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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Jamal - I was not settiong anyone staright. I simply commented on this thread as you and judy did. YOu both gave correct and good comments. I was simply typing while you or Judy were posting. :-)
  2. I visit the birds as well every time I go to Petsmart or other pet store. I used to have a very strong desire to buy each one as I would interact with them each time I went weekly. You do start building an emotional tie to them and they to you as well. No national Pet Store chain can equal the love and attention of an individual breeder to their chicks and upbringing. However, people do purchase them and give them loving homes, we hope. :-)
  3. The bar spacing is fine. The way your hand is cupped hiding the bar in the middle of your hand in the photo makes it appear to be 2" rather than 1". :-)
  4. Congratulations on Fiti's arrival!!!! Just be patient as you are and let him get used to his new home and flock. It is natural for them to be cautious and a little anxious when introduced to a new environment like that. Just keep on coming to him on his terms and don't pass his comfort zone which could slow down the trust building process. It sounds like the breeder was not one that subscribes to the socialization and abundance weaning process. Fiti is a beautiful Grey, the poop sounds normal. However, the first thing on your list should be to get him to an avian veterinarian for a wellness check. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos. :-)
  5. There are uncountable reasons people buy pets of any type and then get rid of them. It is sad. But most people just do not think about the costs in terms of time, natural behavior, possible wounds, home destruction, furniture destruction, clothing destruction, allergies, medical costs whether emergency or just check-ups etc. Thus the need for all these shelters, rescues and putting them to sleep by the millions each year. The saddest part, is most don't even try to find a loving home for them. It's just straight to the SPCA, drop them off and walk away feeling relieved of the "Burden" with no thought given to the fact the critter is probably going to be put to sleep or go from home to home to home and have a miserable and much shortened life.
  6. As Dave and Lovethatgrey stated, gloves off, otherwise the fight is on. They scare the hell out of them. In regards leaving the room simply because DJ is showing the body language that he does not want to step-up. I would stop that. It's great that you have learned his body language. Now use it to your advantage by simply stopping your hand forward movement, back it off and as your doing so, tell him it's ok, your a good boy." In a happy and high pitched voice and mean it. YOu can not say this without a smile and feeling happier inside. rather than apprehensive. After you have done this several times and noted his positive reaction as if he is saying "Now we are communicating". Start saying "Good Boy DJ!", in a happy voice, smile (They know what a human face looks like when smiling) and after he seems happy too, slowly start in for a step-up. Watch his body language and ensure it remains neutral. If it is, then continue. If not, then stop and back off again telling him he is a good boy. They love positive reinforcement and you will see a big change in your bird faster using it than any other way. Leaving the room or placing back in a cage simply accomplishes their goal of just getting you to leave them alone. Nothing is accomplished this way because they got what they wanted. :-) The do love being with or at least seeing the flock. As I said, capitalize on that by staying their and just being his happy friend. :-)
  7. Thanks guys. I just updated the article with more content to help new owners out. I had not revisited this in a Long Time.
  8. A forum is a good place to get advice if you don't have other parrot owners to talk to locally. Which most don't and their friends of course don't understand. :-) Your Grey is certainly a character and I find it very humorous that he quickly learned to imitate timer so you would go and get him sooner. Even at their worst, they still can bring a laugh, smile and awe at their intelligence. :-)
  9. Wonderful video of Ana Grey enjoying her misting. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  10. I believe your right Jooles. After reading this thread through, the poem says the grey died in a "Fight for his life". One note, it can happen in a split second. I almost lost Dayo to my Dobermans a year ago. I had just walked out my garage door and in 20 seconds heard all hell breaking loose in the house. I ran in to find Dayo had evidently flown to the living room looking for me and one of the dogs got his tail feathers, he did escape, was standing there staring at them from the floor growling and had hit his head which swelled. It was 3 days before he got out of what I would consider a state of shock. He did not react, just stared and his eyes would not focus in or out. I was very fortunate that it was not life ending for Dayo.
  11. It's good to hear the behaviour has subsided. Regarding egg binding symptoms. Most of the time, birds that are egg bound will take to sitting in the cage floor. The will also be fluffed up, you may notice abdominal swelling and the droppings will also change. If you see any of these symptoms, you do need to get her to an avian vet quickly. It sounds like you lead a very exciting life and your Grey is enjoying it immensely as well. :-)
  12. Greys do not understand or respond to punishment. Actually, no pets really do. Was there something first thing in the mornings you were doing while away that she possibly looked forward to and misses? The reason I ask, is the screaming has started for a reason. If you can figure it out, you can stop it by replacing what it is she is missing and wanting.
  13. The only time Dayo leans, is against a fence post waiting for the rest of the boys to catch up.
  14. Dayo has been shoulder riding since he was a wee 10 week old lad. :-) Sometimes he prefers to just fly over and catch a ride to wherever we are going. Other times he will wait, watch and then fly to where we are when he feels like it. As any Parrot, he will lightly beak the ear if your sitting on the PC for too long and not paying any attention to him. If you ignore the light beak, it will get a little firmer. If I'm busy and don't wish to interact at the time. I tell him "Just a minute" and turn my head a little. He will normally respect my request. If he persists, I shoo him off with my hand. I must say though, that when he was very young, he would at times beak VERY HARD when alarmed or wanted attention. You must always be consistent in your actions and words so they will learn proper flock etiquette and the rules of having the privilege of shoulder sitting. Some birds will never be able to be trusted on your shoulder. Also, NEVER wear earrings unless you want it ripped very painfully from your Ear. They can not resist bling-bling. :-)
  15. "How Quickly can a Grey learn to mimic?" How fast can you make the sound or say it? :-)
  16. Yep, Ice Cubes are safe and a big hit with most Greys. They also love frozen fruit bars (100% from fruit) made by dole and dreyers. Multi-flavors. Good for your birdy and you. :-) I could swear I have seen him wrinkle his forehead due to brain freeze. <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/23 00:08
  17. Welcome zzzelama!!! It's GreYt having you here. Hope to hear more from you regarding when you find a Grey. :-)
  18. Welcome ilovemylouisv!!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  19. How long have you had your Grey?
  20. Welcome Marianna and Flock!! It's GreYt having you here. After reviewing your website and story of how you got into parrots and rescuing. It is obvious you have a deep love for them and also a green thumb and Chef qualities. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  21. Welcome Jacky and Flock!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  22. Those are all fine foods raw or cooked. Just ensure you wash them well before serving.
  23. You are making good progress. Thanks for sharing the videos. :-)
  24. What a pretty boy! Thanks for the update and photos. :-)
  25. I am sorry to hear this is still going on. There is obviously something setting Charlie off. Perhaps you could setup a camcorder on low resolution and turn it on when you go to bed. Perhaps this sounds and film may shed some light on what the root cause of it is. You may need to do this several nights to catch it.
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