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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Awwww, look at all that plumage showing up!!! What a pretty birdy Mocha is becoming. Thanks for posting these latest photos!! :-)
  2. Welcome as1720!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Thanks for the photos of your soon to be baby TAG. He or She is a cutey!!
  3. Wonderful Dave, I loved it!!! :-)
  4. danmcq


    Well, I must cage my Grey and either mist him with a spray bottle until drenched or as now in the summer, I roll him outside and shoot a cone spray from the hose with nozzle over his cage and let it rain down on him for about 20 minutes. I then mist him with Aloe Juice 100 percent strength from a spray bottle after that. Many Greys will not take a bath willingly. :-)
  5. Welcome Lee, Cocoa and the whole flock!! It's GreYt having you here and thanks for the wonderful introduction. Cocoa sounds like a great Grey and has obviously taken to the new home and your family very well. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more videos as well. :-)
  6. Absolutely Beautiful and highly functional. It looks like Calypso and flock are really enjoying it. :-)
  7. Fabulous photos of Mocha!! I love this almost daily photo journal, it is so fascinating to watch the growth. :-) Keep them coming!!
  8. Wow, he is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing the photo. :-)
  9. I would suggest let her keep flying and building confidence, skills and physical strength. Personally, I think you should not ever clip your Greys wings. :-)
  10. LOL - That big furry ball is scary isn't it? :-) It sounds like He may prefer Men over women and thus the regurgitating for your Husband. If this is so, he will interact at a completely different level with your Husband than you. This means your husband may be the path to gaining his trust sooner by him interacting more with "J". Doing so may get him more apt to accept step-ups and head scratches sooner with your husband and the other members of the flock like yourself will then have "Secondary" interaction privileges meaning you may or may not be permitted to give scratches. It will all sort itself out over time as he becomes familiar and comfortable with you and family as his new flock and forever home. :-)
  11. Welcome tigger271!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) In regards your new baby. She was fine when your Breeder brought her, because she was in the company of her Flock and "Mommy". So when the Breeder walked out the door, all familiarity left and so did her security. Back off with trying to get her out of the cage for now. Sit next to her cage and read, watch TV and talk to her. Her fluffing means she is afraid and to back off. Trying to force her to come closer than her comfort zone allows will just make things worse. The first thing you must build id her trust. This only comes with time and patience. Just take it slowly with her as she adjusts to her new home, surroundings and flock. She's a baby and will adapt quickly compared to a mature Grey. :-) Watch her body language for fluffing and eyes pinning. The growls mean you are already too close and you should not go past that zone unless it's to feed her or work on the cage cleaning etc.
  12. LOL!! Oh Yeah, Zippers are BIG FUN!! Great photos of the dastardly deed. I see you were more thoughtful or getting photos, than saving your husbands coat..... I suspect it is one you don't like on him. Tip - Don't let your husband see the photos, swear you RAN and retrieved Keeko immediately. ;-) :-)
  13. Oh, having his same cage and having been at the same home from weaning until now is a GreYt scenario. :-) Greys are notorious for being very fast with their bites and at the age of 12, he has learned to mask his body language well, when he wants to. It sounds like you Zon is similar in interaction with those whom he loves and those who are the "Less Loved" in terms of biting. Greys are the same way. If anything, most times they will just beak very hard the one they love and bite to bring blood on others if they try something he doesn't want to do or invade his space. You're off to a GreYt start and are doing and asking all the right things. J is in the prefect 2nd home. :-)
  14. Thanks for the update on Chicken. He sounds and looks like he is in GreYt shape and progressing well. I love the photo and look at those new heathers coming in!! :-)
  15. Well, after reading and considering your post. You could have lost a little trust by performing #1 in handing your Grey off to children. Most Greys do not feel comfortable around them. Remember, Flock members never put each other at risk. Your Grey may feel he was put into an unsafe position by you. Other than that, your Grey may just not want a scratch the time and thats how they communicate it. :-)
  16. Hahahahahahahaha, love it!! :-) Hey, go hang upsidedown, do some pull-ups and climb on an Atom and see if you consider it fun or work.
  17. Jooles is right. Good food, high in protein and crunchy when bitten into!! Crickets are good watch dogs too, you wake up when they stop. They go silent when someone or something approaches.
  18. Dave gave GreYt advice and commentary on taking in a mature Grey. I would imagine the time, patience and love you used to help the Amazon to feel comfortable and welcome in your home will go a long ways in helping you understand the time and observation it takes to bring a re-homed bird into your home. It's a whole new world and flock to them. Greys are more cautious in most cases when it comes to new people, places, toys, cages etc. Just pay careful attention to his body language and eyes to get a reading on whether he is comfortable with you and what your about to do. If he is not screaming or growling when you change his food and water, thats a good sign. :-) Does he seem to come towards the side of the cage your approaching and perhaps show interest? How does he react when changing food, water or changing bottom paper? Was he with the previous home for those 12 years and if so, did they impart any of his personality, likes and dislikes in all things such as food, toys, scratches, perching etc.? It's wonderful you are taking in these birds in need of a good home they can count on. :-) Looking forward to updates and photos.
  19. Nice update on Yoshi. She sounds like a well socialized baby Grey. Thanks for the update. :-)
  20. Welcome Rain and Flock!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get a chance.
  21. Any bird naturally tries at first to land on the highest place....your head. :-) Judy gave good advice. You can also just move your head while they are trying to land or if they do land just bend forward so they fall off. They learn very rapidly what a bad perching area is and will no longer try, after a few bad experiences. Kinda of like them flying to a small lamp, trying to land and having it fall over. They normally only try landing there once, maybe twice at most.
  22. Ive never heard of such a thing!! Was it a close friend of the Parrot owner? Hearing the follow up and what caused this type of action would certainly be interesting to hear.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/22 20:02
  23. Hahahahahahahahahaha - GreYt thread!! Greys for the most part do seem to enjoy opening a can-o-whoopA$$ on their toys now and then. The bad part is, sometimes they get so goddangit excited into a frenzy, they carry it over to you. :pinch: If your in the near vicinity. So like they say "Just back away and nobody gets hurt".
  24. LOL!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Thanks for the belly laugh Jill, wiping tears from eyes...... The only way I can mist my Grey is in the cage, where there is no escape. I used to in the shower when he was 16 weeks old, but that only last until he was 20 weeks and figured out he could fly over or around me to get out. Sorry you had such a bad go of it, but the bright side is, it is a funny as hell story!! :-)
  25. This person is a product of the Nigerian spammer/scammer phenomenon. Google the email address of marymabou009@yahoo.com. You will find a bunch of sites where this person has registered their email and alias. Don't get swindled because they pile the love on heavy and will ask you for a money transfer or something crazy having to do with money orders. I found this website on a google search. Someone decided to play along with the scammer's ploy and the dialogue is hilarious. http://www.eliteyurilovers.com/groups/viewdiscussion/116-Eggie+Vs+N... I've had scammers contact me through spam and craigslist. No networking site is safe! All you can do is remain vigilant and keep an eye out for spelling mistakes and bs. Just delete any emails you receive from people you do not know or are expecting.
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