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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Awwww, what a sweet photo journey of "First Contact". I love the way Koko is slipping Mocha some tongue right off the bat. Thanks for sharing these, they are wonderful. :-)
  2. Congratulations!! What a pretty baby he or she is!! :-)
  3. Wow, look at all those colorful feathers coming in, beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing these Jay!! :-)
  4. Thats good news and probably helping to build the trust. You might try spoon feeding the formula or other warmed up foods as others suggested, like baby food which comes in many veggie and fruit types. You can even bend a spoon, if you wish, to make it resemble more of a funnel at the feeding end. But, you don't have to for them to just eat from it themselves.
  5. About 6:30 (I know he is awake at 6, sometimes 5) and he starts low mumbling of What are you doing, good boy...yeah, your such a good boy. If that doesn't get our attention, he becomes louder with cheeps and other contact calls.
  6. Is that Elvis??? Thanks for posting this GreYt enhanced photo. :-)
  7. Dopple wrote: Then I would suspect he has not flown much. They learn very quickly when flying where to avoid. Perhaps you could entice him to fly by walking a distance away and offering a favorite treat for him to come and get or a Playstand would also be a natural target he would fly from his cage to. :-)
  8. Natalia wrote: His cage is not the issue. He just wants out like any other Grey that see's their owner and flock. They will climb all over, chirp, whistle etc. to get you to come and let them out NOW. Your Grey is acting perfectly normal. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/27 15:21
  9. Well, my CAG and Conure have an agreement, the CAG is the "CHASOR" and the Conure is the "CHASEE". The Conure would love to just be buddies, but not the CAG. The Conure is just a source of amusement ..... :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/27 15:15
  10. danmcq


    Sounds like it's working to me Pat. Adaya is getting LOTS of Apple. ;-) She is such a sweet heart. It is funny how they practice and say the same word(s)over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over over over and over over over over over over and over , whoops sorry, it must be catching. :-)
  11. Hahahahaha, what a cute question!! :-) Cocoa is quite a character and sounds like he is really adjusted well and liking his new home. The photo shows he is a good looking and friendly Grey. Yes, we keep a list of words and phrases. The problem is not updating it often enough.....Thanks for reminding me
  12. Hi Dopple - It's good to hear from you again. :-) 1. He may have feathers coming in that are bothering him. Most greys have been going trough molts for the last couple of months. 2. A larger and different bowl for bathing will take time for Leo to get used to before he will get in it. If you want to try and get him to bath in it, place in it the bottom of his cage or where he stays long enough to explore it. You could even try placing a favorite toy like a toy ball or even a few ice cubes which they like to crack and eat. 3. This is a tougher one. The best solution is to move the cage elsewhere, if you can, that Leo can not reach something to chew on. The other possibility is to purchase a roll around playstand with "T" perch and food cups to perhaps provide him with a place he will enjoy hanging out on, rather than his cage and closer to you. Regarding his sense of direction. He knows that room by heart. I assume you mean other rooms or hallways. If he has been flighted a while now, he can bank, slow, turn etc. before he hits something. The more he flies around and investigates, the better his flying skills and also familiarity with your homes layout. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/27 15:01
  13. Excellent Post and topic!! When you consider they have at least the intelligence of a 3 year old child. It is clearly evident, that it is all encompassing meaning the full intellect, comprehension, reasoning and all other mental abilities. I would say it took me about as long to figure that out as well. The light did not go on for me until I tried the "Lets Ring the Bell" game. What this was, is I had played with Dayo several times racing him to the cage and ringing the bell hanging inside. He of course started priding himself in being able to beat me, once he caught on. :-) Well, when he started getting to where he would refuse to step-up when "We" thought it was bedtime, I used the "Lets ring the Bell" game and I closed it with him inside, tricking him.... This only worked 2 times. He no longer plays that game, for fear of being locked in his cage. This of course, was my bad.. it was a fun game .... Reasoning with them, with a positive outcome as you describe, is the proper way to do it. If you can find the thing they will do just about anything for. :-) Karma to you!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/26 21:01
  14. The spoon feeding something she likes is a great idea. So is taking her in the room you are in most the time. They need that and it will speed up the process of her feeling comfortable. :-)
  15. danmcq


    Pat - Give Adaya a piece of Apple!! At Least that will stop it for about 20 seconds, as it is eaten. Congrats on the new word!!
  16. Sorry to hear of your wifes bitten and bruised fingers. She is a trooper!! Unfortunately, as others have said. There is normally only one that can get that intimate with most Grey's.
  17. Nice photos of your beautiful baby CAG. :-) Thanks for sharing these.
  18. What an intelligent Grey Dixie is. I love the conversation and correct context of the conversation. Thanks for sharing this glimpse into Dixie's ever growing speech and learning abilities. :-) Judy _ I can guess what Josey says when someone walks in "Annie, get your Gun!!". The Conure screams of the thought of the loud blasting about to take place..... "another one bites the dust". :-)
  19. Look at all those shiny black feathers that have opened!! Absolutely beautiful. LOL !! I love the Harness training!!!! :-) Thanks for continuing the constant updates. I've become addicted to them and look forward each day to reading my morning "Mocha News".!!!
  20. Welcome Natalia and Ganzha!! What a cute baby CAG. :-) Thanks for sharing the photo and looking forward to hearing more from you.
  21. GreYt photos, love the "Poses".
  22. Enzo - Your Breeder is spot on. Until your Grey becomes used to you and the surroundings, leave her in the cage. I would not recommend trying to mist her at this time either. That will just make you seem more of an evil water spraying monster to her. They can not tell the difference between something they need like a bath and an out-right attack from a stranger. So this can just wait until you become on friendly and trusted terms with her. Sit and talk to her as much as you can as close as you can, offer treats from outside the cage like apples, grapes, almonds, pine nuts etc and just talk in a happy voice to her. I know it's hard being so close, yet so far away from a critter you love unconditionally, but they do not reciprocate that same feeling. Remember, they are a prey critter and rightly afraid of strangers and new unidentifiable items. Look at things through your eyes fo a huge monster saying it's ok buddy, I won't hurt you. :-) Yeah right...your gonna kill and eat me as a snack. ;-) Trust must be earned, it is not a given with any critter or human.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/25 20:43
  23. Did you ever notice the "Lump" before? I would imagine you would have, the way we all carefully look our Greys over constantly. However, when the eat, their crop does extend out in a small to large lump depending on how much they ate. Is it possible your Grey swallowed something like a small toy or something?
  24. Sorry to hear of the fly away and happy to hear of the retrieval!! :-) One thought, if your bird had been flighted and fully fledged, flying down to you would not have been a problem. :-) It will take you a while to mentally deal with this though. I know, been there and done that 2X. Both my birds are now fully flighted. :-)
  25. Happy B-Day Barney!!!!! {Feel-good-00020114}{Feel-good-000200A1}{Feel-good-000200A2}{Characters-000200D0}{Characters-0002005C}{Characters-0002005C}{Characters-0002005C}
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