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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I know how being the number 2 is, but hopefully that won't happen to you. My Grey loved my wife more from the get-go, has always interacted with me just fine and does all his talking in my voice. The good news is, Whisper has mastered both you voice and now your husbands. She is probably having fun with a new sound she can add to her repertoire. Good Karma coming your way for you to remain in the same relationship you have always had with her!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/15 21:03
  2. He's driving in reverse. Very smart Grey! He knows you can't be a backseat driver nagging him if your in the front. Thanks for sharing this GreYt photo.
  3. What a wonderful post Rhonnie. I enjoyed reading your heart felt "is it worth it" story. Beautifully put. Karma to you. :-)
  4. It could be so deeply ingrained that it will not go away. The others have all given GreYt advice on what to do and what not to do. It is unfortunate, but young greys will quickly learn words from older Greys as a "Flock Communication". Ignore, change the words slightly etc. as the others already mentioned. I wish you well in this endeavor. :-)
  5. Welcome Danna and flock!!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) It will be interesting to hear how the two Greys get along and kudos to you for taking in a Grey in need of rescue. Looking forward to hearing more ands seeing photos whenyou get a chance.
  6. Great accomplishment Judy!!!! All I can say is you are awesome and much loved!!!!
  7. hmmmm, she is at 19999 right now,,,,just look at the timestamp above.... 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 judy little help here... 2 ok I'm sweaten now judy......................................................................................................... 1 NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. LOL Jill!! You slithered out of that one at poor Harvey's expense. ;-)
  9. Ok, can we just put the the Karma question and who dissed who first to bed now please? Lets get back on track or just let the thread die off. I don't see any flaming by anyone here. All I see is different users making comments and suspicions. If it continues, I'll just lock this thread. I appreciate everyones cooperation. :-) Back on topic - For the record, wax paper ingredients are normally just paper coated with parifin wax. Both of which is perfectly fine for your bird. As if they actually eat it anyway. If anything they may hae a slight residue left in their beak after shredding a bunch of it, which they normally pick out with their talon. Personally, I will just stick with newspaper. :-)
  10. Congratulations!!! Mika is a fine looking Grey. :-)
  11. HI Deby, The whistle is a "Contact Call" and she is calling you. They all do this naturally. At her age, with no background, you can only approach this with assumptions. I would rather assume she was raised properly and was treated like royalty and do the same to her. :-) They respond the best to positive, happy excited voices and emotions. It sounds like you are doing that. :-) If she stays out with you and just hangs out, even at a small distance, loves head scratches etc.. Thats a Great Start!!!! I doubt she was a breeder based on just this alone. :-) As you go through your day and time with her. describe everything you do in simple terms and be consistent everyday. They associate actions and items to words they hear you say like make coffee, apple, grape, almond, walnut, vacuum, open the door, step up etc. The key is to use it consistently. IF she is going to talk and knows no other words. You will hear one that she has learned that is IMPORTANT TO HER. They produce these first either to get what they or simply because they enjoy the sound and excitement surrounding that word. :-)
  12. PGA7602 wrote: Someone please help me with the definition of a Bite. I'm having trouble deciding if I've been bitten by Coral yet, because she uses her beak as a third arm. I would say on a pain scale of 1-10, i got a bite of 3. A - Thats not a bite, thats just a balance correction or attention getter. So the definition is: 1. It breaks skin. A- YES 2. You bleed. A- YES 3. You scream. A- Well, some people scream at everything, so it depends... ;-) 4. It's like a play pinch A - Oh hell no 5. It feels like a hard hold. A- Are you freaking kidding me? Hope the above helped. :-)
  13. Congratulation Ronnie, thats huge progress!!! Fly Ceasar, fly!!! Love the photo. He is obviously enjoying it and happy with himself. That is one of he most important tools in you pouch to get him progress with you. :-)
  14. If he has truly been cage bound and not flighted since birth. At 10 years old you vet may be correct. If they don't build the brain synapses at the weaning age or with in the first year for flight. That natural development is thwarted and may never be gained. It does sound promising however, that he at least acts like he wants to fly as you take him along. :-) You just won't know until his wings grow out, you give him some flapping exercises and have him target you in short distances to reach you like 2ft, 3ft etc. increasing as time goes by that he feels comfortable with. Only time will tell this story.
  15. Thats GreYt to hear Spence! Some Greys just go crazy trying to exercise their independence during this time (mine included) and you don't know at times if your dealing with jekyll or Hyde. :-) Human children are even like this. Some go freaking nuts and drive you nuts and others just pass through calm and quiet. She and you will both be happy you decided to ride this "Blink" in your Greys many decade life span.
  16. GreYt photos!!! Loved them all. He is quite a character. Thanks for sharing all these. :-)
  17. If they have anti-flammable chemcials in them, I would not let your grey chew on them. I guess he could smoke a joint with you though. NOT - Just teasing!!!!!
  18. The others have all given good comments. Do you mean you are feeding him seed mix like kaytee fiesta or other brand? Hopefully not just straight sunflower seeds. Start with a good seed mix that also has nuts and pellets in it as mentioned above. You can also get some Harrison's pellets Coarse or Zupreem Fruity blend and add them to the mix. See if you can find what he prefers. He should be getting cooked or raw veggies like broccoli, carrots, legumes, peppers, squash etc. Daily. Do you know more background on how he was handled, how many homes, was he cage bound for years etc? It would really help. :-)
  19. Good thoughts coming your and Lily's way. I great that you were on this and have her in good hands.
  20. I enjoyed this poem very much. I am making it a "Sticky" hope all who enter this site will read and it think. :-) Karma to you Jess!!
  21. Hahahahahahahaha, so he is a punker ey? Love it, that is a classic!!!
  22. Love all the photos of Alfie having fun!! He is a beautiful Grey, even if he is mischievous. :-) Thanks for sharing them.
  23. Awwwww, how cute!!! Thanks for sharing the photo. :-)
  24. Good point on how cages sometimes arrive bent up a little. I had some minor bends in both mine as well as some missing hardware. However they were quick to send the hardware and offered to send new parts to replace bent ones. However, the bends and dents were minor and a rubber hammer made them like new. :-) These large cages weigh in excess of 100 pounds and those truckers moving them are not gentle. ;-) As you post sites you visit, those of us who have done business with them wil advise you. :-)
  25. Ah Ha! No wonder he displays sexual behaviour. he is fully an adult. :-) He truly sounds like a wonderful older Grey getting used to new surroundings and flock. Form your description, he actually has a GreYt personality, wit and humor. Barring the one cuss word, I laughed out loud at the thought of being called a "Turdhead". You are doing all the right things in gently getting him used to the new digs. Karma to you for taking in a mature Grey and giving him such a loving home. :-)
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