 5 CAG Babies left.
  12. Great Post CD! Judy and Talon - Well put and Ditto on my end :-)
  13. Thanks CD - Ok, then I guess I will need to memorize the Avatars, if my other idea does not fly <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/05 17:27
  14. This may be the wrong place for this question, but when I look at my "Friends", I only see their Avatar and no name. Is this normal? If so, I vote we all take head shots of ourselves with our login Name written in Bold Black Ink on our Foreheads :silly:
  15. Welcome to the forum! :laugh: You can also do a search in your IE browser for: African Grey Sale New York. You can then narrow it down to your local area.
  16. Hi PW, There are a few Cag Babies for sale in Southern California. They are only asking 500, which is a steal if they have them in a good environment and are taking really good care of them. Here is one link I found just doing a google: http://www.pennysaverusa.com/info/showinfo.aspx?id=e000641452
  17. Hi Lidi, Thanks for the information. It would be cool to see that photo of Isaac you mentioned :-)
  18. Oh my, how sad. I am sorry I had you bring the details back to memory. But, for those of us that are, or soon to be new Baby owners, how could we detect this? When we take our Baby to the vet right after getting it, will they be able to detect problems like this if they are in the very early stages? Thanks<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/05 14:42
  19. Hi Nevjoe, What a great photo! :laugh: It's good to hear an see an update on your new baby! Keep them coming, we all enjoy them!:woohoo:
  20. Hi Lidia, Your TAG died when he was 6 months old, that would be a terrible experience. :ohmy: Was there an unknown birth defect not know about? God, I can't imagine losing a Bird so young, even if it was 10 years old, I would be devastated!
  21. For the last year I thought my Peach Conure was just so irritated with me, that he was grinding his Beak!:laugh: I learn something everytime I read another Post! This Forum is Great, due to the wealth of knowledge all the members here have! Thanks!!
  22. What a great looking Baby! The atmoshpere and toys it is playing with look like he is one happy comper :-) Looks like a Big one. I bet he weighs 400 G's easy too. Thanks for the Photo's!
  23. I doubt it. The risk would be too great to the Breeder. Most will go 3 days to 30 Days at most. Unfortunately, they have no control over how you feed and take care of your new Baby. If you do not ensure a proper diet, water living environment, Vet check up etc. The CAG could die due to it. Here is just one example of the wording from "A" Breeder: "All babies are guaranteed against any pre-existing conditions; such as bacterial disorders, viruses or deformities. This guarantee is valid for 30 days after birds have been received. Any diagnosis of any pre-existing conditions must be made by a licensed avian veterinarian. "
  24. Those are great photo's! :laugh: Thanks for posting the update.
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