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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. It is still going on because there are many countries that have not outlawed the import of wild african greys. They also trap them for peoples that believe parts of the grey have magical powers or healing related powers. I won't go into that at all, but thats why it stioll goes on. As Sheila stated, it is an income to those in desperate need and struggling to survive.
  2. They start talking at different times. With the average being around 1 year of age. I have heard of some talking at 16 weeks old, which was with a group of "Mother" and "Father" greys in a flight daily that the young ones learned to communicate from. They have their own natural whistles, growls and screams they make. They will pick up all types of sounds from devices in your home and they will also pick whistles you teach them. He sounds like a wonderful Grey. I would love to see photos and videos of him. :-)
  3. Looks like it is taking good videos. I enjoyed watching them both. :-) That is an interesting stand.
  4. Congratulations Dave, thats wonderful news!! I love watching the webcams. :-)
  5. pearllyn wrote: No, this means to watch their body language as you approach for a step-up. If you see they are not lifting their Talon, are fluffing up, eyes pinning etc. Just stop and tell them to go on and play or whatever it is they are doing. This way you don't get bit. It also teaches them they do not need to bite you every time they don't want to move. You acknowledged their talking to you through body language and they appreciate that. Vice versa, if your voice becomes stern and demanding and they see you are coming at them with the fist clinched, back of hand skin drawn tight and that is what your offering for them to step up on, they will very quickly learn to just do it. They cannot bite the back of your hand when balled up and drawn tight like that.
  6. Thanks for sharing Tyco's special anniversary day with us and the photo. :-)
  7. As Parrot owners, we have a responsibility to our birds to ensure they feel safe and we have the responsibility to let strangers know that they can not pet or stick their hand up in our birds general area. All people child or old are so driven to reach out and pet a dog or cat that they think if you have some other type of critter with you, the same petting is just normal. So thats their first action when they start to interact with our birds. My opinion and policy with young children and strangers. Is to let them know up front that they are not to lift their hand towards my birds. This only results in one of two things, the bird becomes scared and either flies away or bites the threatening object. Family and friends that our birds are used to have been granted some interaction privileges based upon the birds wishes, not the individuals. If my birds wish interaction, they will fly to that person or walk over to them. It is a flock atmosphere as you would see in the wild. Some birds are shunned, sometimes they play together and sometimes it's just a bad day and they want to be left alone. I find it very interesting to sit back and observe these interactions and consider how flock based they are from the birds perspective. One thing to always remember, new arrivals are never just openly welcomed into a Grey flock, if at all.
  8. Good to see you on here again. :-) First, your grey is not slow and will continue to master new words. Second, he is maturing and realizes he has the ability to make a choice, namely refusing what you want by biting. YOu need to learn his body language and know when he is telling you the step-up is not going to happen without a fight. Thus, you can avoid a bite. Most Greys go through just just like a child realizing they have a brain and can make decisions with it. Third, big mistake if he thinks he is boss of the household. You need to ensure he understands that the flock respects each other and has operating rules in place. If you don't want him on you at the time, take him and place him back on a stand or on his cage. You may need to do this 100 times before he realises you are not going to change your mind. Almost every Grey owner goes thorough this. YOu little baby is gone and the crazy teen is emerging trying to exercise his independence. You do need to recognize his desire NOT to step up at times and just leave him be. Unless you need to move him for a good reason. This will build an understanding relationship between you two as a healthy flock.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/10 14:41
  9. Cute photo Sheila, I see the King of the Jungle is over looking his kingdom and slaves. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  10. So sorry to hear the bad news. You have my condolences. Daves response said it all.
  11. If it's hot in the house, yes leaving the cover off is fine.
  12. Thanks for the close up!!! :-)
  13. Awwww, what a terrible and exasperating dream. You have experienced, I believe what many of us have also regarding our Greys. Our subconscious sure does a number on us with our dreams comprise of our most prevalent fears.
  14. jackyshay wrote: I know your nervous and rightly so. But you love the little guy and the breeder seems to know exactly what their doing and taking all the right actions. This may be hard, but I would just pray for the little guy and see what the vet visit comes back with. It could be your Grey simply did not eat, drink and became dehydrated and weak.
  15. It's good to hear Koko survived the accident with that completely ignorant WRONG WAY flier. You may need to put up a Control Tower. It seems the Sky's are becoming crowded.
  16. danmcq


    Awww, Girls just wanna have fun right? Rebel is sure a fun Grey to read about and she's just getting started!! The photo does appear to show aftermath of plucking. It's greYt you are taking such good care of her and she is letting them come back in. :-) Looking forward to more updates and photos.
  17. Thanks for the background on her. She is a beautiful and obviously inquisitive Grey wanting to explore the great unknown areas of your home. :-) Dave's comments were informative and based on years of experience. As time goes by, the relationship and her familiarity of her new home will start making her feel more at ease and let her hair down a little. Looking forward to hearing updates on her and seeing more photos. :-)
  18. Janica it sounds like you are doing a wonderful job and that little baby is obviously very appreciative of it. Looking forward to updates as he or she gorws daily and seeing photos of the cute little guy. :-)
  19. Oh Jay, thank you, but it wasn't necessary. :-) You may have a problem with Joey though, he probably liked being Captain Kirk, rather the Jeey. ;-) Now Spock is really going to do the mind meld very intensely to find out just who this impostor is! :-)
  20. danmcq

    Chicken Bones?

    OK, now this thread has made me hungry for some BBQ'd Chicken....My Son has it on the grill now.....mmmmmmm, mmmmmmm....mmmmmmmmm :-) Rice pilaf, mixed veggies and salad sides.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'll save a couple of bones for Dayo. ;-)
  21. Thank you for talking about this subject Dave!! I always enjoy reading your no nonsense extremely educated and experience based responses. I still wish you would write a book. I believe it would out sell any other Grey book in print!!! I would be the first in line to purchase it. :-)
  22. Awww, Lilo has always been a sweet Grey and we enjoyed watching him grow up on this forum. This is good news and a nice update. Looking forward to seeing many more.
  23. How old is your Grey and how lng have you had it? If it is a rescued or adopted Grey, do youknow any of it's background? It is entirely possible it was never fledged and had it's wings were clipped and remained that way for years.
  24. I could have moved your post in the other room. Next just PM and I'll do so. :-) I have just a simple thing to say regarding all the reasons you were given for people not having a flighted bird. They were all common sense items listed that the owners clearly displayed negligence in not paying attention. You need to know where your bird is at all times, whether flighted or not. If you do, accidents like you described rarely if ever happen. Birds were meant to fly, not walk. They have superior health to non flighted birds and if in a dangerous situation can rapidly fly out of the way to safety. A clipped bird can not. "Clipped" birds also fly away to the horror of the owners when spooked. It is a false sense of security for the owners.
  25. I feel your anxiety and also your love and devotion for your Grey. I pray that all turns out well with the breeder taking care of it and also with the input results from tests already done and the additional blood sugar level test. If your Grey does happen to die, I would expect the breeder to provide another free of charge. However, I also know that the loss of your present baby would hurt deeply. Please keep us update as this progresses. We care deeply also.
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