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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I am so sorry to hear your Grey is lost. I pray for a speedy recovery. Please keep us posted. :-)
  2. It's wonderful that Koko is so outgoing and adventurous. :-) Next time get photos or better yet video.
  3. GreYt video of Alfie. Very entertaining and really coming along in the talking and whistling tunes. :-) You know of course, you need to take many more videos now!! Karma to you for posting this. :-)
  4. My take on weighing intelligence in any critter is always gauged against human IQ test and capabilities. If any critters were capable if giving humans IQ tests written by critters, we would probably be listed as low and severely lacking any living and survival skills and of course no perceptable communications other than body language. Those are the skills, intelligence, communicative and intuitive skills that keep them all living and healthy. Some critters have better "Tool" usage skills than others, some have hunting skills, all have apparent "Plant Knowledge" to know what is safe and what is poisonous and some have the most advanced navigation systems on the planet, including fish and sea mammals. I personally believe all creatures are sentient beings, know hurt, love (of some type), fear, pain and social skills. The thing that sets Parrots and some birds apart, is when they have speech ability, we humans can actually some what communicate them and thus the "Light" goes on that critters a lot more than many humans believed or didn't want to believe. I think trying to rate one critters over anothers is highly suspect and just guessing at best.
  5. lovethatgrey wrote: These statements are 100 percent correct. You are right, we do need to be careful that when we post things we do or give to our Parrots in small and moderate quantities and perhaps only once week. Can be VERY HARMFUL when given in large quantities and even too often as in daily or even every other day would be too much. I personally keep Dairy products at a low level of one time in week in a very small amount. I just wanted to post this to ensure no one thinks I am saying Lovethatgrey is wrong in her post of facts.
  6. Ok, the scientific facts and I must also state some "Theories", all say that dairy products i.e. Milk, Yogurt, Cheese etc. are ALL fine in Moderation. Yogurt containing "Good" bacteria is in fact often reccomended by Avian Veterinarians for birds. Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Ice Cream etc. are also sources of Calcium and vitamin D. The KEY here, is MODERATION and small quantities. I give all the above to my Grey and Conure. They are both in excellent health and plumage.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/06 17:10
  7. What a transformation that has taken place! GreYt job Pat and thanks for these beautiful photos of Darius. :-)
  8. Oh, from the home to home to home you describe. There is no doubt hse is a little stressed. It's wonderful you have taken her in and she is already getting friendly with you. Hopefully after a while, she will be right at home and no longer plucking from stress. :-)
  9. GreYt photos!! Was that the result you wanted?? Thanks for posting them!!
  10. danmcq

    Baby Talk

    Well congratulations on the beginning of sounds effects and rumblings!! Get the video cam out and get him used to being taped. Thats what I had to do also. The minute I would bring it out, he shut-up. :-) So I just started keeping it out and pointing it at him when he would start talking. Eventually they get to where the don't seem to think anything of it.
  11. danmcq

    Ragga's home!

