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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh it's wonderful to hear how well GBR was taken care of before you received him. You're doing a wonderful job and quite well at that!! :-) Thanks for the details on how he was treated for the crop burn. :-)
  2. Congratulations Dave!! Now there are 2 chicks!!!!
  3. Here is part one of the world parrot trust video. I thought some of the newer Grey owners would enjoy this background on Greys in the wild. Here is part two. It contains addition information as well. But, if you do not want to know or see how Greys are caught in the wild, do not watch it. edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/08 16:47
  4. I have never seen my Grey do this, but i have seen others do it with the tongue. Our Grey does fluff up at me when I first walk in the door after being gone. Same as you, I ensure sunglasses are off etc. He never fluffs up when my wife comes home. Once I talk to him nicely and say hi, how ya doing etc. he comes flying to my shoulder or offers his foot for a step-up with feathers laying down again.
  5. Yes to all. :-) I have seen them blush when happy, angry, spoken to all lovey dovey and even for no apparent reason etc. but I am sure it is in response to something. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/08 15:51
  6. Can't wait to hear the announcement that your grey is home and seeing photos! :-)
  7. Jusy is spot on, as always. I hope you can find a vet. A bird not eating just on eday normally indicates illness. Three days without food is a 911!! Please keep us updated. :-)
  8. Your doing a wonderful job Robin!! When the crop burn occurred, did they take GBR to see a vet? Is it visibly discolored or do you see any food coming out of the crop onto the feathers outside? Crop burns are VERY painful to the parrot and most times they will only take a little food at a time, rather than the amount a normal bird would. Thus many small feedings are required. Did they send you home from the store with any antibiotics or the like to help ensure the burn does not become infected? The feather plucking could be directly related to the pain from the burn. Jane made an excellent point regarding not wanting to relate being taken out of the cage each time feather plucking is threatened. You know how smart these Greys are. :-)
  9. Loved the video of that little sly fox Emma. :-) I noticed she has the cap to a pen, it's what I give Dayo in place of letting him bug me about the pen itself. I guess it makes them feel like "They Won" an they relish that thought. :-) It's to see you posting videos more often, I LOVE IT!!! Karma to you.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/08 15:05
  10. danmcq

    Chicken Bones?

    Jamal - Never recommend to anyone to feed a parrot raw meat, bones etc. That is a risk NO ONE should take. I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!!! If YOU like taking chances with you birds life, you are a very poor bird owner in my opinion. YOU NEED TO RESEARCH, NOT ME. I did my homework long ago.
  11. danmcq

    Chicken Bones?

    Jamal - NEVER give you birds uncooked chicken bones. If your birds get salmonella, they could die.
  12. lovethatgrey wrote: Perfectly stated!! :-)
  13. Not a bad question at all Jill. :-) As Judy said, yes they do. :blush:
  14. Welcome Betta!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Looking forward to hearing more.
  15. Those are both BAD for your bird.
  16. First, remove him from that room with the washer. Second (Actually First) Yes, take him to a vet for a wellness check. Also, make sure you weigh him, the vet will, but you need to have a digital scale to weigh your Grey at least weekly.
  17. Oh Yeah, they love pencils and pens. The pencils get snapped, erases chewed to bits etc. But, the pens......get ready for a "Freak Out" when the pen ink gets bitten into if you don't catch him in time........Scared the hell out of me once. :-) Thanks for the photo and video!!!
  18. I recommend removing you bird from that room I assume you are using laundry soap, bleach and probably fabric softeners. The fumes you can smell are not healthy for your Grey and in fact are dangerous for him. That could also account for your other post that says he sits at the bottom of the cage puffed up. he may not be feeling well after breathing in those fumes. Also, you Grey should be in an area where the family is during the waking hours so it knows it is a member of the flock and does not feel left out.
  19. jackyshay wrote: Yes, leave the seed mix in the cage during the day. AS Jill noted,also put a bowl of Pellets moisten with juice like apple, grape etc. You Grey may try them in that softer state. Four months is very young, still growing a little, especially feathers and bone density. Pellets are an unnatural item to them and quite frankly, may not be very tasty to them. My Grey would not touch pellets at all until he was 1.5 years old and only a few now and then. However, there have been pellets in his cage since the day he came home. Make sure you have a digital scale and weigh you bird daily if you can. You need to maintain his body weight and also since it's getting cold, I can guarantee you he is getting a little cool too as his body starts to adjust to cooler temps.
  20. GreYt video of Alfie talking Davey!! He is developing those speech skills very well. I heard several different words.:-) Thanks for sharing this.
  21. What a character Dusty is!!! :-) Thanks for sharing this video.
  22. Most in stores are housed separately and not let out together. This pet store is obviously different. The lady evidently looked at the broken blood feather and determined it was beyond repair and therefore needed to be pulled and steptic and some other powder like flour or corn was applied. My Grey has played on the bottom of the cage all the way back to being at he breeders. We keep foot toys down there at all times and also a case of Pepsi box with a hole cut in it. He goes inside, knocks around, chews holes in it and sometimes lay's down and sleeps. Unfortunately, commercial environments are about money, time etc. and so what you witnessed was getting the job done quickly and completely, then back to business. Theres no love in an environment like that, for the most part.
  23. Congratulation!! He sure did settle right in! I love the last photo. I would make a HUGE photo or poster out of it. Thanks for sharing the homecoming with us Robin!!
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