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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I'm with Char on this also. All critters MAY try to engage in sexual acts with their caregivers. You see it in dogs, cats etc. I don't no how others deal with those situations, but I stop it immediately and let them know it is not acceptable on my body. If they desire to go do it to another like critter or stuffed toy fine. But not on me. It does not take many times for them to get the message, as others pointed out. Stop what your doing if you notice they are responding sexually to a certain way your are petting them.
  2. Dayo has some days he is more laid back, preening,eating less and napping, if it's quite etc. As you stated, it always throws up a signal to us Parronts to watch for any other signs of possible illness.
  3. The others comments are great. Emma sounds like a sweetheart and very low keyed grey when it comes to aggression. It could very well be you will have a similar experience as Judy. Each Grey is different, just like people.
  4. Spinner wrote: Hahahahahahahah, Beaker is a character! Thanks for the GreYt update. I love watching that nest box. :-)
  5. danmcq


    Eating a raw Garlic clove can kill your Grey very quickly. I would advice against letting it have even a little. Cooked in a dish where it's diluted a 1000 times is fine, but never raw. GreYt that you asked, your a good Parent!! :-)
  6. Well, it may never get published, but I am going to start on it. It is going to be written from Dayo's thought perspective. I have been reflecting a lot lately after reading many users experiences, comparing to mine and what happens when they must be willed or passed on to their next owners due to becoming disabled or death for example. We are both 56 and Dayo will probably live decades beyond us. It has been troubling me a lot lately, because I know he can never make do for himself, as our human children can. I want to write a book from Dayo's perspective covering from the time he was born to now and future as I write. When the time comes that we are close to passing on or become incapable of caring properly for him. Hopefully this will be a great manual for the new owners to know what Dayo expects, what he knows, how he acts and reacts and how they should respond and perform task, feeding, interacting etc. Dayo is truly a "Child" to us and we talk and interact with him just as a birthed child. He in turn, has became very fluent in speech and proper context to actually communicate on a level different than any other critter you could own and expects an acknowledgement, reply or action when he speaks. he truly is at the same mental level as a 3 year old child in all aspects. Every Grey's experience is different from birth up because every owner and household is different in how they interact with their Greys, teach their greys and of course every Grey has it's own differences as well. If it never gets published, there will at least be a very thick manuscript of his life up to our point of having to find a good home for him. I can not stand the thought of a new owner not understanding how Dayo has learned to communicate and interact with Humans by us. No one else would have a clue and may cause him to become self isolating, withdrawn and perhaps a pissed off attacker. I could not live with that. In a nutshell, I worry they would just treat him as another "pet". Which he is NOT!! Edited to add most important thing about Dayo: He is NEVER to be clipped and lose the little freedom and independence he has that makes him a member of the Avian class of living creatures. I will not will him or pass him on to anyone that would ever consider clipping as a "Must Do" for any reason. If there's a reason, they have "no right" to ever have the privilege of having Dayo as a part of "The Family". He MUST have all the freedom a family member does and interacted with at human level. Not as a "toy" they show off when they feel like it.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/18 15:06
  7. GreYt post Dave!! Char, I liked your comment too " A parrot has a hard enough time trying to figure out who the heck we are and where we fit in to their lives". I have been pondering that question a lot lately and how to best address it.
  8. If you and family are ready, do it! It shows no disrespect for Macey, which will always have a place in your heart and bring a tear when you think about her.
  9. Hahahahahahahahaha, Harvey is a hoot and love the "Headless Parrot"...hmmmmmmm sounds like a movie...VERY SCARY. Dayo does not fly into things since gaining good flight skills, but in the beginning he did as all do. He will still just fall off a perch every once in a blue moon. I don't know what causes it other than just not paying attention to what he is doping. Kinda like us walking and talking then stepping off a curb we didn't know was there...... WHOOPS, where'd that come from.
  10. Greyt photos, I love the Macaws. Thanks for posting these. :-)
  11. Enjoy......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-SK1-iILlY
  12. LOL Char!! I guess Whisper has decided there is not "You" in that song as far as your household goes. In response to tatdmommy, I have the same experience with Dayo as Char. They are indeed very selective of what they like as far as words go. Whistling is a natural. :-)
  13. It sounds like you are taking it slow and doing the right things. He is obviously very fearful right now. You say he was mistreated by his siblings. I assume this means his fellow greys from the clutch he was in? Was he hand friendly at the previous home or just in a cage with other Greys?
