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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I'm with Bmustee on this. A vet check would be advisable.
  2. Thats great Shaz, congratulations!! :-)
  3. Hi Zeta, Ronda has given you good advice. Putting your Grey in a scary bath tub and then turning the light off leaving him in total darkness is not a way anyone should treat their Greys or any other Parrot. It would be terrifying to your Grey and would induce fear. As I'm certain you know, Parrots to not relate to punishment. They relate to a firm NO BITE and then place him back in his cage. Repeat this cycle every time he does it. You must judge his responsiveness for yourself. My CAG for example will respond to just a firm NO, eye stare him in the eyes with a firm look and then just set him down on the counter top or wherever he was when the bite occurred. They definitely understand the change in your voice, the word NO and the facial look you have. In regards the two Cages. One should be where you and the family are during waking hours so he can interact with and feel like a part of the flock. A secondary sleep Cage is fine IF he seems to like that arrangement. Does he seem comfortable in his sleep cage or anxious when you take him there? It is of most importance to pay very close attention to his body language in these different environments to determine what may be causing his aggression. As I stated in my earlier post, he could just be testing boundaries right now also at his age and may not be aggressive at all. He could just be checking on what is ok and what is not. :-)
  4. That is great progress with Sweetheart Ronda!! You must be basking in the joy of it all. :-)
  5. Hi AAA, If you clip the Wings, it will take up to a year for them to molt out. It just depends at what age you clip them. I would imagine it will be when your Grey is 16 to 20 weeks old after he has fully fledged and learned to fly, turn, stop, land etc. which builds the initial coordination and confidence you want in your Grey. If your Grey is 12 weeks old, I would imagine he is already starting to perform some short flights. Is the breeder letting them stretch their wings and fly a little yet? We will always be here when you need us and we enjoy helping others, as I am sure you know. We'll look forward to the photos of the room and hearing more of your new CAGH progress and seeing some more photos of him. :-)
  6. Welcome GusandGloria!! Those are great photos. We'll look forward to hering more from you and seeing more of those photos. :-)
  7. Wonderful story. Thanks for posting that Tracy. :-)
  8. LOL Terri - I can just imagine the antics she displays. :-) Dayo had a jacked up tail feather for an entire day too. I guess he fixed it when he had the time to get around to it. With his busy schedule and all.... B)
  9. Great news Rae!! Now that sounds like a healthy snack for Angie. Her bounce from plucking really seems fast and she'll have all her feathers in place in no time at this rate. :-)
  10. Hi Yvette, Your asking all the right questions and doing all the right things. We all fret over our Greys, which is normal :-) A Grey has pretty much grown as large as they will be by the time they are 4 or 5 months old. They will build some more bone mass and muscle depending on if they or flighted or not and how much they romp around, do Acrobatics and of course their well balanced diet play a HUGE role in this. If you don't already have one, you should purchase a digital scale that goes up to at least a 1000 grams and weigh him once a week to get a good average of what his normal weight is. A loss in weight of 10% indicates a problem that means an immediate vet visit. Sometimes photos or videos can and do make an object appear larger than it really is depending on how close the camera is or if it is zoomed in or not. Just keep staying close to him and interacting a lot as you have and he will be responding with trust more and more. Just keep working on the step-up by slowly moving your hand to him, but not to the point he starts running off. Just stop your hand motion and let it sit there a while, then move it a little closer and so on until he realizes it is not going to harm him. :-) If he lets you touch his feet and licks your fingers, your are so close to having him step up it's a shoe in. Just slide it further under his feet pushing gently on them, so as not to alarm him and he will or should naturally move his feet on top of your hand or fingers. Also, is it only when you are standing up and moving towards him that he runs around his cage from you? When and where is it that he is interacting with you finger touching and licking going on?
  11. It sounds like she may just enjoy those new toys and old one you put back in and she may be hoping that some sprouts will magically appear ;-) Dayo does not like spiked hair or Halloween masks. He will scream and growl every time he sees them. :-) I found a very small toy cloth mouse the other day in the back of the cupboard. I held it up to Dayo on top of the hanging rack and He screamed, I screamed we all screamed and then he flew into the living room!!! :lol: :silly: I guess he didn't like it. ;-) B)
  12. Welcome Arkbart!! It's great to have you here and we'll look forward to seeing those photos. :-) and of course hearing more from you.
