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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Ebay is just fine as long as you order from an actual store that adverties there. You can also find good stores online with huge selections of cages by simply doing a search. Find the size and price you like and post the links to your choices here and I am sure everyone will comment on them and about the store if the have purchased from them. :-) I purchased a cage from the following store for example: http://birdcages4less.com/page/B/PROD/Medium_Bird_Cages/PA5738
  2. Happy 4th Talon!!! Now that Matt ahs broken in the new snowmobile for you. I'm sure you will love the exhilierating rides on your new present. Waaaaaa Hooooooooo
  3. Congratualtions!!! Thats was a wonderful first video of Ollie. It is wonderful to watch them at that age. The breeder did a GreYt job in bringing up him and the clutch. :-) Looking forward to many more updates, photos and videos. :-)
  4. I have the same experience as Jane. My birds are less active when it's cold first thing in the morning during the winter. Kind of like us people that just love to stay in bed on those cold mornings. :-)
  5. rbpittman wrote: I don't have personal experience with the situation your facing. But, if the other wing is not bothering GBR, I would tell them to leave it alone. Trying to "Match" that wing to the other could start barbering on that side. Your doing such a GreYt job of taking care of him Robin!! Just reading of how you are caring for him brings great joy to my heart and I'm sure GBR's. :-) Karma to you.
  6. Yes, just as lovethatgrey stated.
  7. It is sad to hear things are becoming unbearable. It is clear you love your Grey very much and have tried many different avenues to address the issues your describing. The only thing I can think of, is your so busy, your Grey is desperate for your attention and personal contact when you are present. If so, it is nor really a behaviour problem, but a time problem. I would really like to hear more of how the dynamics and time aspects are working. One thing to note, as you become stressed, your Grey does proportionally along with you. You live about 5 hours south of me. I wish I could rehome your Grey, but just don't think now would be a good time for our flock. If you decide that rehoming is the only option, I pray you will find an experienced and loving person.
  8. Thanks for starting this thread on her book. :-) It really is a must read for all Grey owners. It describes the start to finish of their life together on a very personal level. The struggles, the good times and the bad.
  9. GreYt photo, what a pretty Grey and even striking a pose with the fruit. You should definitely enter the photo to birdtalk etc. :-) Thanks for sharing this fruity moment.
  10. Welcome Dimitri and Flock!! It's GreYt having you here and thanks for the photo. Fine looking Greys. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos and videos as well, when you have a chance. :-)
  11. Welcome Rhonnie and Ceasar!! It's GreYt having you here. You've had him for a year and a half. How old was He when you got him? The sexual behaviour your describing doesn't normally start until a little older. The photo you shared of his response to hubby clearly shows a Grey just waiting to nail the person when they try to get a step-up or give a scratch. When our hubby see's this, just stay away. Obviously ceasar prefers women, as my Grey does. he will interact well at times with me and other males. But only on a much less cuddly manner and will bite if you don't watch his body language carefully. There is really nothing you can do to overcome this. They decide who they like and what level that friendship will be.
  12. Welcome Ryan and Paco!! GreYt photo and it's wonderful having you here. Thanks for sharing the photo and looking forward to hearing and seeing more. :-)
  13. danmcq

    Advice needed

    Well, a Zon is about the same size as a Grey, would be able to stand it's own with the Greys and is VERY outgoing comparatively speaking. Only you can decide can decide what bird will fit in. I am rather partial to Jendays and Cherry heads, if I were to get another conure. :-)
  14. Sorry to hear of this accident. One question though, if you let him out of the cage and he is with you. Is he calmer than climbing all over wanting out to be with you? The reason I ask, is the dark cage and quite scenario is in hopes of him remaining fairly still. It sounds like that isn't working.
  15. All VERY wise comments reagrding car and house keys. Most keys are a base of brass (copper + zinc = VERY BAD for birds)) then plated with other alloys, older ones even have amounts of lead in them.
  16. Hey, what more could you ask for? Your OJ was not tainted...LOL :-) Love the photo, thanks for sharing it!!
  17. As long as they are fully cooked, no problem. However, it should be a rib you have cut the meat away from, not eaten to ensure no human bacteria are on it. :-)
  18. Judy's itemized list of responses was right on. Everything you listed is normal Grey behaviour. Looking in your previous posts, your Grey is now approximately 16 Months old and is testing boundaries and consistency in feedback he is receiving from his flock to determine what he can get away with. From your list, I don't see any bad behaviour at all, in reality. If your friends get upset due to your Grey deciding it's "Practice Time", change friends, turn the TV up or whatever. Greys vocalize constantly through out the day when and where they have the urge to go through their repertoire of sounds, whistles and words. One thing you could do, is have your Grey out with you when watching TV. Most times they will just sit and chill on you or behind you. When in the cage, even though he can see you, he is not with you. Those bars are in reality a separation to him. He will make noises to get your attention to let him out. Unless he behaves badly with guests over. Why not let him be with you? In regards his noise level bothering people across the way in another building. I doubt it. Greys are not nearly as loud as other Parrots. I doubt a loud whistle to you in the apartment is actually that annoying to people across the way. The other people are probably as loud as your Grey, if not more so. Unless you live in a retirement complex. Normally the largest portion of downy feathers are found in the bottom of the cage. You can stop them from flying around when you remove the bottom tray by simply spraying it with a squirt bottle of water before removing it. The few downy feathers that fly away when they preen outside the cage is not that big a deal to vacuum up. Everything you have listed is just normal life with a Parrot. Heck even a dog has all the annoyances you list. They just have fur shedding instead of feathers, they smell if not bathed enough and their barks are ear piercing. In regards potty training. You need to work on that everyday and with consistancy. Otherwise, he will not find it as something important. You must constantly be watching for the normal signs that he is about to poop and immediately move him to the potty station. If you don't he will just let go where he is. If you can find the time. It would be easier for you to address each issue as they come up here on the forum to get help and work on that issue one at a time so you are focused on it and do so until it is corrected. Then move to the next one. :-) Looking forward to hearing updates on the progress with these things.
  19. GreYt Job!!!! It's nice to read of the successful training of our members Greys. Thanks for sharing this update. :-)
  20. Loved the video Penny!@! What a way to start the morning with a cup of Joe and getting down to a good show and music. :-) I'll be moonwalking the dogs down the street here shortly.
  21. Congratulations on making a decision!!! All those chicks need a loving home whether clipped or unclipped and you made a decision by first doing your homework. Looking forward to seeing photos and watching this new Grey grow and learn during this life long journey you two have ahead of you. :-)
  22. Thanks for the update Charlotte. It's good to hear the issue is resolved and all is well. :-) Looking forward to hearng more and seeing photos when you get a chance.
  23. Thanks for sharing these videos of your walk with Koko. :-)
  24. Nice videos of Mocha. Thansk for sharing these. It has been so much entertainment watching Mocha grow up. :-)
  25. GreYt photos and a very nice Cage he will enjoy immensely!! He is a beautiful Grey. Thanks for sharing these photos. :-)
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