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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. That GreYt news Janet! Loved the video and photo. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  2. Welcome Jackyshay!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get a chance. :-)
  3. Welcome Harmar!! It's GreYt having you here. The others have given good comments. Looking forward to hearing more from you as this decision is made. :-)
  4. I've suffered a few set backs in Quality Assurance testing. Using volunteers from the FART (Big Blasting tons of Gas), TOOT (little but deadlies) and the SPEW (Acid, Water and Chunks) groups. Explosions from the Gas ignited by it seeping through even the most minuscule microscopic seams wreaked havoc here. Acid melted some of the metal and the liquid resulted in not only frying the electronics, but the electrocuted the spewer as well. We are now going to NEMA approved PC enclosures that are both Gas and Liquid proof. I'll keep you posted on the progress here in our laboratory as the development team makes progress and we find more testers (Volunteers) due to the demise of the first group.
  5. But, Syd didn't I assume, because Roxy is not headless. You do need to watch, but believe me, Roxy will learn Syd's body language quickly and know when to fly or if it's ok to just move away a little further as syd approaches.
  6. Thats Great news Kitty^3!!! It's always good to hear a happy and encouraging outcome of an ordeal like you have been through. :-)
  7. Welcome Marlise, Elvis and flock!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos. :-)
  8. GreYt news!! Looking forward to hearing about it and seeing photos when you get a chance. :-)
  9. We have the same issue between our Grey and Conure. If one is out and the other caged, then one flies and walks around on the others Cage, the battle is on. They each view their Cage as THEIR TERRITORY and will protect it. The offender retaliates by trying to bite back and one of their toes will end up getting nipped. I do not know your situation, but we always let both birds out at the same time to avoid this. Then if it gets heated, one will fly off in complete safety.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/02 16:23
  10. That is truly wonderful news!! It's also good to hear you found a pellet source and Rishi is eating them. Thanks for the update and I am so happy for Rishi and you that it has all worked out thanks to your commendable adventure to get the illness taken care of. :-)
  11. I'm of the same mind as others that have commented on not leaving your Grey unattended for 48 hours. A Friend, family member or someone should atleast go and check once, if not twice a day on your birds, give fresh water and food etc. Going on vacation or just an overnight trip is not ruled out due to having critters. It just means you must plan ahead to either take them with you, have someone check on them or find a suitable kennel for them.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/02 16:05
  12. Thats wonderful news Jill and I love the photo. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  13. We do buy gifts for all our critters on hose occasions and also make some type of critter diet friendly cake. :-) As with our children, $$$ is not a consideration for our critters. :-)
  14. You have been missed greatly Davey! It's wonderful having you back and in operation again. :-)
  15. caitb2007 wrote: Caitlin - Ecko does not hate you. He has aged, chosen a favorite and that person is Robert. Watching your video reminded me of how Dayo starting acting towards me when he was 6 to 12 months old. It was all good interacting with my wife, but I was a different story. Please realise it has nothing to do with hate. It is simply who the preferred person is. Ecko stills loves you. I noticed you are using just a single finger....can somebody say ouch!!! I stopped doing that after a few bites. Go slowly, hand fisted, skin drawn tight and only allow him to step up onto the back of your hand. If as you go in approach close you see him starting down to bite, rather than lifting his foot or if he does try to bite. Remove your hand and you tell him no bite. Close the cage door and go about what you need to do. Getting them back in the cage as a flighted bird is an entirely different story. My wife can, I must resort to bribery, trickery using peekaboo or something, but the tricks only work 2 times at best and he won't fall for them. If I know I only have 30 minutes before I need to re-cage him, I never let him out. Because I may not be able to cage him and I don't like toweling him simply because he views the towel as a friend and it makes nail trimming and handling for other things easy. Basically Ecko is maturing and has selected a favored. Just be happy he still interacts with you fine when Robert's around. I am positive he still interacts with you just fine when Robert is not there, but there are just certain things or areas you know he does not. It will take a little experimentation and time, but you will figure out how to change the routine so he does what you want him to. Hang in there, I'll bet you are frazzled with that schedule and your patience is thin as Ice! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/02 15:50
  16. Jill - This Forum would not be the same without your witty humor and of course madness. Don't ever change!!!! :lol:
  17. Sorry to hear pf Peppers injury. I'm sure it frighted you more than it did her. It's just like having one of your birthed children hurt. It's good to hear the bleeding stopped and pepper is ok. If you did not ask the vet to trim the wings, I would have gone nuclear!
  18. Congratulations Mom!!! :-) I now that is a thrill and an honor. Thanks for sharing this with tus.
  19. Congratulations Sydney!!! Your a Boy, but you already knew that didn't you. ;-) However, your Mommy just needed to know. :-)
  20. All fixed. I edited the photo names.
  21. Welcome Marlise and Elvis!! It's GreYt having you hear. It sounds like you are a very good parent doing the best you can to ensure your new baby is safe and doing well. There are many members here with tons of experience that are more than willing to help if needed. Looking forward to hearing more from. :-)
  22. Very cute story, I loved it. Hey, I wonder how Koko would like a rub with that phone in vibrate mode? It may be very soothing on those neck muscles. Thanks fo rsharing this GreYt story and photos.
  23. Hahahahahahahaha!!! What a wonderful conversation, shrewd bargaining powers and finally compliance, once she has again proven her position as Master of the house. :-) These Greys are just too damn intelligent. But, I don't think any of us would ever want that to change. Thanks for sharing that!
  24. How peaceful Deb. I am so glad it went well for all and now she is galloping free in the great pasture beyond. God Bless.
  25. You may not want young ones to watch. But, they would probably just view it as a very friendly wild parrot. :-) Which it is!!!
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