  14. The others have all given great comments and points to consider. Alfie is getting close to 2. She is really starting to feel her independence and desire for it. In the wild they become pretty much on their own by 2. Just some insight into a home with a 2.5 year old Grey...namely Dayo. My wife is his love muffin. He has always interacted with me very well, but not at the same level. I view myself more as a best friend that he likes to "Kick it" with, play games and yes get rough and go crazy. He just loves rough housing, playing catch with all types of things and him trying to shred them screaming, jumping on them and sometimes flying at me because he is so into it. So I get bitten good atleast once a day, but not too much blood letting. :-) Kim is now getting good bites, a cold shoulder when Dayo decides he wants to hang out with the guys (Me) and have fun. However, when Dayo wants those loving scratches, lay on the back cuddles etc. Thats Kim and NEVER me. Kim was trying to play with Dayo like I do with catch, he got very excited after a few minutes and flew straight at her face, which she quickly threw her arms up and ducked forcing him to turn sharply and land somewhere else. He also flew over, landed in the middle of her back and gave her a very hard pinch right in the middle of the neck because she took something from him he wanted and when she turned around, BAM! He does this to me too when something is taken he wants. We have both learned to duck quickly when we hear him flapping behind us now. :-) I'll bet David is not near the cuddle muffin you are still at night when thats what Alfie wants to do? There are times now, instead of cuddling with Kim, Dayo will just sit on my Arm and preen for an hour and does not want to go to Kim no matter how sweetly she asks him to. He goes when HE decides and sometimes thats just 10 minutes of cuddles before he goes to bed. The dynamics of how he and we interact are changing drastically as he becomes more independent and sure of himself. Sometimes he just does not want to go to bed and just having a step up and locking his talons or holding his back down does not work and he flies off. He hates perches being offered, so now rather than towel him (Which we never do), we turn lights off and go out on our patio and have a smoke or just talk for 10 minutes. Dayo can not stand this and peeps, paces back and forth etc. trying to see us out the windows and he can't because it's dark. The minute we walk back in he flies to one of our shoulders and one of us just leans down with the our arm outstretched into the cage near his perch and he walks from our shoulder down to his perch peacefully and contentedly. You are going to see many more changes in behaviour in the next year, so just be prepared and do not think you are losing him, your baby is growing up and becoming independent, which is the way of all the Earth. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/21 16:14
  15. Cute video of Juji. Thats one love muffin you have there. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  16. GreYt video of Ana using that foraging wheel. What an inteeligent girl!! :-) Thanks for sharing this and looking forward to MANY more. Karma your way. :-)
  17. For those who missed it, she did a beautiful rendition of Wild Wild Horses.......Enjoy!!! Crank the Speakers up!!
  18. GreYt video of Blue Sheila! He is such an obedient Grey. I can only hope Dayo will be as well behaved when he is older and calmer.
  19. My thoughts and prayers are with you you Kitty^3. Please keep us updated as you have time. Also, keep yourself busy with family, friends, your Grey etc. to keep your mind off it. The mind is our worst enemy in times like this. God Bless - Dan
  20. Blue looks pissed and is telling you "Just wait until mom and dad gets back, I'm telling!!". Thanks for sharing this moment Sheila. :-)
  21. They certainly are full of surprises almost everyday at that age. Yoshi is very brave and learning her limits as she tries and succeeds, then tries and fails. They do love the praise. I swear you can almost see them smile. :-) Thanks for sharing all this about Yoshi!!
  22. I always love videos of Emma. She is such a great talker and in perfect context. Keep these videos coming!!! Karma to you. :-)
  23. Mocha is such a beautiful, intelligent and curios Hill Mynah. I love the updates. Everytime I view them, it makes me want to go get another, but then I come back to reality. We certainly enjoyed the 11 years we had Jack, our Hill Mynah, 20+ years ago. :-) Thanks for being so regular on updates!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/18 14:56
  24. I love e-Kookie. It looks like he is truly inspecting each and every photo on that screen. :-)
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