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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. One very important aspect of owning a grey or any other parrot. Is they need to be in the main family area so interaction and knowing they are a loved member of the flock. No bird does well shoved off into another room by itself. If you suspect this may happen, do not get a Grey. The others have given you a very good idea of what it is like to live with one. :-)
  2. Hyacinth Macaw's are always stunning. Thanks for sharing the photo with us. :-)
  3. Good Boy Harvey!!!! Yes, you are officially certified as being a normal Grey!!!
  4. Welcome Cattalina!! The others gave good replies. Birds do not go into "Heat" like Dogs for example. It is simply a compulsive behavior and does become stronger in Spring and fall\winter months. When your grey does this, do not touch him and take him somewhere to have him step up on a tree stand, perch etc. They are very smart and if you do this consistently, he will soon realize you are not welcoming that behaviour.
  5. Thats GreYt news Darla!!! That new baby is doing just fine from your description. The others all gave great replies as well. Thanks for the update. Please post more and photos!! :-)
  6. Thanks for confirming what you meant through that symbolic expression. If they are told it's "Off Limits", it automatically becomes their #1 "Must Have".
  7. It is wonderful watching the parents caring for those precious little chicks. Thanks for giving us this ability. :-)
  8. Many Greys are starting molts as the others have described. However, losing all tail feathers at once is not how a molting process takes place. Birds can not fly properly without tail feathers. My Grey plays pretty rough at times and loses tail feathers due to that play activity. However, he has never lost more than 3 at one time and always has plenty left for good flight control. It is possible your grey is clipped and falling in the cage or play area and damaging the tail feathers severely. Could you please expand on your description as Dave requested? Thanks! :-)
  9. Welcome kiolva!! It's GreYt having you here and looking foward to hearing more from you. :-)
  10. You know, I think Robin is a little sharper than the rest of us just reading the stand post at face value. It appears to be a cleverly hidden description of a human stand named "Fendana"!! Karma to you Robin!! :-)
  11. Thanks for the update on Bill. The worst part is waiting for the biopsy and then waiting for the results. IF their are large enough cells to see with the ultrasound, the doctor will tell you right then and of course if non are visible. The biopsy will tell the entire story, whether there is cancer or not. Please take a look on the web for studies conducted at Stanford on Pomegranate Juice called POM and also on Grape Seep Extract pills in regards slowing down and in some cases reversing cancers. If Bill is a nervous person or has any anxiety, ask the doctor to prescribe a tranquiliser for him to take before the biopsy. :-) God be with you two!!
  12. YOu could just scrub with a brush and hot water, then let it sun fo a day or two. Make sure you look for insect burrowing, mold etc. to ensure there is nothing potentially harmful in the bark.
  13. I'll offer to swap you you for a stand in similar nature, but white. ;-)
  14. GreYt Photo!! Karma to you. :-)
  15. Welcome Chomolka! How old is your Grey? How long has it been sick and on antibiotics? What was the diagnosed disease? Have you advised your vet this is going on? Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  16. Looks like your "Windyness" is is appreciated by not only us, but by your Fid's too. Youve got to get a video of this. :-)
  17. Hi Sandra!!! It's GreYt hearing a report on Merlin and Congratulations to him on his 2 year B-day! :-) It sounds like your zoo continues and your all settled into a workable routine as a flock. Don't be so long in between updates if you can squeeze some time in now and then.
  18. I hope all gets sorted out today for Bill and know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted, if you feel comforatble with doing so. I think I know exactly what is going through Bill's mind and how he feels. God Bless - Dan
  19. Alfie sounds a lot like Dayo and other greys that are flighted. They certainly do not like to go back in the cage during what they think is normal out hours and all day long. We used to go through the same ordeal as you everytime, all though it would not take 40 minutes, it would take a good 10 or 15 sometimes. We finally realised he was feeding off our apprehension when we would approach him, knowing that he would not want to go in his cage. Then as the chase ensued, he become more alert and nervous, we became more alert and apprehensive and it would just keep building up. One thing I started that may help you, is I nor kim act as if we are going to go any where and approach him saying what a good boy he is and praising him. He has always responded to praise and I swear you can almost see him stick his chest out and put on a big grin, if he could. At that point he is calm and in a good mood and I must say we are too. You can not praise someone and not be calm and happy. :-) I have seen Dayo get very upset and nervous from a chase, become out of breath and one time threw up I believe everything that was in his crop. Since, then, we never pursued him if we could tell he was becoming that desperate. I hope this gives you some insight and ideas.
  20. Welcome Donna!!! It's GreYt having you here. I am Dan McQuilliams from Facebook and am glad you took my invite to come to our Forum. :-) I would recommend your book to all here and also for all to visit your wall on facebook to follow your blogs on Rosie. Thanks for joining our Forum. :-)
  21. I'm uncertain I understand the scariness of this, if the harness was on. Thats why we take them out with a harness and they fly at many different things that scare them at times other than wind. :-)
  22. A programmer was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said, “If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess.” He bent over, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, “If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will stay with you for one week.” The programmer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to the pocket. The frog then cried out, “If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you and do anything you want.” Again the programmer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket. Finally, the frog asked, “What is the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess that I'll stay with you for a week and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?” The programmer said, “Look, I'm a programmer. I don't have time for a girlfriend -- but a talking frog, now that's cool.”
  23. Awwwww, night - night Emma, sweet dreams you deserve them. :-) Thanks for sharing another GreYt video!
  24. Very nice pictures and looks like a GreYt relationship starting up. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
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