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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Thats exciting news, congratulations!! I was just watching the webcam at the right time and momma grey went out for about 30 seconds exposing the view of the new chick huddled with the 3 eggs. Very cute. :-) Thanks for making this forum a part of this!!
  2. Petsmart has toys and there is a coupe of others in SF that have parrots and toys; http://animalconnectionii.liveonatt.com/products.nxg
  3. jml0921 wrote: The only reason breeders sends a baby home unweaned, is due to laziness in not wanting to spend the addition 8 to 12 weeks feeding, socializing, weaning and fledging the babies. It is a lot of work and a big responsibility. The theory that the baby bonds to you better is a false theory! If the breeder will not provide the proper raising of a grey to ensure the purchaser receives a quality bird, I would find one that does. Many states have now passed laws banning the sale of any unweaned bird. Also, if the baby dies under you care in such a young and vulnerable state, you will lose your money. the breeder will just claim you killed it by doing something wrong. What I am saying may be hard for you to swallow, but it's true. I am sure you can find many posts regarding this issue that state the same as I have just posted. :-)
  4. He does sound healthy, normal activity and thats a good weight for 7 weeks. Looking forward to hearing more on how the feeding is going and just how he or she is becoming more coordinated and activities. :-)
  5. Ah yes, the old Throw and watch mom or dad pick the toy up game! I believe we all know it well and slow down in the pick it up time....... much to your Greys dismay and confusion of why you didn't respond IMMEDIATELY! Thanks for sharing this.
  6. You need to keep your Grey on the correct schedule and amount for it's age. Most breeders do this and ignore a young chick that keeps asking for more every hour or two. At 7 weeks, you should be feeding 30cc - 45cc for the 5-9 weeks of age. I am assuming your Grey is a CAG. If your vet gave you a specific cc amount for his age, use that. It could be what he is receiving is not enough though. You should be feeding your baby 3 times a day at this age. I would wait at least 5 or 6 hours between feedings.
  7. Ok, first let me say Chocolate is not good for your birdy, just as it is not for other critters. We do not give any of our critters even tiny pieces knowing it can affect their health over time. Now, on to the football game! Last night we were relaxing and watching a movie. Kim decided to have some Peanut M&M's. Had the BIG bag, eating them. Dayo kept trying to get her to share and was finally starting to try and get the bag. Kim grasped he bag tightly and of course would not let him have any. Finally, dayo hopped over faster than a flea in a frying pan, grab the side of it and ripped a hole in it. M&M's dropped out. He grabbed one before anyone could yell "Fumble" and took it and quickly hopped down field up to the top of the couch. He is now trapped in between us. We're both blocking and trying to grab it out of his beak. He would strike at us, but couldn't bite due to the M&M held in his beak. It was a small one, so it fit perfect cupped length wise in the bottom portion of the beak. He then did the fastest "Hot Potato" with it ever seen, switching from beak to the left foot, trying to bite us, then back in beak and going down field. I swear, I have never seen him move something so fast between beak, left Talon, try to bite,Talon back to beak, Tries to bite with M&M still in beak (Hilarious as he realises he can't bite so pecks like a woodpecker)Back to other Talon, try to bite and on and on. Then finally one last fast adrenaline burst with back in Talon, back in beak, ducking weaving,running, ducking weaving running etc. Then we heard the crack as the candy coating shattered, most of the chocolate attached to it fell out of his beak still attached to the shell. Touch Down!!! He had the peanut portion now and quickly chomped and swallowed it down. He did the "Touch Down Shuffle" as he was so impressed with himself at out witting the home team. Much to his dismay though, the bag of other footballs was taken off the field and hidden away back in the cabinet. He then decided to just arrogantly "Strike a Pose", lifting head high and staring straight forward with a noble eagle like look. Then up goes on leg, feathers fluff and he watches the movie in complete satisfaction. :-)
  8. Hahahahahaha, loved it and the song!! Now, I can't get Old Macdonald out of my head. :-) Thanks for sharing this video and I hope to see many, many more!!!
  9. He certainly does seem to enjoy the shower. Thanks for sharing this video of Jackson. Looking forward to seeing more. :-)
  10. Awwww, what cute interaction and photos of Mocha and Koko. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  11. GreYt video Jan!! Amazons sure do love to sing, don't they? Thanks for posting this. :-)
  12. Dayo does as others mentioned. Leg up, eye's blinking. Once or twice we have watched him literally lay down and fall into a deep sleep. But, this was only when we were in the living, darkened, watching a movie and Dayo would lay down next to Kim on the couch and next thing we knew, he was laying down, feet sticking out the back and head nuzzled into Kim.
  13. Kofi is brilliant. The word association is one of the most important things you could be doing. As you have already seen, he "Gets It". Thanks for sharing this. :-) It won't belong before your proudly taping videos so we can all enjoy Kofi too!!!
  14. Hi Drew and thanks for the update on your future plans. Good luck with the house building, getting settled in and finding a Grey. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/04 14:15
  15. Welcome Jess!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you as you hear more from the breeder or have questions.
  16. Very funny video of that Galah!! :-) You know, in Australia one of the biggest insults is to be called a "Bloody Galah". I was there for 3 weeks installing some systems across that wonderful land. A Representative from there was driving me about and going down one highway (sometimes turning to dirt) there were literally 100s of Galahs sitting along the road in one spot, as we passed, they started flying. Thankfully we did not hit any. I thought they were beautiful and commented. Thats when I learn they feel they are a "Stupid" bird that just flies right into the cars. In our driving on several different days. If another drive did something that pissed this guy off, he would start screaming "BLOODY GALAH!!!"......they have road rage in the outback of Australia!! Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  17. Yes, many Greys like still being handfed when that young and some like it at times forever. :-)
  18. GreYt to see you posting again. You were missed!! I am sorry to hear of your painful health issues and hope you find a solution for them and recover. Dorian sounds like he is turning into one fine Grey under your loving guidance and care. Thanks for the wonderful update. :-)
  19. Very sorry to hear of the loss of your Grey. At Least the last year of his life, he had you and a good life during that time. It is very sad to hear he did not have longer with you and you with him. If or when you can shed some light as to the cause, we would all like to hear it. God Bless and prayers your way.
  20. GreYt video of you and Dixie kissing. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  21. Tearing a toy to shreds is normal and so is letting another bird preen them. It has nothing to do with a mating dance. Here is a short video of a definite mating dance with a Grey getting a little "HoT.
  22. GreYt photos of Yoshi having fun. Thanks for sharing these! :-)
  23. It's wonderful to see photos of Rishi feeling good and showing it!! Thanks for posting these. :-)
  24. danmcq


    Welcome Nicky and congratulations on your new Grey!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos as you get a chance.
  25. I always love watching videos of Emma. The way you have her responding to your requests is great and she demonstrates here abilities by doing a GreYt job. :-) Keep posting videos as you have them!!
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