    Congratulations on Ragga being home!!! Looking forward to hearing more, seeing photos and videos. :-)
  12. This photo sure appears to me that she is plucking. It could be a little habit she brought with her. They will do this when nervous sometimes. Did She appear to me missing a few feathers on the breast when you brought her home?
  13. Hahahahahahahahahaha, GreYt photos!!! What a character. Thanks for posting them. :-)
  14. Storm is a good talker. I know what you mean in regards trying to capture them on video. The minute the camera comes out or they notice your watching them, the beak slams shut. :-) Thanks for sharing this video. I am positive there will be more to follow as Storm gets used to having video's taken of her. I haev a feeling she gets into EVERYTHING, from the "What did you does?"
  15. Dave007 wrote: Hahahahahahaha Dave!! :-) Well, considering the X and Y theories stated above. I believe the reason my "Theory" didn't work. I forgot basic chromosomes in human sexing. Dayo and I bot are Males, therefore we have both the X and Y Chromosome. There an X or a Y cannot produce a different outcome in either one of our reactions. A "Z" must be introduced into the situation. Now, it is possible the "Theory" may work on females if you use "Y" only, due to females having XX Chromosomes.
  16. The Breeder demanded that Dayos feathers be trimmed before letting us bring him home. Even though we begged for them not to. They did concede to a "Long Clip" of 4 primaries on each side. Dayo did not regain all his full and glorious primaries until he was 18 months old. They molted out very slowy starting in the 12 month old range.
  17. That depends on what type of scare you are referring to. But, the things that have scared me the most, are not of threats to me, but to my family: #1 My Son in a Motorcycle accident with head injuries (Thank God for Helmets). That was the longest 3 hour drive in our lives to the Hospital he was in. #2 My wife being diagnosed with and being treated for Cancer. Thankfully she has been cancer free for 9 years now.
  18. As Judy said, head shaking is normal. Unless it is chronic. Are Phoebe's nares clear and ears have no apparent drainage?
  19. Davey - That was a GreYt poem. I am adding it to Dayo's Journal in an appropriate place. :-) Jill - Very nice and entertaining poem. It seems we have another poet in our midst!! :-)
  20. Sometimes the subconscious mind is a terrible thing. Our dreams are made up mostly of processing taking place of information we took in that day, things that happened and of course the forefront of those thoughts at times are our most dearly loved. I have had some terrible nightmares over the years regarding those I love and so has my wife. These included our children and pets. The odd thing is, we seem to worry more about our FIDs, than we did over our children. I believe this is due to our understanding of just how much they depend on us for their very lives and will never be capable of "Taking Control" over their own well being. We all know our children are growing and learning each day how to be self sufficient and one day they will leave the "Nest" fully capable of building their own lives. The saying "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed." is so true and a very heavy responsibility.
  21. All birds feathers are highly water resistant. This true whether they have a preening gland or not. If a birds feathers actually soaked up water, they would not be able to fly due to the weight. Bathing simply removes the dander and helps a bird clean their feathers and a little of their skin if they will actually fluff their feathers and let the water get to it.
  22. Dan - Since you are/were planning on getting a Grey about a year down the road. Which I presume is due to your present busy schedule of work, school and volunteering. I believe you will be much better equipped a year from now to look at your schedule and life then, to decide if timing is right yet for a Grey. It may or may-not, depending on decisions you make in regards continuing on to your BS degree, perhaps marriage etc. :-) You just never know what a year may bring to you in terms of change. It is very admirable, that you are starting so far in advance to gain the knowledge and seek advice on when the timing may be right for the Parrot you wish to make a family member for the next 50 years. :-) Being an EMT is a tough job and a life saver. My hat is off to you!!
  23. What a GreYt video!! :-) I loved it. The most intriguing part for me, with the Greys versus the Clete's game. Was they actually knew which end of the court to "Slam Dunk" the ball in. I watched closely and they always got it right. I must say though, there was some "Traveling" taking place. Karma to you for this video find!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/05 14:31
  24. If your Grey can fly at atleast a 45 degree angle to the floor. he is fine. Two flights were not nearly enough for him to get any sense of how flight works other than just flapping his wings. Let him continue to try out his flight abilities and even encourage it. Place him where he can try out very short "Hops" using his wings. Like place a playstand only 2 feet away and try to get him to flap over to it. Doing this will help him learn to target and land properly. After he can get 2 feet away, move it 3, 4, 6 etc. He will soon learn what he can make it to. He will also build up those breast muscles and gain greater flight capability. Of course he will not be able to do aerial acrobatics, hover, turn well etc. until those primaries molt out and grow in replacements.
  25. Is he eating his "Proper" Parrot food, such as Pellets, seed mix, nuts? Has his weight gone down? At such a young age, getting a weight reading each morning AFTER their first Poop is important. It will give you a general idea if your Grey is eating properly and maintaining his weight. You can not tell anything by trying to judge how much he is actually eating, compared to just tearing up and throwing down.
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