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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Congratulations!! Names are tough, but once you have the B&G home, see the personality and know it's sex. A name will be easier to figure out. :-)
  2. Congratulations Tyco!! What a huge step forward or should I say flight. :-) Thats wonderful news Pat and I can only imagine your excitement, and feelings of accomplishment in both yourself and Tyco!! Thanks for sharing this moment. :-)
  3. "Oh My God" - That is a hilarious video. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  4. Yes, as long as the "furniture isn't just 12" wide. :-) I decided long ago NOT to get another Grey. It was because I know mine and he wants all our attention, when not preening or playing by himself. I figured I had a 50/50 chance of getting another Grey that would also want the attention. I guess it's just my preference to be available for Dayo.
  5. This is very sad news. Rishi is in my thoughts and prayers.
  6. 1sydneybird wrote: Yes, that potential would exist. Whether a chick would actually result from it, would be unlikey, unless the right nestbox and environment was provided.
  7. The short answer is, No. I like Jen's "Hooey" also. :-)
  8. Congratulations and our newly adopted Grey feeling comfotable enough to speak in your home or around you!! :-) They all only speak if and when they wish to. ;-)
  9. You can not change the dynamics that must and will take place of how your flock is going to interact. They are both trying to establish a relationship at some level. It will work out to whatever it is going to be eventually and then you will know how it will remain. That point has not yet been achieved. One thing I will say and know, is that if you try to control it completely, rather than just intervene if you see it is going to become dangerous, you will delay the process. I hope all goes well in this. :-)
  10. danmcq


    Char wrote: LOL! But, you know the enjoyment, laughter, sometimes SHOCK that all the clamering brings to you, along with the companionship and love.:-) Priceless!!!
  11. danmcq

    Iron toy

    Very cool toy. As spinner (Dave) said. There is no reason for it not to be safe. Most all of our cages are wrought iron and powder coated. They are safe until rust is becoming evident and if there are small rust spots, they can be cleaned and refinished. The same applies to that toy.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/25 16:00
  12. A Big THANK YOU back Penny!!! You have done a wonderful job on this forum and we are very fortunate to have you as an administrator. Kids and bids are demanding and expensive. Since they are old enough and all very smart. Put them to work in their free time to buy all those gadgets and toys they like to have the latest of constantly. Seriously though, I know it's gotta be tough in this economy and you are one hell of a provider!! Love Ya - Dan
  13. Jingles wrote: All I can say is ...................................... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the morning laugh. :-) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  14. Your are the favored person. Your wife is just another member of the flock that is subservient to Rishi. She can help with chores and feed him, but no touching. Will he take treats from her? Will he sit on her hand, arm or shoulder, but just no touching? If so, thats not bad, touching is just off limits at this time.
  15. danmcq


    As some of the others, Dayo's eyes are sometimes almond and sometimes round shaped. I am starting to believe when his eyes are almond shaped, he is about to commit an act of violence.... The EVIL EYE Awwww Awwwww Awwwwwww :ohmy: <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/24 16:15
  16. Well it say's I'm a Grey. But, I've always considered myself an Eagle.....Guess thats bad news for prey. Since Dayo is a chip off the shoulder,however Dayo thinks he's a screaming Pterodactyl. That must explain why he chases poor Jake.
  17. Dayo is covered at night. He sleeps on the perch beside his food bowl. It is approximately middle of the cage height. When he was very young 4 months to around 6 months. He would sleep on the bottom of his Cage on a towel we kept there for him.
  18. LOL Jill - One obsession to another. Have you had him tested for OCD???
  19. Answer - How long can you watch them? {Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}
  20. It will be a "Must have"...... Can't leave your office for a break? NO PROBLEM!!! Wish you had CONTROL over what goes on in the Company? NO PROBLEM!!! Everything going wrong and it's just one of those !@#!heeba hubba woffa!!&^$$$ Days? NO PROBLEM!!!
  21. It means they found a way to make a new sound they love! :-) Just wait until the stainless steel bowl throwing starts, thats a hoot and makes wonderful clanging sounds.
  22. LOL!! Glad you figured it out. It was probably just an Ugly Veggie Harvey didn't like the looks of.
  23. rbpittman wrote: I know where your coming from. It is VERY disturbing to realize that even at school level of government, these little people whom consider themselves demigods can and do take out there self righteousness out on our children and us if we try to exercise our God given right to decide what we wish our children to be taught as "right", when it goes against every moral fiber in our body. My wife and I went through a few incidences like this ourselves with certain school demigods in various grades and it is a real pain and the person that suffers the most is the child not understanding why an adult in authority would act so childish and vindictive. We home schooled our children for 4 years over an incident like that. I must say, when they went back to public school, they were a head of their grade level.
  24. Great photos and update Pat. It's good to hear how Darius just keeps blossoming under you loving care. :-)
  25. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Now thats empathic! Thanks for sharing it. :-)
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