  13. I would imagine Ellie would get hurt if she messed with your birds. They are bigger than she is :-) This has been a great thread, thanks for sharing all of this with us.
  14. I missed this one due to cloud cover. I did see the total moon eclipse around 3 years ago on a clear night and it was beautiful with the same red tint. Thanks for sharing the research you did Muse. :-)
  15. These are all great stories of encouragement. Even if you had a fall back, atleast you tried Laurie. :-) Ive been ther done that and will also quit again too. I have heard good things about Chantix, but have never heard of Bupropion. Thanks for that information Funkygirl and good luck on your week long stay at the Mayo Clinic!! This thread is definately not at an end, it is still just the beginning and will help all us smokers that want to quit!!!
  16. Great advice from Judy. Time and patience along with treats from your wife should help speed up the process of him warming up to her too. It's good to hear that Rocco is settling in well though and interacting with you as he is. :-)
  17. Welcome Macawlover!! We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  18. Welcome Funkygirl!! :-) The B&G Macaws are beautiful, intelligent and wonderful to own as well. They have HUGE personalities and almost seem to like to play like a dog, I guess because they are so big, hey can handle it. The uncooked bean question you asked in the beginning is a good one. The issue is that the Beans do contain toxins dry before they are soaked and cooked. Once cooked as you have done, freezing and warming as you are doing is fine. This is how we do it also. We cook large batches with at least 8 different bean types, oat groats, veggies and flax seed. Then we individually sandwich bag it and take a bag out daily, thaw and serve. It's nice to have you here. :-)
  19. Dayo is a member of the "Poop everywhere" Club. I try to catch and move him when possible to train him to go over the trash can or play-stand, but most the time I'll say "Good Boy, You pooped" he looks down at the Poop, looks at me and seems to say, AND....SO?
  20. Does anyone use those PotPourri warmers? It is all natural flowers and herbs of various scents? I don't think the aroma or particulates come from it would be harmful. Also, on things such as candles that simply have oil scents, the only particulates put out would be the smoke of it was not burning correctly. We have had finches for 9 years, a conure for a year and a half and Dayo for 7 months and have not noticed any respiratory consequence in moderate use. Is it a cumulative over years, is that the issue? I haven't really been able to find any real conclusive scientific studies or evidence of this so far. It is completely understandable why spray deodorizers are harmful due to the bad chemicals they contain that are without a doubt harmful to Parrots and even humans in high volumes.
  21. Well, so far he isn't flaming anyone, so I would vote against blocking him unless he gets overwhelmingly sick with a descriptive post of what he has done besides poking his finger down the Greys throat which could cause irreparable damage to his throat or jaw causing misalignment of the beak. But, when you look at all the posts from every Grey Owner here that has experience, versus a new-by with zero Grey experience. You would think they message would come across loud and clear that there is a right, wrong and humane way to teach and interact with a Grey or any other Parrot. They are sentient beings that do think, have feelings and communicate those things to us through their body language and yes even through their speech if they are capable of doing so. Hopefully this message will come across loud and clear to Tubescreamer.
  22. Wow, thats a huge improvement Rae!! :-) Yes, Yogurt in small quantities is fine for them.
  23. Thanks Tracy, I hope it helps in determining the age a little closer for AAA. I kept a weekly photo file of our weekly visits from week 6 through week 16. They are two different clutches both born within just a few days of each other. One thing I noted about the 2 clutches is, the clutch Dayo was from were all more friendly and exploratory than the other, which also contained the "Grey from Hell" that attacked me when they were 12 weeks old. He is the one standing in the background by the plastic Bin. He is the one that started the "Parrot Bite me Club" :pinch: It seems personalities are inherited to some extent. :-)
  24. Hahahahahahahahahahaha, what a punch line....I almost spit my coffee on the screen. Thanks for that laugh Rae!!!!
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